Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Bug about turret traped[]

I found a way to destroy the turret with a sniper rifle of magnum. You aim in V.A.T.S. with the weapon and fire once. Then you aim with the zoom on the weapon and fire at the barrel of the turret's gun. This works the majority of the time but you know when to shoot when the turret is twitching. Let me know if anyone else can do this. -- 01:59, 28 May 2009 (UTC)Un-registered user

Linden's Power Armour[]

As yet unsure if Casdin will remove Linden's Outcast Power Armour. Not currently tested. --Trithemius 07:45, 10 November 2008 (UTC)

Thank you 'Anonymous User' for testing Linden's Armour! --Trithemius 22:15, 10 November 2008 (UTC)

Rococo Rockfowl[]

Rocco Rococo is on the overpass protecting Fort Independence as well. He has some sort of large weapon (a minigun or laser gatling) and tends to run around a bit chasing hostiles. --Trithemius 22:17, 10 November 2008 (UTC)

Added Defender Rockfowl to the page. --Trithemius 12:53, 16 November 2008 (UTC)

Tech scavenging values[]

I'm planning on doing some tests for the value of the tech-scavenging tonight. I've mostly only traded Sensor Modules and Scrap - the rates seem to be about 12 5.56mm : 1 Sensor Module and 12 5.56mm : 2 Scrap Metal.

Still haven't done this yet, but I did tidy up the article a bit and will visit the Fort with my additem codes to see what the going rates are. --Trithemius 12:53, 16 November 2008 (UTC)
Did some research, but I have moved the Tech scavving info to Casdin's page and have left a link on this page. --Trithemius 04:14, 17 November 2008 (UTC)

Entering the Base[]

I'm confused. I gave Casdin a bunch of Enclave Power Armor and also Tesla power armor but I still can't get access to the base. The action of opening the door is red so that's trespassing. Does anyone know how to get in the base without trespassing them. Super Mario 126 00:41, 25 November 2008 (UTC)

To my knowledge you can't; entering the base must be done through illicit means (hacking the terminal controlling the door under the bridgenear Defender Morgan, or, pickpocketing the key from Protector Casdin). However, once Casdin has decided to treat you better the Outcasts inside will not become hostile if they see you poking around. Or picking up their Nuka Cola and miniguns. --Trithemius 01:07, 25 November 2008 (UTC)

I have stumbled across fort independance so i decided to take upon the challenge of finding technology nothing better to do in the wastes hey.. anyway just as i leave the base up to the bridge a bunch of enclave came and killed them all, i finished off the enclave and got some really good loot out of them , but now here lies my prob because casidin is now dead and i decided to take his key, does this mean if i enter the fort there all going to be hostile to me, and has this scenario happened to anyone else.. --Andyblackpool 15:40, 13 December 2008 (UTC)

This has not happened to me, however I would assume that the Outcasts will treat you as trespassing and act accordingly. Enjoy the many many suits of Outcast Power Armour I guess! :) --Trithemius 12:05, 14 December 2008 (UTC)

Bug/scripting error[]

I went to Fort Independence for the first time, and went through the raider attack. Spoke to Morgan and ended up giving the, "get that gun out of my face" response, to which she replied, "Wrong answer", and became hostile.

My followers killed her, and Rockfowl came down from the overpass and began shooting. I landed the final shot and lost karma for it. Needless to say, I looted the bodies. I met other Outcast patrols after that who were not hostile to me.

Casdin wasn't around at time, so I left the area and came back, only to find Morgan and Rockfowl there again, but this time friendly. I was able to get back onto the tech trade quest, (I still had their keys and gatling laser with me).


Moved from main page: "I had quite afew Black squares appear on my screen upon entering two double doors, behind the doors is a Nuka-Cola Quantum." --

Bugged turret[]

I was able to kill the bugged turred with a well-placed sniper shot. remove bug? 01:29, 9 February 2009 (UTC)

Playing on the 360, the Mysterious Stranger was NOT able to destroy it. He walked about, targetting it without firing a shot for about ten seconds before he left. It was pretty funny, actually. May 14 2010


would it be possible to use the basement as a base (after finding a way to destroy the turret of course) or would the outcasts respawn after awhile? (would be nice to be able to 'farm' outcast power armor ;) ) also im somewhat new to testing the game mechanics of Fallout 3 but when a 'dungeon' resets do all of the lootable objects reset as well?? please respond :)


Are they supposed to be hostile when you enter the base?I plan on coming soon and I need to know if I should gear up on Energy weapons or walk in calmly. HuangLee 00:26, 19 February 2009 (UTC)

No Outcasts outside[]

There aren't any Outcasts outside anymore. This wouldn't be a problem if it where any others aside from Defender Morgan and Casdin. Yeah, I'm aware that's already on the wiki, but it also says to speak to Casdin to reset Outcast hostility. Casdin is inside, and he's already hostile. I can't speak to him. I can't even continue with the quest to trade tech with these guys. Any proven working suggestions?


