Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Edit warring[]

Given the spat of edit warring and tendency to gang up on a single editor, here's a request to propose how to resolve the apparently contentious fact that West Tek super mutants come from West Tek and thus West Tek super mutant body parts dumped here were dumped by the only people with access to them.

In general, the wiki's policy doesn't ignore facts and pretend we don't know the origin of various items if we do have sources on hand to explain what they're doing there. Тагазиэль 12:12, 8 April 2021 (UTC)

You literally just violated the edit warring principal yourself. Not only that you're introducing ambiguity into articles in areas that were set up with the unused content tag because the terminals in question were literally never used. Then you decided to take that terminal entry and say that it currently isn't implemented instead of keeping it as it has never been implemented which what you did implies that it may have been implemented in the past. I spent half an hour going through every single esm I had to verify that it hadn't ever been there.
Due to the information about why the super mutant body parts are there being in an unused terminal entry we cannot assume that is what the developers intended in the dnd, especially considering that pre-wl a deathclaw matriarch spawned literally right there. I'm really starting to get tired of having my reverts that explain why I did them reverted without any discussion which breaks the edit warring policy of the wiki. And no, no one is ganging up on a specific person, there just happens to be very few people who initiate edit wars. Thank you however for assuming that everything is being done in bad faith. -Eckserah User Eckserah Head Dataminer 14:09, 8 April 2021 (UTC)
This is actually an obvious bug, and you assuming it's a deliberate decision to duplicate an external terminal, without investigating the matter, is precisely what I want to avoid. Тагазиэль 17:29, 8 April 2021 (UTC)
I would just like to say that you assuming that anything in 76 is an obvious bug is inaccurate and not suitable for the content of the wiki. What has and hasn't been a bug has been so up in the air for the entirety of this game's lifetime that even now on the pts people don't know if something is a bug or an intended change. As the current foremost authority in knowledge on information regarding 76 I can reliably say that no one can say for sure whether something is a bug or not until it's been confirmed by Bethesda.
I have however asked about it with my contacts, and if I get an update I will gladly inform people on this page as well as make the necessary corrections to the pages myself in regards to it. Until then, the assumption that the terminal is bugged and the duplication of a terminal is unintended (there are many terminals that are duplicated in multiple places. The first few examples that I could easily find were: BS013_Ag_SeedOverrideTerminal_V94D "Seed Bank Override Terminal" [TERM:005D171B]; shows up in 5 places and BS013_Eng_ReactorTerminal_V94D "Reactor Monitoring Station Terminal" [TERM:005D1718]; shows up in 4 places) is speculation, and until we get confirmation as to whether or not it is, then we have to go with what is in the game as delivered by the developers. Since we know that it's unused, but do not know if it's a bug, we then go with the unused template and convention. I will update the necessary pages to reflect this.
I appreciate your input in the matter and have used that input to try to get this resolved by utilizing my network of contacts that has say in these matters. Thanks -Eckserah User Eckserah Head Dataminer 01:08, 9 April 2021 (UTC)
Thank you for the support, Tag. I agree that no one should be ganging up on me. Fortunately, per our policies, Leon was already handling this. This matter should soon be resolved in his typical professional manner. No further action is required.
intrepid359FO76NW Overseer7/10/24 [2:23pm]
Your smugness is unwelcome. Going on record: Please improve your behavior. Тагазиэль 17:29, 8 April 2021 (UTC)
Going on record: I don't know what you're talking about. My edit was the original edit. I thought it was kind of you to discourage people from ganging up on me. Thank you again for doing that, but wiki admin Leon has been dealing with this already and is more than capable of seeing it through to an amicable conclusion. Thank you for your understanding.
intrepid359FO76NW Overseer7/10/24 [2:23pm]
This is regarding the recent edit. The deathclaw being present does not factor into anything about how they body parts got there. The body parts are in the barrels, so unless the deathclaw is an intelligent one is putting the body parts in there for later or some other reason, the logical assumption is the deathclaw is eating the barrels full of super mutant meat it found. If anything, its a good reference that deathclaws aren't picky about eating super mutant not how the meat got there. Devastating DaveZIP ZAP RAP 01:53, 9 April 2021 (UTC)
Yes they are currently in the barrels, however prior to WL they were not in the barrels, but were instead strewn about in a pile of rubble nearby. Thank you for pointing that out to me, I'll go update the text to better explain what had happened prior to wastelanders. Cheers -Eckserah User Eckserah Head Dataminer 01:58, 9 April 2021 (UTC)
Edit: Thank you for your comment. We did some more research and found out that it seems I was mistaken as to the placement of the parts. It's entirely possible my memory of events was caused by a glitch in the game as back then they were rampant. I apologize for that bit of misleading information. -Eckserah User Eckserah Head Dataminer 02:26, 9 April 2021 (UTC)