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Fallout Wiki


This place is actually a lot less frightening than the name implies. :P I was expecting the same concentration of Deathclaws as there is Raiders in, say, the Bethesda Ruins or anywhere else Raiders inhabit. I stalked up on tons of ammo for my trusty Lincoln's repeater before going in there. There was only about 7-ish Deathclaws in the whole cave! Kind of a let down, actually. - WeHeartKatamari 03:32, 14 December 2008 (UTC)

Given the number of switchbacks and the relative stealth/speed of a Deathclaw, I'd say the character who wanders in there thinking this is simple is in for a rude surprise. (I tend to mark paths with frag mines.) Or maybe you need to increase the difficulty level you're playing at ... Shadowgm 20:20, 23 December 2008 (UTC)Shadowgm
Yeah this place is not bad. I cleared the place with my darling (Alien Plaster) and I didn't even brake a sweat.
Think about that for a sec... You used the Alien Blaster. --MadCat221 17:09, 14 May 2009 (UTC)
YO, I ran thru dis place wit da alien blaster, CSA, fawkes, and dogmeat, dis place is easy yo, yur a puss if you dont tink so


Page needs rewriting into a proper article. Notes and tips are far too extensive, there is no section which simply descibes and summarizes the location, notes and notable loot have overlaps etc. -- Porter21 (talk) 17:28, 14 May 2009 (UTC)

I'm on it. AngryNorwegianDude 17:30, 14 May 2009 (UTC)
Done. It might need some polishing, but all in all, it's much more lucid now. Wrote in a "descriptions" section, rearranged tips and notes... *high-fives self* AngryNorwegianDude 18:20, 14 May 2009 (UTC)
Much better, good job :) -- Porter21 (talk) 18:27, 14 May 2009 (UTC)

Floating fridge?[]

In the valley next to the death claw entrance, I came across two wastelanders and two slaves arguing over water. The slaves ended up killing the wastelanders and that's when I noticed a floating fridge with 10 purified water in it. I talked to one of the slaves, and used my speech to gain access to the water. Just wondering if anyone else has seen this cuz it was weird.

i dont know why it was floating, but its a random event

Invisible cage walls[]

I noticed there are 2 cages. One has a dead deathclaw, and I believe the other has a live one. However, for me, the cage with the live one was invisible, and only the cage doors were showing. It appears the cage walls weren't even there, allowing me to snipe it in the head.

(XBOX 360, Operation Anchorage, The Pitt and Broken Steel installed, fully patched).

T 02:49, 27 May 2009 (UTC)

Tips on how to survive hell[]

These are simple tips on how to get to the all the way through the Sanctuary. When you first get to the entrance there is a Deathclaw waiting outside. Or there may be a huge battle with a wastelander enclave and deathclaw in it (if waters of life is done, enclave will be there, If you have Broken Steel there is going to be at least one Hellfire Trooper, feel lucky if there's not). One of the most easy ways to do it is bring you and followers. But wait! Don't just bring some normal crappy follower, like Clover. Do not bring Dogmeat, either, as he is considered dead just going in there. The list below tells which followers to bring and not to bring:

These are not in any order

Fawkes: He has a laser gatling gun and a super sledge. He is un stoppable. He can take on one deathclaw at a time, though he can get beat up aganist one. But if you help he's just fine. 2 Deathclaws can make Fawkes a dead man.

Charon: Having an super acurate combat shotgun with at least 75 damage (do not know the damage of it SO do not get pissy cuz im wrong) He is awesome! But aganist a one Deathclaw? I'm am not sure if he can take one on but to me I think he wouldnt make it. He has a painful combat shotty so i dont know. Helping him can let him live another day. Against 2 Deathclaws, neither you nor he would make it.

Jericho?: I dont have him as a follower; only the top 2. I heard he can live a long time, but his chinese assualt rifle is a normal piece of crap. People say giving him that unique chinese assualt rifle (dont know it I'm no chinese guy) can make him deadly. Not sure what he like aganist a deathclaw, if your an evil lil bastard, tell me if he is awesome aganist a deathclaw. But it doesnt prove aganist 2 in the Sancutary.

Do not bring these followers:

Dogmeat: There's this thing that makes enemies go for him instead of you. He's a goner.

Clover: Unless you like having a total slut following you around, well your slut is gone. Even with power armor she's dead. Why? Deathclaws claws can go through any armor no matter how awesome it looks or how much defense it has. its like fighting a deathclaw naked.

RL-3: He maybe awesome at his job but a plamsa pistol and mini flamer wont help if the normal ones won't hurt a deathclaw.

Butch: Enough said...

Now I dont know about Star Cross, but I heard she sucks at everything so I guess don't get her.

Another way, if you wanna get through it fast and get it over with, is Stealth Boy. But be prepared to bring a lot of them, as it's limited. I suggest Chinese Stealth Armor. It's slow crouching through it, but safe. You can just run in there and shoot the hell out of them, depending on the weapon you use. Do not use a Deathclaw Gauntlet. You're not a Deathclaw with it. Fat Man kills everyone, including you if you use it in here. THAT MEANS THE MIRV! If one bomb can kill you I think 4 can. A weapon that is useful is the Dart Gun; this the best weapon aganist a Deathclaw. Shooting them in the legs makes them slow. Just don't back up into a wall. If you done Operation Anchorage, the Gauss Rifle can help with its knock down effect and damage. Alien Blaster will hurt alot, but sometimes it won't kill them. Its a waste of ammo with it. Melee Weapons won't help in the Sancutary (you should already know that one).

