Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


So there is an elevator in here, that is fully functioning, but is entirely blocked off. There is one or two Mini-Nukes down there, and another group of Super Mutants.

I had to tcl to get to the elevator. Is the basement part of some sort of quest that would remove the rubble blocking the elevator, or was the basement simply cut from the game?

No bugs encountered down there by the way.

user:fredgiblet The basement is part of the Brotherhood of Steel questline.

Randomized loot is not notable loot Removed two items from the "notable loot" section because they were found in containers with randomized loot.

Notable Loot[]

As the previous editor said, the notable loot section should not contain random loot. I believe the Overdue book mentioned is another case as that container did not contain one when I checked. By the way people, create headlines and sign posts on talk pages! -- DeJuanNOnley (talk) 11:15, January 21, 2016 (UTC)

It looks like the "Four fusion cores 180 degrees opposite of the cannonball stack on the left most side of Fort Strong" refers to the area behind the cannons on the south side of the Fort. Seems like an odd way to describe the location. Mine contained 35 plasma cartridges, so this may be random ammo? 04:09, April 28, 2016 (UTC)

According to the magazine list, there's a copy of U.S. Covert Ops Manual here; that should be listed under Notable Loot. 23:02, June 11, 2017 (UTC)

If you check Fort Strong armory you will find it is listed. Its in the main building not outside. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 23:08, June 11, 2017 (UTC)
I did actually see that; maybe the problem here is that this article is written at least partly as though it's describing the Armory - and also that it somehow manages to never mention (or link to) the Armory page except in the sidebar. The link on the "Magazines" page also goes to this page, not the Armory. There's probably a case for merging the two articles. 23:38, June 11, 2017 (UTC)
It took me a moment to find that page, its not one I'd looked at before. I've changed the link to go to the right place (U.S. Covert Operations Manual already goes straight to the right article.) We could potentially merge them, but I suspect it was a decision made long ago that would need to vote to change the article format. Sakaratte - Talk to the cat 00:10, June 12, 2017 (UTC)

After "Show No Mercy"...[]

After the quest "Show No Mercy", does the Fort become a Brotherhood post, or do the Super Mutants continue to respawn there? --Falloutghoul (talk) 19:30, February 19, 2016 (UTC)

Fat Man?[]

Anyone want to get their hands on that fat man? or manage to get to it? --Grognak's Spawn (talk) 03:03, March 24, 2016 (UTC)


Wtf is there a HUGE spoiler on this page??? aka "after destroying the brotherhood" <- idk yet but isnt this an END GAME SPOILER like wtf why would you ever think of placing this anywhere in the wiki much less in a loot page. Nobody cares about the stupid elevator.

You guys should implement something like this.

span.bb_spoiler { color: #000000; background-color: #000000; }

span.bb_spoiler:hover { color: #ffffff; }

Easy. --Zdanman (talk) 22:30, November 26, 2017 (UTC)

No. People who don't want to be spoiled should avoid online archives of information. Easy. Great Mara (talk) 22:31, November 26, 2017 (UTC)

Take notice of this forum [1]

Notice how the SPOILER ALERT! "if you are trying to destroy the children of atom" is blacked out unless it is hovered over. Notice the respect given to the reader by not blurting out an END GAME spoiler. Unlike those here who are too lazy to add a line of code and show human decency. --Zdanman (talk) 22:35, November 26, 2017 (UTC)

Respect =/= special snowflake treatment. Stop disrespeecting us by trying to force us to censor ourselves because you want to have your cake and eat it too. Great Mara (talk) 22:46, November 26, 2017 (UTC)
It is the reader who is disrespected, not you. Any disrespect you receive will be much overdue. Good bye kid. —Preceding unsigned comment added by Zdanman (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

( I'm going to be blunt on this: the wiki is a spoiler, the elimination of any faction in any Fallout game is the norm. If the section mentioned key end game plot information (e.g. character X will commit suicide upon entry after this spiel) then that would be unnecessary spoilerage.

Secondly, it is not for us to decide if people do or don't care about an elevator. Someone may well happen across that location in the first act and wonder if there is anything behind there. The note explains that the begining or a certain quest, or the annihilation of a faction (which again is a mechanic across all Fallout games) will allow access.

I'm going to be blunt, if you're not happy with our policies, there are two other Fallout wikis you can use. You could use of them to get your information instead, or alternatively find another source of information, which is more suitable to your preferences to get information from. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 02:29, November 27, 2017 (UTC)

Sakaratte you are very respectful in your language and I feel like I can actually talk and reason with you unlike your peer. For this I respect what you say. Now I will tread lightly in making this observation: "If the section mentioned key end game plot information" ... obviously, because I am ignorant of the actual plot anyway (i havent even found the institute yet), my first assumption is that this IS key end game plot information, because I assumed if it werent I would have already come across the moment or option of it in my playthrough or it would have been apparent from the beginning. I just assumed well ok i guess at the end of the game I get to destroy the brotherhood of steel or is this option earlier... I don't know. So you are saying that ALL factions in ALL fallout games are destroyable, so by default we should just expect this?
PS: I noticed the other day some idiot came on here deleting the line i am speaking of thinking that I ADDED IT LOL. But regardless I am not the only one obviously that sees this as kind of an unnecessary window into the final (possible? idk) moments of the game. Thanks for your responses Sakaratte --Zdanman (talk) 00:30, November 30, 2017 (UTC)
I'm going to address the p.s. first. The reason he changed it wasn't because he thought the same way, rather he was trying in good faith to resolve the issue you had. Unfortunately that fell short of the policy "information must be complete and accurate'.
Let's put it this way: the moment you find Cambridge Police station, you could in theory eliminate the Brotherhood of Steel prescence. Consider how far that is into act one, maybe half to an hour into the game. When act II kicks in, there is nothing to stop you going Rambo on them, although there is no objective to do so. The same also applies to the railroad, diamond city, Vault 81 etc. The only exception is the Minutemen (Preston cannot be killed to prevent the game from being broken).
If I were to define "key" information then let us use the following example:
The great mine can be accessed after the Vipers are elimated after a crack squad of 360 noscopers infiltrate their den and take their leader hostage, forcing disbandment of the group before they elimate him using the Konami Code.
Key points in there include the method of elimination, infiltration, kidnapping and the Konami Code, plus the effects of the extraction. Much of that is simply unneeded.
Now let us look at our method:
The great mine can be accessed after the elimination of the Vipers.
Much more precise, less give away, but it is necessary. I would consider this a fair balance to enable our objective of "complete, factual information in the fallout universe", while keeping spoilers to an essential minimum.
At this point in time, what you are asking for can only be done via a change in our policies, which can be done via the forums. This does require a majority vote to pass it though. Sakaratte - Talk to the catmin 08:27, November 30, 2017 (UTC)
Sakaratte I just went and, for the heck of it, killed all the BOS personnel including the Elder on the prydwen. I can still access the elevator. Does this change things? or am I wrong? If I am wrong you need not explain. Just a yes or no. 23:10, December 27, 2017 (UTC)
Again, I need a simple clarification on this. I do not believe this is factually correct. I havent even made it into the institute yet and went and killed every BOS agent on the prydwen just to see. I can still access the elevator. Even with maxon and everyone dead. So im asking... is this still factually correct that elevator cannot be accessed after destroying the brotherhood of steel. A simple yes or no is all i need?!--2600:1003:B869:D4D8:0:2E:825E:DA01 15:01, December 29, 2017 (UTC)