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Fallout Wiki


This perk is in the same category as Infiltrator if you save before using the computer, you don't ever fail it. Also you can guess 3 times and if you don't have it you can quit out of the computer and try again. Final verdict: USELESS.-accountless avenger.

It is somewhate useful is you don't want to go through the trouble of saving/reloading, and if you have one guess left, the word almost compelte, and more then one possible answer remaining, since you can take the chance DragonJTS 13:19, 29 April 2009 (UTC)

Whether or not you might consider this perk useless depends on how much or how little value you place on your own time. If resorting to repeated start-over methods until you get it right is acceptable to you, then you don't need this perk. OTOH, if you're looking to reduce time spent on hacks, this perk does accomplish that. - Steve G.

This perk is as useful as a perk that turns Bent Tin Cans into regular Tin Cans. Loading time are fairly irrelevant because you can simply guess a few times and exit the terminal when you have 1 chance left replenish your allowance. This is essentially the exact same thing at the perk does, but better since the perk only gives 1 more attempt where exiting and restarting the hack can be done any number of times. The time saved with this perk is almost non-existent in Fallout 3. Unless this perks allows a person to skip the wait that happens when retrying a hack, it is just as useless in New Vegas. Ilovefuzzykittens 12:54, November 28, 2010 (UTC)

I don't care what anyone says, I find this useful. exiting out and re-doing it takes forever since you have to do that each time, and if your horrible at guessing like me, then all the worse, and it's not something you can skip forward through, you gotta read SECURITY RESET... BLAH BLAH BLAH HR817 or whatever each freaking time. This perk essentially halves the time it takes, maybe more when you consider 4 resets = 4 waiting through that baloney, vs 2 resets waiting through baloney once. 21:37, September 8, 2011 (UTC)
seriously, by just clicking the mouse several times franctically, the loading time of the in-game computer is reduced. then for the quickload time, it is very short given that the game does not load all the content of the cell like when you change place.(this could be why certain bugs happen, btw)

of course, when i say loading times dont matter that much, i m speaking about playing on PC with game installed on a modern SSD. with an old laptop HDD ( or on console, which is equivalent), it could be very different. but again, not playing any bethesda with hardware 3 years more recent than the game is an error. no bethesda game can be played with current technology when it launchs.
