Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

What 1 DR does for you in Fallout 3[]

Ack! How exactly does it work? What does increasing your dr by 1 do for you? Is 1 DR equal to 1% less dmg taken?

I just found a quote "Damage Resistance (DR) is a percentage reduction on all damage taken." on a random forum. Hopefully that's all there is to it.

Just wondering, is there anything akin to Damage Threshold or Damage Resistance Modifier in F3? Point being, with DR only all weapons should be affected equally by armor, but it seems to me that hits from low-damage weapons (most 10mm but also many other non-unique small guns) will oftentimes just get almost completely absorbed by heavier enemies, while high-dmg weapons and energy weapons (especially AEP7) are relatively unaffected. Golan2781 15:50, 21 January 2009 (UTC)

The picture[]

It makes me feel naughty. :P --Last Face 00:59, 18 January 2009 (UTC)


two question: first, is it possible to get 100% DR? second,what is the highest you can go with no drug use but usage with perks and t-15b armor?

DR seems to be capped at 85%, regardless how you reach this value (armor, passive stats, chems). T51b provides 60% max armor with helmet and you can get ca. 30% from perks, so it´s no problem to max this value. Golan2781 17:00, 3 February 2009 (UTC)

Non-normal DR in Fallout 3?[]

So, back in The Good Ol´ Days [TM], armor had different DR stats for different damage types (like the Tesla armor would defend well against energy attacks but poorly against normal damage). Now in F3, there seems to be only the base DR stat and Radiation Resistance. However, AFAIK there are many more damage types and at least the Energy, Fire and EMP damage types are used. Now, what I´m wondering is if there actually is a hidden DR stat for these damage types, are they affected by the normal DR or are they simply unaffected by armor? Golan2781 15:07, 9 February 2009 (UTC)

I'm not sure. My guess is that if there was a separate DR stat for each, then the devs would've found a way to let us know those when listing armor stats. --Turbine2k5 15:10, 9 February 2009 (UTC)

Nah.. Say you have 85% DR, the game would just take what ever normal damage is inflicted onto you and divide it by 100, and then multiply it by 15. So you're only ever taking 15% of the damage at any time.

But if its fire or poison damage, the armour's DR doesnt protect you from that at all. If you get hit by a flamer at 85% DR you'll be protected from the base 120 damage, and therefore you'll only take 18 damage. But the actaul fire "effect" (2 damage every second for the next five seconds?) will damage you the same as it would if you were at 0% DR.

The only way to protection you can get against fire and poison are things like the 25% fire resistance you get from the ant perks, and the 6% poison resistance you get from the survival perks. Those are the only two example i can think of, there may be more. Basicly fire and poison resistances are more like character attributes than armour bonuses in this game. But they're not exactly a threat anyway, even for a low level character.-- 02:38, 27 April 2009 (UTC)

You forgot the Cyborg perk.--DreadZer0 22:54, December 8, 2009 (UTC)

"Max" DR discussion neglects to include helmets?[]

The theory section behind maximum DR is quite thorough, but it seems to completely ignore the effect of helmets on the equation. Is this intentional or an oversight?

Agreed, I noticed this too, I've added a bit at the end of the article about this, I'm new to editing though, so it may need a little tidying up.

Ghoul mask + Ranger battle helmet = 9 DR (more than Boogeyman's hood). Shouldn't that be noted? 19:59, November 1, 2009 (UTC)

The Max "Naked" DR is wrong.[]

You can take three levels of toughness, giving 30% total, Cyborg, giving 10%, Survival, giving up to 6&, and Barkskin, giving 5% giving a total of 51% in the original game. Am I missing something?

Wasteland justicar 04:21, 18 June 2009 (UTC)

As a matter of fact what I was missing was that you can only take multiple levels of Toughness in Fallout 1&2.