Load earlier save is pretty much the only way. This happened to me, apparently if you fast travel to the fort after 8 pm she'll be inside the fort and she won't come out. At 8pm, if your at the fort, she'll head inside and that's your last chance to get the job. She won't come out I assume because she locks herself in because after I lockpick the hard door she comes out when I exit. Of course every outcasts becomes hostile to me for trespassing so it's not like I can take the job. To put it into better terms always take the job from morgahn when you go to the fort, and always go to the fort before 8pm or else she'll be inside the fort and never to come out. Although I'm not 100% if this is true, these were pretty much the results I got after 30 mins of testing, and I didn't test these results when discovering the location.Cycl0nus 01:38, 26 April 2009 (UTC)

If you are using an XBOX or PlayStation you pretty much can only load an earlier save. If you are using the PC, you can always use the console:

prid 004296 - Select Protector Casdin
moveto player
prid 0043dee - Select Defender Morgan
moveto player 
prid 0043def - Select Defender Rockfowl
moveto player

That's handy to get around that problem on the PC. MoonUnit 16:49, 27 May 2009 (UTC)

Lawbringer Perk & Entering the Fort / Hostile??[]

  • I do have the lawbringer perk but the outcasts are still friendly towards me. I do not know if I got the perk before or after I started scavenging for tech but I believe it was before. So according to the article they should have been hostile towards me (except for Casdin) but they weren't. Not even after the folowing.
  • How I got into the fort: I pickpocked Casdin. He noticed it, I lost some karma, but he didn't do anything! So I entered the fort where the outcasts where as friendly as ever. They didn't do anything either. I even lockpicked a door in their basement in front of them and took all the ammo and guns there (mini nukes, minigun, plasma/laser rifle). I walked out and they are still friendly towards me.


The article does mention that "sometimes" random outcasts will attack you after you've infiltrated the base. (illegitimately)

But isn't it the case that whenever you come out of Fort Independence after raiding it, that a reinforcement outcast patrol group *always* starts towards you from the western highway? They always spawn in my game (where there wasn't anything spawning before), and they did in the video of the guy getting the Miss Launcher. Strangely, sometimes when they spawn they are wearing no armor either. -- 23:00, 12 June 2009 (UTC)

Random disappearance of Anne Marie / Rococo Rockfowl.[]

I just tested that slightly after the arrival of the enclave the two guards outside fort independence will be dead on the ground or simply missing from the game all together. (Other reports are that they get stuck inside the fort after your first arrival.) I would suggest if you want to turn in tech for this faction to start the unmarked quest before you trigger the enclave invasion. With Anne dead there is no way to start getting tech for casdin without returning her to the game via console. If you play 360 your SOL. Casdin is usually unharmed and still there(if you have the quest) however upon fast traveling make sure there is nothing in the imediate area that can get to him to kill him. (There is a patrol that goes over the overpass.) They really need to remove hostile encounters around the fort to avoid bugs with this faction.

Pickpocket fail + Dogmeat Kill = No Hostility?[]

I failed to pickpocket one of the outcasts, and he became hostile, I let dogmeat kill him without giving dogmeat any help, and the rest of the outcasts stayed friendly, can I kill and loot all of these outcasts using this method? or will they and/or Casdin eventually go hostile after I let dogmeat kill enough of them? Danpascooch 23:15, 28 June 2009 (UTC)

By the sounds of it, you can get away with it. Fat Man Spoon 23:16, 28 June 2009 (UTC)

I know, it seems obvious, but considering the fact that you can get away with killing a couple of Outcast patrols before Casdin gets pissed off, I thought maybe this was the same deal, I am not going to bother to confirm it myself, but if one of you guys like the sound of this trick and want to exploit it, please post here with the results Danpascooch 03:44, 29 June 2009 (UTC)

Fort independence[]

i made my way to fort independence then i got a qweast where you are supposed to collect power armor and laser rifles-Ect and i got over 50 points i earned a new dialoge seqence saying----SO WE GOOD DO YOU TRUST ME ENOUGH NOW---- He replies---YES,YOU,VE DEFINITY PROVEN YOUR WORTH.I,LL MAKE SURE TO TELL OUR PEOPLE ON PATROL THAT YOU ARE A FREIND OF THE OUTCASTS--- after that im pretty sure hes supposed to let you in fort independence right well they never opened the door for me and its still locked....What do i do??

