Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Wrong gender?[]

This may give a male character increased damage against male targets, with the Lady Killer perk returning to give increased damage against female targets. --Kris mailbox 17:24, September 2, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah I agree with Kris cause you can have intercourse with the same sex.Shadow 20:23, September 2, 2010 (UTC)


Knight bug[]

The only reason i got confirmed bachelor was to get free repairs at 100. How is this bug fixed? I loved this game at first but at level 22 I started all over again because of these bugs. Help appreciated.


Anyone noticed the huge role homosexuality plays in NV? As far as I remember, Obsidian has never pounded the issue as much as this game. There are literally hundreds of references referring to gay and lesbian wastelanders.- The Capulet 01:34, October 28, 2010 (UTC)

Because Apocalyptia is Utopia or something like that.
Maybe it's because they're in California and Prop 8 has been in the news a lot. Nitty Tok. 00:04, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
Honestly, I don't think it's true to the scene. The fallout universe kept the 50's era perpetually. And in the 50's, homosexuality was still a pretty big taboo. Seems too 'political' in spite of the lore to me.- The Capulet 01:33, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
The pre-War world was grounded in the 1950s perpetually, but not really the post-War reality. Ausir(talk) 07:45, October 30, 2010 (UTC)

Taboo or not, the whole "Apocalyptia is Utopia" idea mentioned above is basically right. No one really gives a damn about what people are doing personally, except for the mention on the main page about the NCR not liking it in their military posts. Who is going to stop them? The law and/or societal taboos don't matter in a nuclear wasteland, so far as it extends to direct physical harm, theft, murder, r---, etc.

Besides that, society wouldn't necessarily stay so rigidly 50's on this as mentioned. We're talking 200+ years since the nuclear apocalypse here. It's not like gay people would not exist, just as they existed in the 50's (whether they were mentioned often or not, and how many were in the closet at the time is a whole another matter). When it comes down to day-to-day survival, who really cares about another person's sexual orientation? The portrayal of homosexuals in this game is quite realistic in that regard, and even if it is a politically motivated concept to portray homosexuals like this in the Fallout Universe, so be it. Good call on the writers' part. -- SKNinja

On top of that, the role of pre-War revealed religions in the game is essentially zero and this form of religious doctrine is one of the chief engines of homophobia. Wunengzi 02:44, January 8, 2011 (UTC)
Eh, maybe that's the issue for me. I do agree that it's all well written. But IMO, you hear about it far more than you would even today, which again, IMO is too frequently as it is. To me, it seems less a portrayal of a fictitious world and more of a political push for acceptance in the real world. - The Capulet 16:01, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
  • I think of it more as "Bethesda trying to satisfy Fallout 2 fans". Fallout 2 allowed your character to play as a homosexual (even a "shotgun wedding" where your partner could be of the same gender). What with all the added content from or based on Fallout 2, I see the "play the sexuality however you want to" aspect as just another homage to Fallout 2. --Webgiant 16:44, February 7, 2011 (UTC)
Sorry to cut in between posts... How often are you around gay people per say? Where I live, it's really not that uncommon. Some of the more outgoing, people myself included, are just about as open as Betsy, and the some of the more docile sound rather like Knight. If anything I'd say the inclusion of homosexuals in game as it stands, is pretty realistic.AryeonosWhat!? 10:52, November 30, 2010 (UTC)
Veronica and Knight and likely other characters allude to homosexuality in the legion, yet this perk doesn't seem to pop up with anything at all in interacting with that male-dominated roman-worshiping faction...Sexuality does do something in setting the atmosphere of NV, we've got Gomorrah and prostitutes for the whole lewdness thing, but how does the homosexuality in particular play a "huge role," again? You know, other than a few characters are gay, and some sparse rumors float around in the game world, and there being a handful of special dialogue options involved with these perks, some of which that seem that they have nothing to do with homosexuality at all?
  • Homosexuality is such a taboo in our culture that, for some folks, any reference to homosexuality will be seen as a "huge role". One non-evil gay character in any game and quite a few people will complain about "the homosexual agenda having an undue influence." --Webgiant 16:44, February 7, 2011 (UTC)
I seem to recall seeing a reference somewhere that homosexuality was absolutely taboo in the Legion. Remember, it isn't a picture-perfect reproduction of Roman society, but was created on the basis of a few books that may not have covered this subject much, or accurately. Wunengzi 02:44, January 8, 2011 (UTC)
Jumping in here! (Smack in the middle) Veronica sees that "The men "mount" each other as much as there women. so they at least kept something from the old Rome" Just throwing that in here... long efter this conversation seems to have ended (Fising my signature sorry) Terrorblades Thinks ENCLAVE WILL RETURN! 13:17, January 27, 2011 (UTC)
    • Of interest to the discussion is that Emperor Augustus of Ancient Rome banned heterosexual marriage in the Legion, and this ban was not lifted until 197 C.E. by Septimius Severus. Quite a lot of people have assumed that this encouraged homosexual relationships in the Legion. Of course, there was no ban on the Legionaires having sex, just a ban on marriage, so quite likely they had sex with whomever they pleased while invading other countries. Roman custom on homosexuality changed from time to time, but generally a Roman citizen was permitted to have sex with any of his slaves, male or female, as long as the Roman citizen did all the penetrating and never "received". While the Ancient Roman Legion permitted its Legionaires to own slaves, this does not seem to be allowed in Caesar's Legion, so the rule about sex with slaves either does not permit the Caesar's Legionaire to have sex with slaves at all, or they are used in some sort of communal fashion. --Webgiant 16:44, February 7, 2011 (UTC)

