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Does this weapon ignore DT/DR like the deathclaws themselves?

Deathclaws don't ignore DT/DR. Total myth. --LordVukodlak 19:42, September 22, 2011 (UTC)

Good Lord, this weapon seems potent. Exactly how far up the proverbial food-chain is it though? Best unarmed weapon, or just close to it?

It trades blows with the super-heated saturnite fist with pyromaniac. They both have similar realtime dps. The saturnite fist is lighter, more durable, does a bit more damage per hit (taking into account crits) and does a fair amount more sneak attack crit damage. Fist of Rawr has significantly better reach and does double(!) limb damage, plus ALL its animations are extremely fast (blocking, striking, power attacks), and it doesn't need a perk to reach its full potential. No other unarmed weapon comes close to these two. Athenau 02:20, September 23, 2011 (UTC)

This gauntlet is too powerfull, I'm in love with her! :D When killing Ulysses, no matter what type of gun I use, he resisted some time and could counter-attack in manny devastated ways. With this a few blows send him to space! I tested with and without the Slayer per. If you think she's fast, try with the Slayer perk. Brfritos 06:17, September 23, 2011 (UTC)

Athenau, I'm afraid i must disagree with you, In terms of DPS the industrial hand outperforms all unarmed weapons due to it being automatic and it also ignores DT/DR. Saturnite fist super-heated 90.8; Fist of Rawr 97.8; Industrial hand 160. The Ballistic fist out damages all the unarmed weapons and as an unarmed sneak character i find it much more useful.

--Zeroo Ragnarok 15:52, September 24, 2011 (UTC)

The industrial hand is retarded because of the crit damage mechanics. I don't know what Obsidian was thinking making its crit damage 40 when its an automatic weapon that checks for crits 30 times a second. With a 37% crit chance and better criticals it does something like _1000_ dps (tested in game). So yeah, if you want to run around with an instagib god hand then the industrial hand is for you. But that's a borderline exploit, IMO. Excluding the IH the pyro-ed saturnite fist SH and the Fist of Rawr are the two top unarmed weapons, the ballistic fist isn't even in the running, unless you don't want to get pyromaniac and you only care about sneak attack criticals. Athenau 17:58, September 24, 2011 (UTC)
So..there's this thing called a gatling laser. It's an auto, but with the way Light Touch Laser Commander and Set Lasers for Fun work, it can get ~20% crit rate outside of VATS, where it will "retardedly" check for crits 30 times a second without being at point blank. Sure, it has a critical damage of 10 instead of 40, but then again, it actually shoots 30 times a second.
If you don't understand the difference between a weapon checking for criticals 30 times per second because the _actual_ fire rate is 30 times per second, and a weapon whose fire rate is 3 times per second but checks for criticals 30 times per second (and which results in over 6 TIMES the base dps) I don't know what to tell you. Athenau 02:23, October 26, 2011 (UTC)

i have the wild wasteland perk and it's still called the fist of rawr, not "north rawr"

Just a comment, people seem to be counting the Embrace of the Mantis King out of the running. Although initially it's DPS seems way below FoR and Sat by just looking at attack damage and attack rate, this doesn't take into account criticals at all. Without criticals, FoR does 50% more DPS than EMK. However, EMK has an extra x1 multiplier (x3 vs x2). On a critical optimized character, this translates to an extra 28% chance to critical (10 luck + beret + Ulysses Duster + Finesse + built to destroy). Both of these weapons critical for an extra 1.5 times (almost exactly) base damage, with better criticals that figure will improve to 2.25. So the advantage that EMK gains over FoR will be the extra 28% of the time it criticals multiplied by the damage gain for each critical which is 2.25. This works out to an over 60% of base damage edge over FoR, which means that its DPS is slightly superior. In addition, keep in mind that a lot of the time it's good to use Unarmed in VATS, in which case attack speed is less important and damage per hit is more important (since all unarmed weapons have the same VATS cost). The EMK does much more damage on an average hit than FoR. Indeed, EMK can get to 94% critical chance on a VATS attack.

So EMK is quite competitive with FoR.

EMK is pretty amazing given how early you can get it but your calculations are a little off. A maxed out crit build (10 luck + beret + Ulysses Duster + Finesse + built to destroy + light touch + ninja) yields a 28*2 + 5 + 15 = 76% chance to crit with FoR and 100% with EMK. With better criticals FoR would do 50 + 75 * 1.5 * .76 = 135.5 average damage per hit and EMK would do 42 + 64 * 1.5 = 138 damage per hit, which means FoR still does significantly more realtime DPS (though in VATS the edge goes to EMK). If you remove Ninja from the equation (because it's bugged and you need to mod it to work correctly) you get crit rates of 61% and 89% respectively, which means FoR does 118 and EMK 127 damage respectively, still not enough to push EMK ahead DPS-wise. And then there's the double limb damage and extra reach of FoR which gives it the clear lead.
Still, EMK is definitely an endgame capable weapon, better than the ballistic fist which is ridiculous given that (in theory) you can get it as soon as you get to Freeside. Athenau 23:05, December 18, 2011 (UTC)
According to the wiki page on crits Ninja is bugged and does not add 15%, so that's not right either. 21:20, July 15, 2013 (UTC)

Deathclaws DO ignore DT/DR.[]

Ah never mind. Their damage per hit is just very high. 13:48, January 15, 2012 (UTC)


What's the reason or whatever for the name with the WW trait?

It's a pun off the title of the 'Fist of the North Star' anime. Great Mara (talk) 20:32, January 17, 2013 (UTC)