Save, Pickpocket the key from him, if you're caught, just load that save until you get the key.--Master of cheeZ 17:28, 21 July 2009 (UTC)

... i did the quest, let the raiders kill ALL the outside Outcasts, including the turret, looted key, went into the fort, and they are hostile, im in the middle of getting some decent Outcast armor spares...

Possible second (or third) house?[]

I killed all the outcasts in the base and let fawkes kille the named outcast for very little karma lost (worth it). I am now using this place as storage for my bigger and better guns (mirv, 4 of 5 tesla cannons, ect) and i store ammo and stimpacs incase i run out in the wastes i can go there and pick it up. It has beds, a med room (for whatevr), a weopans storage room. Its also i an area that you travel frequently and could be used to escape the night (cause night travel sucks). Its also a god scource for power armour that you could sell for anice amount of caps.

Why would you need any more storage space? As opposed to one house with 5 storage spaces, you have a trek an entire base. It's not like you can run out of space in that filing cabinet anyway. Cartoon Head 01:01, March 23, 2010 (UTC)

getting in for the 1st time...NO HOSTILES!?![]

this is way after i did this but i saw this article and i wanted to tell everyone how this happened... i found fort independence and i knew there was alien cells and whatnot in there so after talking to the guards (forgot their names) i killed one and as strange as it seems no karma loss then i collected ther keys and walked around for awhile and thought their gonna kill me when i go in so i left and came back a couple days later for things to cool down (i did the same when i needed to kill greta) i walk in everyones saying somthing like "great heres some of the local wildlife" or something so i was free to roam the base without a problem its completly possible casdin was in there to lying in his bed.(casdin never EVER came out till i gave him a plasma pistol.

Possible Fort Independence Bug?[]

Every time I go to Fort Independence, the game will freeze so badly that it completely locks up my entire console. I have to restart to fix it, unlike some of the other freezes that are just the result of really bad lag and unfreeze on their own after a few minutes. It doesn't seem to matter whether I walk there or if I fast travel, as soon as I enter the general area my game will crash. This is the only location in the entire game that seems to do this consistently and I was just wondering if anybody else has experienced this, preferably on ps3 but advice from other console users would be greatly appreciated.--CBlackros3 06:23, February 6, 2011 (UTC)

Confirming deserted exterior bug[]

I'm on PS3 with latest patches as of today. Some details... I fast-travel to Fort Ind at about 20:30 hours when I appear. Casdin is nowhere to be found. Morgan and Rockfowl are both walking towards the upstairs door from the courtyard. They both act normally, then enter the upstairs door. I wait 12 hours (hoping he'll come out in the morning so that I can turn in more stuff), at which point Paladin Hoss shows up (I saved his initiate in Falls Church, so he randomly spawns to fight alongside me anywhere in the wasteland.) Hoss has very little HP left. He engages the turret (no other outcasts are outside) and the turret kills Hoss. I continue to wait (24 more hours), fast travel to Paradise Falls and back, wait 24 hours a few more times, but still no outcasts outside. Hoss' corpse remains as does the turret. I save and enter Fort Ind through the upstairs door. Meet several hostile outcasts. Kill them and move downstairs. Several more hostile outcasts and a visible/hostile turret that cannot be targetted nor target me (shooting a missile directly at it causes it no damage and it does not attempt to attack me even though it is red/hostile) above the medical bay. Rockfowl, Morgan, and Casdin are nowhere to be found. I'm guessing they've disappeared from my game entirely. They are certainly nowhere near Fort Ind, inside or outside, even though I witnessed Morgan and Rockfowl entering Fort Ind via the upstairs door. Casdin wasn't present at all when I FT'd to Fort Ind the first time.

Talking Turret[]

The Wiki page says that there is a unique turret (see quote at next line).

Under the bridge at Fort Independence, there is a unique turret that seems to be able to communicate. The turret will only say "Casdin says you're clear", and will only say it after you earned Casdin's trust. This can be observed by jumping into the turret from the sandbags next to it. The voice is similar to that of a robobrain.

Could someone confirm this, because I haven't heard him saying that even once!

Being accepted by the Outcasts[]

I see still a lot of people have questions or problems about this bug in the game. After you gave Casdin some technology, he sais he trusts you now, and will inform the other Outcasts about this. After this everyone inside Fort Constantine will become non-hostile, but you still have to pick the lock of the building to gain entrance (or steal the key from Casdin).
But this is a bug. I did a little research and after you delivered enough technology and they trust you, you actually have to gain entrance normally, and the Outcasts will talk to you in a friendly way. I posted this earlier, but I think it's worth repeating.
When you talk to an Outcast member, try to gain entrance to the Fort etc., the game check if the variable OutcastFaction is set. But when Casdin trusts you the game will set the variable OutcastAllyFaction. And because of that it is impossible to conversate normally or gain entrance to the fort normally, though the Outcasts inside will be non-hostile after this.

