Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Little Yangtze[]

Can anyone confirm it appears here? I couldn't find it. 00:04, July 20, 2011 (UTC)

It's on the balcony of the tower. Lonely astronomer 07:55, July 20, 2011 (UTC)

I have so far found this weapon in two different locations (Xbox 360). One at Little Yangtze watchtower and another on the roof of signal hills transmitter.

I've found 2 Elija's advanced LAER, the other one was on the rooftop of the Signal Hills little building.


Once you find and purchase the 2 mod schematics/holotapes for this/LAER, is there any way to get the mods again to apply to another LAER?? The K9000 cyberdog gun's 2 mods can be reacquired after you apply them, that is why i asjk this question --DrunkenSushi 01:49, July 23, 2011 (UTC)

Yes, but you must wait for the Sink Central Intelligence to resupply it's stuff. So wander for Big MT for a while and Tadaaa!

Prismatic lens beam splitting[]

First time I've ever edited, but I've done some field testing of the prismatic lens modification. There was a bit of confusion as to whether it was a display bug or not with the prismatic lens splitting the beams - I can confirm that with the mod attached, on Elijah's Advanced LAER, unlike the regular LAER, it most definitely retains its single beam - meaning unlike the laser rifle, it does not nerf the damage against very high armoured targets. With Laser Commander/Better Criticals, I'll be sticking to the split scoped rifle for sneak crits, but be using this over the AER14 for close quarters combat with very high DT like the Robo-Scorpion 5bs and Deathclaws. 19:46, July 29, 2011 (UTC)Arkangelus

Really its one of the best energy weapons in the game. Midrange to close quarters attack is how i use this gun but i suppose u could snipe with it but there are better guns for that.


Do weapons given to companions decay? They didn't in fallout 3 so was wondering if the same is true in NV. If they don't then this could be a very good companion weapon. Give it to anyone with a bit of energy weapons with some max charge ammo and they'll be amazing damage dealers.

Weapons used by companions do not decay. So yeah, it's a good way to get some use out of low durability weapons and/or damaging ammunition. Dr. Lobotomy 03:43, August 9, 2011 (UTC)

Usage of "unique".[]

Elijah's advanced LAER is a unique weapon


This weapon is one of the rarest non-unique weapons

I figure a major opening description line is not a thing an unregistered (or perhaps "too lazy to register" is more apt) user should change...

-- 18:28, February 19, 2014 (UTC)
