Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


can you keep after the dlc ends? or do you at least get some benefits for the original ed-e when you finish? SkyHiRider 19:46, September 20, 2011 (UTC)

all perks ED-E2 gets are transferred to the original Fallout: Shades of Grey, coming 2012 19:52, September 21, 2011 (UTC)


I think it should be noted that the LR ED-E is not an exact copy of the original ED-E. The LR version is most likely a older, pre-war model (as seen on the Ralphie posters), and the facility keeping that model in store tracked the original ED-E and copied its memories into the LR version. I believe that through dialoges this can be confirmed (at least, to my memory, extensive talkings with the LR ED-E confirmed it). It is even possible that the original ED-E lost some memories because of the repairs made by the Courier, which would explain why the original ED-E never talked about previous experiences.

I think it should also be noted that the LR ED-E behaves in a child like manner, being able to either mimic or truly feel emotions on certain occassions, where as the original ED-E remains quite calm. --Radnus 21:04, September 22, 2011 (UTC)

The second part is speculation, but who or what made the Divide Silos' computer systems copy ED-E (original) perticularly in the first place?--Ant2242 15:19, September 23, 2011 (UTC)
I think that could probably be down to developers having not thought about ED-E's full backstory in the main game. But yeah ED-E 2 is probably Pre-War and has no physical relation to the original or the Enclave. Why people edit the page as if this Ed-E is the one from Adams Air Force base I don't know.
I edited the LR ED-E page most recently, only because the story about it is unclear. Nothing is set in stone, if you know for sure that some of the stuff is wrong i encourage you to change it. I believe it is a pre-war eyebot but it was at the enclaves Navarro outpost (as explained on the couriers' page) and then transported to the divide. Al Bukhari
its all clear and set in stone....pay attention lol. he isn't in a prewar body and was created after divide died(Recently, like 200 years later, in courrior's lifetime) as part of his construction included the bits to the detonator(but he was NOT the detonator the courier did not bring ede from narvro(think about it that doesn't make any sense as in addition to other reasons duriframe was an EAST coast invention that ede was meant to carry data on west)) he was not prewar as it wasn't built until after ede passed through(although it seems the medical bots at least were as they predated the detonator and had programming to help wounded soldiers so i guess the facilities saw him and he was scanned as an update to its old hardware) ect. the edit war on this topic is as dumb as the mods removing the yogi refrence from teh bears and that other mod banning anybody who added the (100% CORRECT(Dev confirmed)) nukabreak refrence to nukabreaker for awhile. why are wiki people so silly?

also derp just realized how old all of this stuff is ignore lol ~~ ~


I know that this ED-E is different from the one in the Mojave, but do the upgrades I perform in LR affect ED-E in the Mojave? The information on the main page for him seems to have a lot of info that looks like it belongs in this article instead, but I think some of it might actually be relevant. I don't have OWB or LR yet, so I can't check this out myself. --Delta1138 SnooPING AS usual I see 21:23, September 23, 2011 (UTC)

all perks are transferred to the original (see the top of the page) Fallout: Shades of Grey, coming 2012 00:13, September 24, 2011 (UTC)

In my last playthrough I did Lonesome Road (got all 5 upgrades) before Ed-E gave me the second audio playback for his mainstory personal quest. It never came. Is there an order requirement? (This playthrough I made sure to finish Ed-E before going to LR.) -Helena Nov 2014

Bug when freeing ED-E?[]

Not sure if this is a bug or not: When I got to Ulysses Temple, I used a Stealth Boy and disabled all of the sentry bots and turrets. When I tried to use the terminal to free ED-E, I didn't have the option; it only showed Pod 1 and Pod 3. So, I decided to "kill" all of the disabled bots. I then got the option to open Pod 2.

Can anyone confirm this?

(Bah, wasn't logged in. This is Dermonk)

Location after completing DLC[]

Where is this version of Ed-E located after you beat Lonesome Road/escape? I returned and he wasn't waiting for me, and wasn't on my map. He's useful to have around while exploring the Divide and I'd love to know where he's gone to, if he's not gone alltogether. Thanks! 04:40, September 30, 2011 (UTC)Jazzlizard

If set free and you do not sacrifice him is stated in the end slide he continue his journey for Navarro. Brfritos 22:48, October 12, 2011 (UTC)

Since all the upgrades are transferred to Ed-E by the magic of deus ex machina, you can pick him up in Primm and pretend there as never a switch. (Although why they couldn't simply require regular Ed-E to accompany you on this journey instead, I don't know.) -Helena

Reference to the trailer[]

>>>One of ED-E's recorded messages explains

>>>what happens in the Fallout: New Vegas


I think I might be getting it wrong, so I wanted to make sure: The Courier can pass a skill check to say that ED-E was shot with a handloaded .308 while the trailer shows .50 from the anti-mat rifle. Does the Courier make a mistake? Here is a link for reference.

I understand your confusion but the scene where ED-E is shot down and the scene with the .50 caliber sniper are completely different. It shows ED-E getting shot, then a compilation of gameplay footage, it just so happens that the first piece of footage is the courier firing a sniper at an unknown enemy. Also, in the same conversation in which the courier identifies the bullet as a .308 you decipher that raiders shot ED-E and the courier, 'would have done a better job and stripped the eyebot for parts'. Al Bukhari 11:01 (GMT), 1 November, 2011.