I have also found a Mod (for PC, of course) that will correct this mistake. It can be found at Fallout3Nexus.com, and the mod is right here.

~ Scribe Aurora

Thank you very much for posting this, I'm downloading the mod now. Darkness Squall (talk) 23:12, June 18, 2013 (UTC)

Why the outcasts turn hostile[]

I know nobody will believe me, but I'm pretty sure I know why some players experience the bug where all outcasts are hostile for no apparent reason. Well, for me the reason _is_ apparent. The game uses a script that checks whether the player is in the fort, and if he is, all the outcasts turn hostile permanently. This does not happen if the player already has Casdin's trust, so if you bring him enough tech you're out from behind the eight ball, so to speak. But if you don't have Casdin's trust, entering the fort will result in permanent hostility that can only be removed if you either use the PC version or load a save prior to entering. Now, the bug is that the game sometimes glitches, thinking you're in the fort even if you are not, and that can happen anytime without giving you a warning! Sometimes the game thinks you are in a remote cell even if you're walking around somewhere else! This is also the most probable reason why the Andale cannibals sometimes act like you have been in the basement, why the "Picking up the Trail" quest can jump (causing the fatal bug where MacCready has no dialogue options, halting your progress in the main quest permanently) and why the "Agatha's Song" quest sometimes jumps. It seems that this can happen completely randomly, once I was running around in Evergreen Mills foundry when suddenly the game marked the "Picking up the Trail" quest (gain entrance to Vault 87) as complete! And of course I encountered outcasts that were hostile for no reason, too. But it hasn't happened for a long time in my game, and ever since the last incident I didn't use any fast travel, maybe that's related in some way, meaning that using a lot of fast travel will increase the chance of this glitch happening? It's extremely hard to really track down such bugs without the source code, but something is definitely going wrong in the game... Of course it's clear to me that this wisdom will never be propagated by anyone else, but I simply felt like writing it down anyway. Ignore it at your own peril. nv4_disp.dll - The device driver got stuck in a bugged infinite loop. Here we go again. 11:43, January 10, 2012 (UTC)

Defender Morgan[]

Defender Morgan may be killed and looted without any Karma impact. Hack the Terminal by her side and reset the turret targeting parameters. This will cause the turret to attack (usually) her first and she may be killed. Loot the corpse for the entry key.

-- 22:21, May 24, 2012 (UTC)

Here's some more: Although Defender Morgan is really dead (not unconscious) after doing this and can be looted, fly over to Fort Independence after several days and she's up and about like nothing has ever happened. Respawn? -- 05:01, May 26, 2012 (UTC)

Permanent Hostility[]

I first entered the fort at quite a low level early in the game and, upon realizing it was filled with hostiles, exited immediately. However, this turned the Outcasts outside the fort hostile as well, which took a few tries to escape without dying. However, when I returned months later in in-game time, assuming they would have forgotten (much like residents of Megaton/Rivet City) they were still hostile toward me. Is it permanent, or has my game just made an error? 13:24, May 24, 2013 (UTC)

You need to complete the quest for Casdin in order for them to turn friendly. 13:26, May 24, 2013 (UTC)

But I can't talk to him, because he fires on me every time I come near... Astfgl407 (talk) 18:21, June 2, 2013 (UTC)

Ghosts? Or am I bugged?[]

One time I was playing and discovered Fort Independence I didn't start the tech quest and left, and talked to the named outcasts. I came back later and EVERYTHING was gone outside. The named outcasts and the turret. Is this a bug or are they supposed to go away?? I need in that base and I was planning some fun with a Fat Man and some nukes...... but strangely outcasts are spawning unusually fast at their spawn point. I don't have the lock pick skill to bust in. 14:54, May 28, 2013 (UTC)

Entering the fort without the raider attack - naked casdin[]

I dont know if this is part of the game, a bug or because of a mod but,

-firstly- before going to fort independence, i already finished operation anchorage DLC.

I came to approach the building from the side, and i instinctively lockpicked the gate without realizing that there was an outcast at the front that would initiate the raider attack event.

I didnt talk to her and immediately lockpicked the door to the fort as well, no one was hostile. they just kept saying regular outcast lines and the main guy wouldnt give me the sidequest. so upon realizing my error, i went outside to the outcast guarding the front where she immediately started the event when i got near.

After that i started the quest, i saw a naked casdin go outside the fort, i talked to him normally for the sidequest. weird thing is he just hangs around outside naked for no reason whatsoever
