Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


When Glory died, I checked her body and I couldn't find a synth component. Is she really a synth? 04:39, November 30, 2015 (UTC)

  • I noted the same thing and added a notes section to mention this. Not sure if it is a mistake or not.
  • This tells me she is not a synth unless bethesda confirm it's a bug. There's no hard evidence she is a synth otherwise except by what she says, im guessing she is a shill poster girl for the railroad. -ItsHectic
Egret Marina shows us there definitely are instances where normal people end up thinking they're synths. With how extreme Glory's fanaticism is I really wouldn't put it above her to be a messed up person who has convinced herself she is a Gen3. Glory says she has a Made in The Institute tattoo on her butt but why would the Institute ever want to have such an obvious tell when the whole point of Gen3s was infiltration? There are instances like the "Synth" at Ticonderoga who also don't drop Synth Component on death but with the amount of attention given to Glory and her identity as a Synth I'm doubtful it's a simple case of oversight. 03:00, December 9, 2015 (UTC)
Yeah I would say this page needs a definitive edit to say she's in fact human. Her reasoning for claiming to be a Synth is unknown but yeah I think unless officially said so it is the best policy to assume no synth component = no Synth. Say for example, f a person plays the first part of the Brotherhood quests and interacts with Danse and then kills him as part of the Institute or Railroad they'd probably be surprised to find the synth component on him, it's the same here, someone who plays entirely as Railroad will believe Glory is a Synth but when killed as part of the Brotherhood or whatever on another playthrough they'd be intrigued to discover she is in fact not. This is speaking from a viewpoint long null since the age of datamining and wikis. But the point is as an encyclopedia of in-game content it is illogical to just assume something curious is a bug when there is a clear pattern in place. TOMreboot (talk) 17:27, January 26, 2016 (UTC)
In this case there is a terminal entry from Desdemona. I just found it in the game data, but it should appear on PAMs terminal, probably after the railroad ending.
" One of our rescues, G7-81, took a strange turn. Most synths are traumatized and go through the procedure with Doc A. G7 opted out. Begged to join. Did some crazy stunts with High Rise at Ticon.
Called her into the HQ. Promoted "Glory" to heavy. She's well suited for the role (perhaps too much so)."
--Alfwyn (talk) 18:19, January 26, 2016 (UTC)

Deacon claims that he's a synth as one of the first of his affinity lies. So I would say that no component = HUMAN. Despite having a synth fetish. 18:26, February 25, 2016 (UTC)

And despite Desdemona claiming she's a synth that was rescued? Shaun (synth) has no synth component either, and there are others. Unfortunately it doesn't seem to be that easy. --Alfwyn (talk) 18:42, February 25, 2016 (UTC)

Curies body caretaker[]

If you have not discovered the Railroad when you do Emergent Behavior then a random female is the caretaker, not Glory. This Wiki was correct last time I checked (after being shocked Glory was not the caretaker on my second playthrough without any factions met) and stated this fact, but it's been edited out, not sure why.

Alive bug confirmed on PC[]

Glory alive after Minutement ending in PC version. I'm observing her right now
