Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Is it just my game, or does decorating reset in this room? I've tried to decorate it multiple times, as I like it better than Lucky 38, but it seems to reset every three days or so. at least the items don't disappear 23:11, November 24, 2010 (UTC)

I've never had anything in the game (not just that room) reset, you drag a box from point a to point b and that's where it stays permanently. Mictlantecuhtli 00:20, November 25, 2010 (UTC)

Safe For Storage?[]

I think it might need to be mentioned on the page (and other housing pages) whetther or not the containers in the room are safe for storage... it seems in most games like this (Oblivion, fallout 3,etc) it's hard to tell.--Tbone11 02:37, December 29, 2010 (UTC)

  • It briefly says which containers are safe but it is probably best to separate it from the main passage or give it its own section. i used the containers that were specified on the page as "safe" and they worked fine with me as far as i could tell.
  • I've tested that at least the safe is "safe", lol. Put stuff in it and went back weeks in game later to find them still in it.

Other ownable homes?[]

This is the only one I could find thus far. Are there any others? Perhaps upgradable ones like in Fallout 3? ~ 17:43, February 24, 2011 (UTC)

  • There's a ton of them. Pretty much every hotel has some way of giving you a room, through quests or otherwise.

My favorite New Vegas hideout.[]

I use this as a hideout for every play through because it's so convenient to fast travel to. You don't have to go through hotels/getting into The Strip to get to your house with a pile of your loot.

I don't know why it says that the Suitcase and Garbage can aren't safe? I've never had anything disappear. (Xbox 360)


The "well rested" bed and central location are nice but the water tastes bad. Helios is close though, and has good water.

Storage containers[]

Despite what the article claims at the moment, all of the storage containers in this room are safe, including the suitcase and garbage can.-- 15:09, July 16, 2011 (UTC)

Excuse me?[]

"The easiest way to get this room is to speak with Dusty McBride about his brahmin problem, after competing the unmarked quest, the player will receive an accepted reputation and will be able to get the motel room key."

Precisely how is the above method "easier" than simply walking into the motel office and getting the key from Jeannie-May Crawford for 100 caps? The above method requires killing a Nightkin. Not especially difficult, but certainly not "easier" than strolling up to the front desk and renting the room from Crawford.-- 15:20, July 16, 2011 (UTC)

It's easier because you get the room for free. 04:14, September 30, 2011 (UTC)

Yeah that really isn't the same thing. It's almost a universal truth that paying for something is much easier than convincing someone to give it to you for free. Ask your mother, she'll tell you the same thing.-- 00:37, February 28, 2012 (UTC)

Great Khans[]

I'm on the PC playing New vegas, and my reputation with the Great Khans is Soft-Hearted Devil. For some reason, Great Khans keep coming into the motel room. IS there a fix for this? --WrightEveryTime 16:20, February 12, 2012 (UTC)

Disappearing Items[]

My fully repaired Ranger Sequoia was left on the bed for show, and it disappeared a few nights after. I was so mad I went on a ranger-killing spree and got 4 more. Note to anyone else; Put your things in the containers provided.

Footlocker at the foot of the bed[]

I'm not entirely sure this container is safe. I came back to get some more things out of the cabinet and the contents of the footlocker had changed from an Iron and drinking glass to a Sunset Sarsaparilla and Cherry Bomb. About to experiment with it but can anyone else double-check? Great Mara (talk) 07:53, February 4, 2013 (UTC)
