Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Can anyone say why this is notable? It seems rather trivial. - Redmess 14:14, November 3, 2009 (UTC)

What about "shoes" ?

SaintPain TinySaintPainThat was broke afore I got here." 06:54, June 8, 2013 (UTC)


Why does it say he is a resident of vault 101 in 2275? You can't even play fallout 3 at that year.

That means that you're saying that he left the vault while the transitions happened and came back?

Model swap?[]

Why is his Teenage model and Adult models 2 completely different people? The teen model has a bigger nose, and more baby face, and is pale, while his adult model has a small nose, different eyes and is tan?

Image of Freddies as a tunnel snake ?[]

What game is this image from ? Freddie Gomez TOH.jpg

I never seen Freddie Gomez in a Tunnel Snakes jacket.

Where is that image from ? There are only 2 quests that have NPCs in Tunnel snake outfits. One is before the GOAT & Freddie dose not wear the outfit there.

Where is that image and background info soursed from.

You dare to question the Image Master? :) It's been over 2 years but I'm certain I took it straight from the game during Trouble on the Homefront. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 12:53, June 8, 2013 (UTC)
  • If I DO NOT DARE to question every one, well then I am just not me & MOST OF ALL, repectfully, We would not have an honest forum.

It must have had some other special circumtance.. Was it if Butch never gave the Player character his jacket in escape?..

I honestly never seen it .. Freedy Gomez should die in escape ..

I will repay that bit & get back to you but I never mangeged to save him from the guards that were shooting all that moved..

Freddie Gomez ..I will be right back.

SaintPain TinySaintPainThat was broke afore I got here." 13:03, June 8, 2013 (UTC)

OK I just repayed the whole bithday and GOAT bit. Freddie Gomez dose not apear as a 10 year old but he is a none vilent ~ kind of ignorant classmate in a vault 101 jump suit.

If you paly as a girl is it different ?

  • Huge note : Where did all this come from " Article quote " 2260sEdit

In the 2260s, Freddie is ridiculed by some of his peers. He is nicknamed 'Freddie the Freak' and is compared unfavorably to the comic book character Grognak the Barbarian.

" End quote " Was that in game or just GECK notes ??

My point is as always if it is not in game & playable then it is just foot notes.

So where did this nicknake stuff come from ?

SaintPain TinySaintPainThat was broke afore I got here." 13:44, June 8, 2013 (UTC)

Freddie in Vault 101 Atrium Upper Level

Here's Freddie during TOH in the Atrium/Upper Level, taken straight from the GECK. Note is probably taken from the guide. First do some investigation, then ask questions. Jspoel Speech Jspoel 13:50, June 8, 2013 (UTC)

  • I just do not have GECK so all I can do is play.. If it's not in game it should be left out of articles.. "Other than notes" Game FACTS is what we have been preaching for years here.

Game facts. Dose he Freddie Gomez appear in the Fallout game and is there referance to Butch and the others calling him "Freddie the Freak" or is this just GECK notes.

  • If it is from just the GECK then it is the same as CUT content and should be noted as such.

I have played the game enough that it qualifies as resurch.. If it did not seem strange I would not question it.

The GECK might seem like a fine tool, Magazines and developer notes as well but if they are not referanced and considered as such. Then Game play should always be considered as the best athority.

  • Example the Brochure for a trip to Iraq might point out the tourist attractions and list some safty tips but it's a far cry from be'n knocked ass deep into the blood and guts of the peacful family resturant owners you just spent a nice afternoon with because some insurgent was jelouse of the shop owners western popularity.

This is not opinion or random it is what defines us. Is GECK the authority or is actual game published and played what is real.

The GECK, Mods and publications have their place.

Where is the game FACTS?

SaintPain TinySaintPainThat was broke afore I got here."

It says in the article that during Trouble on the Homefront, "Freddie's mother might tell you he died during Escape!...", or something like that. Is there any way to control if he lives or dies? I don't recall seeing him at all during Escape. Trying to keep as many characters alive in general throughout the game as a whole. --Lone Plunderer 23:26, 28 May 2009 (UTC)

Self edit here: According to Jspoelstra's G.E.C.K findings. Freddie Gomez is not found interactive as a 101 vault NPC until the quest Trouble on the Homefront or G.E.C.K. files are accessed. I mistook Feddie for Tom Holden as the victem gunned down by 101 guards in Escape!

But That still leaves the question of the other Snakes calling him Feddie the Freak. Freddie was not found in game as a child or teen so where did all that come form.. If you can't document it.. You should not post it as game fact.

SaintPain TinySaintPainThat was broke afore I got here." 08:13, June 10, 2013 (UTC)