Wasteland justicar 02:13, 22 June 2009 (UTC)

85 DR possible in FO3 w/o DLC's? YES!!![]

Correct me if I'm wrong:

10% - Toughness perk

10% - Cyborg perk

5% - Barkskin

6% - Survival Expert (Tough)

???% - T15b Power armor at 88% CND (Wolfgang w/ RobCo jumpsuit)

???% - T15b Helmet at 88% CND (again Wolfgang)

NOTE: according to this wiki(condition page): "Armor's Damage Resistance is similarly affected - follows a Linear Regression fit to the following formula: DR = 11.62 + .38 * (Condition%)"

How would you calculate the DR from the 88% repaired T15b? Would it be enough to get to 85% DR? (Minimum 54 w/ armor and helmet required)

EDIT: Tesla fully repaired has a total of 52 DR w/ helmet, allowing for a base 83 DR (soooooo clooose...)

EDIT: Test results, Wolfgang after investment, no repair jumpsuit (couldn't get him to wear it):

T-51b Armor at 85% CND = 45 DR
T-15b Helmet at 85% CND = 9 DR (100% CND Tesla helmet has 9 DR and is repairable by the player)
Toughness = 10 DR
Cyborg = 10 DR
Barkskin = 5 DR
Survival Expert (Tough) = 6 DR
Total = 85 DR!!! (How convenient...)


You can achieve 85 DR, but at the cost of degrading the fabled T-51b, or replace it with Tesla armor for 2 less DR and give the T-51b to a follower of your choice.

Superior Defender[]

Shouldn't Superior Defender be put in here since it adds 10% resistance when standing still? I'm not sure if that would be considered temporary or permanent though... 02:57, October 13, 2009 (UTC)

No, not really. It is considered temporary, because if you're moving then it has no effect. Unless somehow you play the enitre game without moving (movetoqt, you know what I mean XD) - Luis 20:43, July 28th, 2010 (GMT)

DR in Pip Boy Never Changes[]

In the apparel screen of my Pip Boy my DR is set at 65 (or is it 85...?) and never changes from this, even when I equip different armor, etc. Is this just a base stat which does not include equipped items? —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

Usually it does change. However, there's a cap at 85% so if you have a lot of base DR from perks, it's possible it never changes. It's been a while since I last played, but I think with my chars I would've had to equip an armor worse than Lag-Bolt's combat armor to have it drop below 85%. -- Porter21 (talk) 13:46, February 3, 2010 (UTC)

I'll have to double check but I think it didn't change even when I unequipped all armor, then re-equipped. If it is capped at 85% and you have reached this with perks is there even any point in wearing armour (other than rad reduction). I may as well run around in my undercacks. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

You can't reach 85 with perks alone - see the article for a list, the max you can get from perks is around 47 if you include all DLC perks. -- Porter21 (talk) 15:39, February 3, 2010 (UTC)

T-51b repair[]

You can quite easily get a T-51b up to 100% if you have Point Lookout. Just exploit Haley's glitch to get his repair skill up to 100%, bring a ton of caps and there ya go. I think the article should be amended to mention this. TestECull 01:57, August 3, 2010 (UTC)

DR in New Vegas[]

Can I get some sort of confirmation of the bug in the New Vegas section of the main article and a little clarification of what it means? As far as I can tell, the bug states that if you equip the Rebreather or take Med-X it will render your DT useless as if it's not there. However, I've been running around in full Combat armor, reinforced mark 2 and the Rebreather, and I haven't noticed my armor being ineffective. What's the deal here? Orra 20:45, November 7, 2010 (UTC)

I removed it - both DT and DR are fully supported by the engine, even if DR is rarely used in FNV. Ausir(talk) 10:48, November 10, 2010 (UTC)

Better permanent DR in Fallout 3[]

It says on the page that the best permanent DR in Fallout 3 with the DLC's is 73% but I can figure it out to be about 83% if not more. Instead of the Hockey mask or Poplar's hood/Ghoul mask combo why not have the Winterized T-51b power helmet? That gives a permanent 10% plus has high health. Also the Winterized T-51b Power Armor has 45%. So in theory:

  • Toughness perk: 10%
  • Winterized T-51b Power Helmet: 10%
  • Winterized T-51b Power Armor: 45
  • Cyborg perk: 10%
  • Barkskin perk: 5%
  • Pitt Fighter perk: 3%
  • Survival Expert perk: 6%