Navarro Construction?[]

What reference do you have that it was constructed at Navarro? Was that where the eyebot was created or was it remote scanned from ED-E and created in the Divide? (Dialog referenced)--Ant2242 23:27, October 27, 2011 (UTC) Was there eyebots at the Divide already?

Well according to the couriers' page and the divide page the Navvaro base was overrun by NCR and they didn't understand the technology (because the NCR are strictly political and not motivated by technology like the Brotherhood or the enclave). It was delivered by the courier to the divide and then the divide computers created a lot of eyebots from this model. When ED-E entered the Mojave the computers picked up its signals and scanned them to LR ED-E. User:Al Bukhari 07:47, October 28, 2011 (GMT)
Ignore this last message, ED-E (clone) and all divide eyebots were constructed in the divide by computers using ED-E (original) as a template. Ed-E (Clone) was not the detonator that triggered the nukes, and it was the eyebot that ED-E (Original) memory was stored. This has been fixed on the wiki page, sorry for the confusion. Al Bukhari 18:04 (GMT), October 28 2011.

New edit regarding ED-Es' role in the divide[]

Please don't delete the new edit explaining where ED-E came from and how he was NOT the detonator that destroyed the divide. I looked everywhere for an explanation and i found it on a mix of pages, so i put it on this page as it has the most relevance and clears up a bit of confusion regarding the cloned ED-Es' identity and past. Al Bukhari 17:59 (GMT), October 28 2011.


Isn't this ED-E's background explained by Chris Avellone? He said that the NCR found the detonator in Navarro and, not knowing what it was, hired the Courier to deliver it to the Divide. This caused nukes to detonate underground and during all the destruction the detonator is destroyed but the pieces are collected and used to build the new ED-E's frame. Paladin117 14:43, February 18, 2012 (UTC)

ED-E refuses to follow (Bug)[]

ED-E will not follow me after I discover him in the little tube at the beginning of the DLC and free him. This seems like a rare bug, as I could only find one other person with the same issue (That post is here on a different forum).

  • I've tried "resurrect", which was the only thing that seemed to kickstart him, but he only works for about a second, then sits there, hovering in one spot and refuses to do anything.
  • I can bring up the companion wheel and interact with him.
  • I can push him physically.
  • I can talk to him.

He just won't follow, nor will he interact with the commissary or the blast door controls.

Need help, as this is a showstopper. Mctaff350 00:48, April 19, 2012 (UTC)

post completion[]

anybody else disappointed to find him vanished upon returning to the divide after specifically choosing to nuke ncr just to not to let him sacrifice himself?

Wouldn't you want him to complete his own mission?


I'm running the Mission Mojave -- Ultimate Edition 5 mod, which is widely recommended to clean up a number of bugs that Bethesda can't be bothered with, and the Divide ED-E simply vanished during the early battle over the rocket launcher and laser detonator. It didn't participate in the battle, but simply disappeared. My perks from it are gone, indicating that it was destroyed somehow, but it's supposed to be Essential on ALL difficulty levels. Something very wrong here. 16:54, August 20, 2012 (UTC)

And when I used player.placeatme to spawn a new one, TWO appeared.... gaah.... 23:14, August 20, 2012 (UTC)

BUGS using the Divide gate exploit.[]

xbox360. If using the divide gate exploit to quickly repair weapons to 100% and you have two or three identical weapons to repair, the first one repaired to 100% may vanish from your inventory to be followed by the second at 100% leaving you only the third weapon.In the case of two captured Red Glare`s which repair to 14,889 caps each this is a considerable loss.To avoid this, stash one in a container. Repair the one to 100% and then swap it over one at a time until all are repaired to 100%. Using the ED-E divide model equipped with the "Eyebot upgrade circuit board" it takes only 2 minutes to repair 2 Red Glare launchers to nearly 30,000 caps of value which if you are using the 0.5 Anti-Materiel Rifle with it`s expensive ammo then lots of caps come in handy.--1000HrsFallout3 (talk) 09:02, November 10, 2012 (UTC)

LR ED-E Storage[]

Can anyone confirm if, when using LR ED-E to disable/launch the nukes, ED-E has the items or you have the items in his storage? I have about 30,000 caps or more in him, and carrying it would make the trip home take 4.5 days in real time. Thanks-GRSteelers SunsetSarsaparillaKiller 17:40, November 11, 2012 (UTC) (not sure why that's my signature)

I'm not positive I understand the question but if I do then this is my input:

Yes, all of your property will return to your inventory at the boss fight sacrifice. This could double or triple your encumbrance, especially if you loot all the marked men before leaving. My solution to the problem is to run my Barter skill up to 70 (I think) as quick as possible at the beginning of the game and get the Long Haul Perk. It's totally worth it. I like to combine this with Hoarder derangement, Pack Rat, Strong Back and Burden to Bear. Doing it that way allows me to leave my Strength skill pretty low and dump all those SPECIAL points into Luck. -Helena


SO The Divide was an Enclave stronghold? Who else post-war uses the American symbols?

Where are the five destroyed Eyebots that contain the upgrades, and are they available to find after completing the main quest?

No, the divide, or more specifically the Hopeville and Ashton Bases there, is a pre-war facility. The enclave is the post war remnants of the United States government. The enclave using that sign doesn't mean they own everything that used that sign before them. I doubt they enclave have ever been there. 20:02, February 24, 2014 (UTC)
