Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Hello world, I am known as Canyon Light and I am still new to editing on the wiki in general, but I contributed the beginning steps to make a difference on another wiki. Now I am editing pages whenever currently if I see some grammar/capitalizing tweaks can be made. Or for Fallout 76, usually notable loot and where to find them. Aiming to get the badges for making edits every 5/14/30 days still. Then, I'm not sure what next. Juggling time. I am not allowing myself to miss a consecutive day from here on, for real this time. (Notwithstanding time zones, or daylight savings time for that matter. But still trying. Just keep trying.) Try hard enough, and you should go far. At least farther than you would expect to. Getting closer and closer. (Stupid Daylight Savings Time.. one or the other!! It's been decided, permanent DST.)

This UCP (Unified Community Project) update to the wiki will take some time to get used to, for certain. UI (User interface) is altered, and the visual changes are unfamiliar to the trained wiki editor eye. Mobile layout is always in need of further testing. Trying to find time to contribute, on a daily basis. When I am not sick with the flu, that is. Or allergies, for that matter. Or Daylight Savings Time. Springtime is not always funtime. Ha. Trying to find time for another project. As well as keeping up with the Fandom-wide wiki rule changes.

Slowly but surely learning the ropes as a new patroller. First the reading, and the learning in-between. As well as subconsciously thinking about tidying up this page and finding time for my own wiki projects. Need to come up with a new one. You can imagine how navigating that juggling task goes. Currently in despair about working and the action taking up what little free time remains for my friends.

Will utilize Sandboxes in the near future for projects. This new layout for the sidebar will take some getting used to. "Some" being an understatement. Finished the Nuclear Winter grind before the mode is gone. Of course the last 10 levels were a slog even with double XP active. Overseer rank 105 achieved.

Now I can focus on specific projects like the SCORE challenges for new ones added to the daily/weekly category since the start of Season 4.

The Wiki Activity link is so easily missed now. What used to be the accessible Recent Changes page is now almost out of sight, out of mind. On another observation note, finally a new background overhaul for the wiki itself. I have reminded myself that my notepad data is worthwhile to make sandboxes for. Which will be added to my first sandbox as it crosses my mind. Such as plan descriptions. Or potential plan/mod box spawn locations. Etcetera. So on and so forth. Juggling what feels like everything is not easy.

Fallout 76 is a lot more fun with friends. Finally I don't have to play only solo. Now if it can stay that way... Seems feasible.

How is 2021 almost over already? Where did the time go? So much to do, so little time.

"I need a nap, or a refill." - Ward

"I'm tired." - You and me both, random Settler.

Currently dealing with real-life bullshit. Going through pain and strife. Wish things would turn around sooner rather than later. They turn around slowly but surely, it seems.

Current projects:

  • Archiving plan descriptions for data. (Not every plan has a description.)
  • Potential plan/mod box spawn locations list. (Will take considerable time - non exhaustive list.)
  • Garrahan foreman outfit page/data. (Will take time.)
  • Maria's last words holotape conditional appearance note.
  • TBD (As they come to mind. Making time for it is not as easy as it used to be.)

My favorite pages[]

From most activity to less:


First Sandbox

More to come. Constantly stressing nowadays. May bend under pressure, but never break. Never enough time. Worry, worry, worry.