With these numbers we have at least 85% permanent. I think the page should be updated with these combos.--Alpha Lycos 12:43, January 23, 2011 (UTC)

The above post completely misunderstands how to use the word "permanent" in relation to the topic of this page. When you have to change what you're wearing in order to benefit from the garment or armor AND your benefit is removed with the clothing, we don't consider this to be permanent. Maybe this person plans to permanently keep said item in his inventory, but it still only nets a benefit if it is worn. - some rando


DR article says DR applies before DT reduction. DT article presents formula where DR is applied after DT reduction. Side note: In FO1/2 DT reduction is applied first. —16:38, August 14, 2011 (UTC)

A Suggested path to 85% Damage Resistance for the Small Guns/Agility/Scroungers Amongst Us[]

Ok so you want achieve 85% (the maximum you can) damage resistance (Dr) with the lowest possible weight well I think this is it - it avoids the need to do the Survival Expert Quest which from my understanding is not that great overall - time and benefits taken into account.

  • The Cyborg perk gives +10% damage resistance.
  • The Toughness perk gives +10% damage resistance.
  • The Barkskin perk gives +5% damage resistance.
  • The Superior Defender perk gives +5% damage resistance when moving and +10% when standing still.
  • The Pitt Fighter perk gives +3% damage resistance.

That gives a total of +38% Dr when standing still. Add in the Ranger battle armor (Weight of 27, Health of 1100) and adds another +39% Dr resulting in a total Dr of +76%. Now add in the Winterized T-51b power helmet (Weight of 4, Health effectively infinite) for another +10% Dr and you achieve +86% Dr.

When moving this Dr drops by 5% due to the efficacy of the Superior Defender Perk. To deal with this, it is necessary to equip Ledoux's hockey mask (Weight of 1, Health effectively infinite) along with the Winterized T-51b power helmet by exploiting the Chinese stealth armor glitch.

When every pound of weight counts, I think this is the bomb. You achieve +85% Dr with no reduction in any SPECIAL Characteristics. Both the Winterized helmet and Ledoux's hockey mask effectively have infinite health and the Ranger Battle Armour is easily repairable with Combat armor and variants.The Happy Wanderer (talk) 02:20, September 12, 2012 (UTC)

"When the player character is standing or crouching in place, it adds +5 points of damage to weapons and +10 points to Damage Resistance."

"The +5 damage is added to each bullet, making it far more powerful when used with automatic weapons, especially with the Minigun or the Gatling laser, and their variants. The minigun will have its damage almost tripled." Fallout 3 Wiki - Superior Defender

Unless this guy is playing on a Modded version of Fallout 3, this is not how the game works. The game developer's description is to blame for this, it is a bit confusing the way they say "With the Superior Defender Perk, the player gains +5 to their damage and +10 to their armor rating while standing still." It should really be written like this, 'With the Superior Defender Perk, while standing still, the player gains +5 to their damage and +10 to their armor rating.'
Note: it will always say Superior Defender is active because the player is never moving when the Pip-boy is open.

This is actually a really good (free) perk when one considers that VATS is done standing still, pretty much always and that the quest to earn it must be completed to progress in Point Lookout anyway. There is a +5 bonus, but it's +5 Damage added to all weapons.

Fallout 4 Formula Clarification[]

  1. How do individual armor components affect the 'DamageResist' variable? Which value counts when the enemy hits your head. Just the helmet's DamageResist, or the total damage resist for everything?
  2. It says 'DamageResist' again for energy weapons, but shouldn't it be 'EnergyResist' or something? Does the regular damage resistance play any role in energy weapon calculations, or is it 100% energy resistance for energy weapons?

