Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

[Hard] Terminal[]

There is a [Hard] locked terminal on the ground floor, in a room. Any ideas what it does? -- 05:56, 31 December 2008 (UTC)

Locked Door[]

There's also a locked double wood door with light coming out of it on the same level as Red that I couldn't open because it requires a key. Any idea where the key is? I found a couple of jailer's keys on the super mutants, but they didn't open it. -- 06:36, 12 January 2009 (UTC)

I believe this is the nailed-shut front door.

The door does not lead to anywhere - there is no key for the door and it is unable to be opened because it is nailed shut. I don't know why it says its locked, it might be a game error.

Bugged trainwreck raider camp[]

The trainwreck raider camp with a copy of D&C 1/3 of the way to minefield is very badly bugged for me. Every time I load it, when I attack from the right(the player's right when approaching from Nazitown), the raiders are invincible, the tracers from my gun fire artifact, that whole rocky outcropping on that side artifacts and quakes, the rocks entirely or partially disappear and then I get stuck inside them, actually where they're supposed to be, it just looks like I'm stuck in mid air. When I attack from the left I can't pick up or interact in anyway with any of the items inside the bathtub or the ammo boxes next to it. I can pick up the leather belt. This is at night in game time. I'm going to try waiting and going at it during the day. I have Star Paladin Cross with me and I've tried leaving her back at the station with no effect.

Can't say I'm familiar with that. It was awesome when I killed all 3 of them with one bullet; turns out I hit a grenade in one of their hands.
And what's "Nazitown" supposed to be? Oh, you mean "Germantown"? Don't you find it a bit silly to call it "Nazitown" just because it has the word "german" in it? 13:10, August 28, 2010 (UTC)


Where is the entrance to the basement??--Cc123 03:38, 25 April 2009 (UTC)

I found it myself, don't know why I had so much trouble--Cc123 03:54, 26 April 2009 (UTC)

DC Journal of Internal Medicine[]

There isn't one, nor any other skillbook in the conference room table in my game. (PS3) --Penumbra 22:01, 31 May 2009 (UTC)

There's not one in my game either. I did not trigger the land mine that the article cautions against, and I used the TCL (toggle clipping) to search under the floor and in all the hard-to-see places. I really don't think it exists.

no it exist i picked up and almost got blown to hell by the landmine God damn ghouls 21:13, April 5, 2010 (UTC)

I also didn't find any skill book on the conference table... Obax42 (talk) 06:12, February 27, 2016 (UTC)

Mislabled Super Mutant?[]

Hey i was playing through the police hq and about to rescue shorty when i noticed a final super mutant. i used a sneak attack critical and only damaged him for a small fraction of his health at which point i realized he was actually a super mutant overlord. i was wondering if anyone hadh this bug or whether or not this occurred in other places as well. EDIT: when i attacked it with the alien blaster to knock down more of its health it began to attack me, at which point i realized it had no weapon. additionally it only damaged as much (if not less) than a regular super mutant. the only differnce, as i said, was the fact it looked like an overlord and had as much health as one. 15:48, 19 July 2009 (UTC)

Same here, man! Another one of these appears during the "Stealing Independence" quest, when you defend the rotunda with Sydney. I think it's one of the last mutants to attack the rotunda and he's carrying a missile launcher. As above, he is named "Super Mutant" while looking like an Overlord and taking as many hits as one.

On mine it was a Super Mutant Master using a hunting rifle instead of a Chinese Assault Rifle and labeled a regular Super Mutant. Telos 10:47, July 9, 2010 (UTC)

Bizarre 911 Call-Chef Brian?[]

I was reading the call log for the Germantown Police Station, and to me it seems as though this could be a reference to Ctl-Alt-Del's Chef Brian. Thoughts?

I'm pretty sure it was just meant to be some random schizophrenic who can't differentiate reality from fantasy. 19:57, February 7, 2010 (UTC)
The 1st time I read the Bizarre 911 Call in the Police HQ it made me lol. Chiefsean16 19:03, June 17, 2010 (UTC)

coincidental offensive password to locked terminal[]

I was going on the locked terminal (the one across the room from were the super mutants talk) and I went to hack it. The first word was "holocaust" and I thought "that would be funny if it was the password, Here at the GERMAN town police HQ." so I pressed it and sure enough, it was the correct password. I started laughing bit. (yes I know that when it is one of the choices it is refrering to the nuclear holocaust, but it was still quite a coincident.) Snakefrog0725 17:03, October 4, 2010 (UTC)

Station alarm[]

What does this do? Purely for "flavor"? I turned it on and nothing special happened from what I can tell. It stopped by itself after a while. -- 05:31, May 27, 2012 (UTC)

I think it may get the attention of the Super Mutants on the floor if they're still alive. Never actually tried it myself. User:Great_MaraMessage 05:55, May 27, 2012 (UTC)