Does this works in conjunction with Lady Killer?

Yes. - The Capulet 16:01, November 1, 2010 (UTC)
So I just becames Knight's "special" friend? Crap....At least I have lady killer too.... 01:05, January 9, 2011 (UTC)

I think you might have missed something[]

I think everyone is not taking in the consideration of the large number of homosexuals/lesbians who play games like Fallout 3 or any game for that manner. There is a study that was done on this topic in regards to the high ratio of people claiming to be other than an heterosexual. There is an increase of sexual exploration by heterosexuals that explore opposite gender rules by playing a character of the opposite sex. -- 19:11, January 21, 2011 (UTC)Kevin H.

funny thing, that; the first person to recommend fallout to me was my lesbian friends' girlfriend--Katikar 23:52, October 7, 2011 (UTC)


Should we add the effects of using the perk with people? Like Knigths free repair? Terrorblades Thinks ENCLAVE WILL RETURN! 13:19, January 27, 2011 (UTC)

It does already have the effects. Knight's free repair option was removed in the latest patch. Nitty Tok. 13:42, January 27, 2011 (UTC)

Do you think this perk will be returning?[]

I think the two main reasons this perk appeared was because A) as another editor mentioned, it's a throwback to Fallout 2 style gameplay and B) it fits well with the Vegas theme (a town where anything goes...). It also might just be the developers tossing the LGBT crowd a bone. But in any case, I'm not entirely sure it would return in another installment because of its thematic ties with this particular game. Pluto Relinquish 22:54, February 16, 2011 (UTC)


Is it just me that thinks that these perks aren't really about being homosexual as mush as just being suave or any other word for it. My main consideration is that in FNV you make your character how every you want to you can write your own story for the PC and have fun with it if you want you character to be gay you don't need this perk... if the sex is the most important part of proving what your characters sexual orientation is then go to Westside go to the bordello and get your groove on.

If this perk makes you gay then having nether makes you asexual and then when the PC get to another lever "your character has killed enough people" the PC gains a attraction to a gender... I like this perk and i want this perk to be in what ever fallout games that come after it. It's all about having the ability to have choice to play your character like you want to... these are RPG's after all.

Just to state my sexuality so that any paranoia about evil agenda can be confirmed or denied: I'm Bisexual

Terrorblades - This is recorded live at 11:36, July 17, 2011 (UTC)

If this perk makes your character gay then why can you still have sex with women while you have it? Fallout is a role playing game, therefore your character is only gay if you are gay. To get back with being suave theme I agree because in FO3 I had the lady killer perk you could smooth talk some ugly women as well as hot women but always with the end result/intention of getting something done much easier or having that charater give you an item or caps just, basically just for complementing them.


No option for Carlyle or Brain[]

In all my playthroughs with this perk, I've never received the option to use this perk on either of them. Is this a bug, or does the dialogue simply not exist for the perk? Thieverpedia (talk) 07:09, December 24, 2015 (UTC)