If you're wondering "what's it worth going in there?" well dont wonder anymore, its worth it. This place has some of the most unique stuff. When you get in the first room, there's Bobblehead: Endurance. Not to mention all the EXP for killing the Deathclaws. There is the unique Gatling Laser, The Vengance. If you done The Waters of Life, there's a dead ,or alive, Enclave Officer (This depends on if you killed the Deathclaws before The Waters of Life quest). He holds the unique Ripper, Jack.

Your welcome for the tips on how getting through the Deathclaw Sanctuary hope it helps! --Kirby888 03:55, 13 June 2009 (UTC)

_________Cool Stuff as I'm getting ready to go in there. I'm going alone. Charon, I can tell you cannot take 2 Deathclaws, because tried and tested, everytime I fast travel to Old Olney, he dies in less than 20 seconds, no fail. -Mark AUG13 2009. XBOX360

_________Edited any grammatical errors in here. Great guide overall, though! I plan on using some of this advice soon. - Alex, August 15, 2010, PS3

Bugged Deathclaw Spawns[]

As far as the surface-to-air deathclaws go, if one suddenly rockets into the sky it seems saving and reloading might work (especially if you load another save before reloading the sanctuary) to bring it back down to the position it was last in. It just worked for me on the 360. Obviously some might prefer Deathclaws to launch into orbit, but if one you were attacking and had almost killed suddenly rockets skyward (as happened to me) and thus appears to cheat you out of the XP and the kill, this technique might work. It has done at least once.

Where did the sense go?[]

"The heaps of bodies has differing loot: Both Raiders, Scavengers, Traders and Wastelanders are among the victims. The loot gained from the scavengers and traders (0 bottlecaps per trader, ammo and chems) if every nook and crannie is explored." This doesn't make any sense, well, the first part does, even though it's grammatically incorrect. I'll remove it for now, at least. Icko 20:22, 22 July 2009 (UTC)

Some guy vandalized it a while back, though I didn't catch all of the edits. If you could go through the previous versions to figure out what it used to say, that'd be great. --Lagged184 22:10, 22 July 2009 (UTC)

Yeah, I found it. But I removed from "The heaps of..." to "...among the victims." Because, imo, it didn't have anything to do with notable loot.Icko 09:31, 23 July 2009 (UTC)

We Need Better Map Pictures[]

I'm had a very difficult time trying to find this location and the map on this page is terrible. Also for some reason the icons are different than my map...

Storing for IW[]

Vengeance loc


It's quite frightening going into a pitch black cavern labeled the death claw sanctuary. Something I did that helped a TON was to crank up my brightness. Suddenly, it seemed like it was daytime! :D

Yeah but then it's less cool. I like keeping my brightness low and having the game be all tense. If your goal is just to beat the game using every method possible....pick up two companions, put the difficulty on very easy, and yawn your way to victory.

Enclave Soldier[]

(PC) With all 5 add-ons Before Finishing the quest Scientific Pursuits an Enclave soldier waring Enclave Hellfire armor was found combating a Death claw outside after exiting of the cave

I also encountered a Tesla Trooper upon exit, before finishing the Scientific Pursuits quest. I only have Broken Steel, Operation Anchorage and The Pitt installed (PS3). Should be noted I killed a Deathclaw before entering. Also on an unrelated note, just beforehand I encountered a Giant Radscorpion with two bars of health left, and a dead Yao Guai. --Pastor Salad 04:07, October 6, 2009 (UTC)

Same situation as the above (PS3, same DLC, killed Deathclaw before entering), but my Enclave soldier was wearing Hellfire Armour. Was walking around aimlessly on the cliffs to the left of the Sanctuary upon exiting. I haven't even been to GNR yet, so I have no idea what he was doing there this early in the game. Nice of him to give me a plasma rifle though. Zakrael 23:02, October 31, 2009 (UTC)

deathclaw shooting up bug[]

i just saw this bug on PC so i edited the bug section as confirmed for PC also --Replikanxxl 00:45, October 4, 2009 (UTC)

"Flying Deathclaws" has my vote for most hilarious bug in the game. I brought along Charon and he's plugging away straight up in the air with the Victory Rifle, yelling a battlecry and then I swear he said "must have been bugged." 02:30, April 16, 2010 (UTC)


i could have swarn it was the sneak bobble head, not endurance, i might change it

unclear sentence in "noteable loot" section[]

The entry regarding Jack in the notable loot section references an "east exit". After looking around the cave I can only find one exit, and it's in the north (visible in the map image on the page). Is this a mistake? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

Yup, there's only one exit. Corrected. -- Porter21 (talk) 19:01, January 13, 2010 (UTC)


Deathclaws don't need a sanctuary! Everyone else needs a sanctuary from the Deathclaws! -- 05:57, March 28, 2011 (UTC) nope they need a sanctuary I kill to many my count so far is 16.--oops sorry didn't mean to blow your face off, Candc4 15:53, September 9, 2011 (UTC)