Daniel Benoy (talk) 17:20, November 23, 2015 (UTC)

  1. individual armor components are all added to one total damageresistance / energyresistance / ... A hit to the head is calculated vs the total resistance and gets a x2 bonus to damage after reduction.
  2. projectile damage is calculated vs "av damageresistance", energy damage vs "av energyresistance", fire vs "av fireresistance" , radiation vs "av radresistance" ( not sure if damage reduction vs radiation weapons follows same rules as energy/projectile
ShryxAshpool (talk) December 05, 2015

If DR Page Is Correct for Fallout 4, Energy Weapons Are Nerfed[]

The damage coefficient calculated for energy weapons only uses base damage, not whatever its paper damage would be. If this is correct, then energy weapons are seriously broken. Is this an accidental typo for the energy weapon calculation or is it actually true that energy weapons don't get any perk modifiers?PandaBot3000 (talk) 03:20, January 23, 2016 (UTC)

Fallout4: Range Modifier[]

How Range Modifier is calculated for different weapons? Clarification or link is needed.

Final Damage calculations look incorrect[]

The "projectile/close combat" Final Damage formula seems to be using the critical damage in the wrong place. Right now it says - Final Damage = (CritDmg/DR)^0.366 x CritDmg x HeadshotMulti x SneakMulti. Should the first CritDmg used to calculate the damage coefficient be replaced with paper damage, or is Dmg Coeff really based upon crit damage? If so, that nerfs energy weapons even more so since energy criticals are considerably smaller than projectile crits. PandaBot3000 (talk) 03:47, March 24, 2016 (UTC)

Are you unintentionally looking at the section detailing critical hit damage? 05:58, March 24, 2016 (UTC)
I'm not sure what you're asking - yes, I am looking at the critical damage section at the bottom of the page. The projectile/close combat section uses the formula I wrote, however the energy weapon section uses base damage to calculate the damage coefficient instead of using critical damage. If this is still true, then energy weapons have been broken in a few places for a while now. That's what I was trying to say. PandaBot3000 (talk) 21:11, March 24, 2016 (UTC)

FO4 Damage Reduction Formula?[]

The formula makes no sense because the formula is not giving all of the parts of the formula. I tried 50 damage against 1000 damage resistance.

From what I can tell of the formula this is what it is:

DamageCoeffecient = Min(0.99 [50/1000 * 0.15]EXP0.365)

I get 0.16703374.........

I'm trying to do a spreadsheet to compare values but I can't do that until I know how to use the formula.

Gotabowl (talk) 10:15, August 18, 2017 (UTC)

Reddit reference link is broken

The link should be https://www.reddit.com/r/fo4/comments/625rqq/survival_mode_damage_multipliers/

Graph of the Fallout 4 effective Damage reduction[]

Found a graphing site on the internet to try and get a visual read on damage reduction. I converted to 1-Dmg Coeffecient to get effective damage resistance, where 'x' is the ratio of Damage/Damage reduction, the multiplied by 100.

Work here:[1] for 10/50/250/1000 point attacks.

Talkpage image Damage Resistance graph

Damage Resistance for armor 1-1000 for attacks of 10/50/250/1000

Would appreciate an extra pair of wyes checking my work? Jonnan001 (talk) 19:31, December 6, 2017 (UTC)

DR for clothing/armor in New Vegas[]

I have equipped and confirmed the DR on the following items in New Vegas :

  • 3 DR Rebreather from the quest Volare!
  • 1 DR Vault 11 jumpsuit
  • 3 DR Scientist outfit
  • 0 DR Regulator duster
  • 0 DR Sheriff's duster

This article needs to be corrected to delete the two dusters - as they have no DR (0). I am playing on 360 NV Ultimate Edition with official patches (and of course, no mods). 13:11, 27 March 2021 (UTC)

Is the coding for Damage Reduction working in the GECK or is it solely missed legacy content that wasn’t cleaned? Great Mara (talk) 13:53, 27 March 2021 (UTC)
I don't know the answer to that. Can I access the GECK from xbox 360 ? The way I checked the DR was by equipping the items one at a time and seeing DR listed in the description table in the pipboy, as well as the top row of the pipboy showed the DR. I think the coding works for DR, because there are also chems that can be taken in FNV that affect DR. (PS that was me that commented above as well, just on a different wifi now) - Angela 22:37, 27 March 2021 (UTC)