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Fallout Wiki

Holotape not found in-game[]

I've stopped by the Processing factory in Fallout 76 on many occasions, including just now to check again. I cannot find this Field report holotape where it should be, as detailed clearly. Was this holotape cut from the final game build or could I have lost a holotape somehow? Anyone else find this holotape or have it? Canyon Light (talk) 05:29, April 13, 2019 (UTC)

Follow-up to my original comment: Right now, I believe this particular holotape has been patched out of the game (in a previous patch) or moved elsewhere to an unknown location. The former is more likely. Canyon Light (talk)
Second follow-up: Was not patched out of the game, across all possible characters. Found in-game with an old alternate character, at level 12. Last played on June 6th, 2019, I believe. For added reference, this character did not discover the Mama Dolce's Food processing location prior. With testing the respawn rate of the holotape, the level 12 character came across it 100% of the time upon switching servers five times in a row. My main character, at level 187, whom I have used since the B.E.T.A. period, is unable to find this holotape, at 0% respawn rate. The respawn rate of the holotape's cell could be looked into for further explanation of this discrepancy. Holotape on this particular alternate character, was properly instanced to be found 'normally' as the rest of notes and holotapes in-game. Any other notes and holotape collecters out there, please do check if you are able to find this holotape and if you have a character from the B.E.T.A. period. Could be worth looking into. Canyon Light (talk) 23:27, February 1, 2020 (UTC)
Third and last follow-up: After being advised to test the holotape's appearing related to the Final Departure quest (why, is beyond me), it turns out this holotape appears only while the specific quest is active, and disappears if the quest has not started or has been completed. Tested it in-game and confirmed every scenario. This is why the holotape does not appear for some players, if they didn't pick it up the first time (and had no idea prior that completing Final Departure makes the holotape disappear). Now we know some holotapes (and perhaps even some notes) are in fact miss-able at certain points in the game, which is awful, in my opinion, as to seeking the lore out to collect every note and holotape to gain a better understanding of the entirety of the lore presented. The silver lining is that we can now approach locating such conditional holotapes, etc with much more care. Some 'cut' holotapes may truly not be cut if they are listed in the esm files as related to any quest, should they be available only while a particular quest is active. Canyon Light (talk) 02:03, February 2, 2020 (UTC)