Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Stuff that still needs to go in[]

Anyone have any solid figures for range and lighting penalties? Aside from armor, does anything modify DR/DT? I think some stuff did. Does STR modify melee damage? How do crits and crit failures really work?

If anyone knows this stuff, just toss it in. Spazmo 16:56, 26 Jun 2005 (CEST)

We seriously need a Fallout1/2 section, and a Fallout 3 section. I have no idea how damage is calculated for Fallout 3. Headshots do double damage? Sneak attacks do another double on top of that? So a sneak attack headshot does 4x damage? Where does Better Criticals +50% figure into the equation -- base weapon damage, or after other multipliers? Am I doing 600HP damage with the Alien Blaster, or 250HP? Or am I rolling over 101 on my attack and just getting an instakill? Pinkynperky04 04:06, October 28, 2009 (UTC)

To-hit calculation[]

Found this to-hit calculation code @ http://fonlinedocs.netii.net/tohit2.c. What's currently on the page doesn't really fall in line with it. --Slider2k (talk) 22:21, April 5, 2015 (UTC)


// determining tohit:

// used GLOBALLY in calculations (all =0 as default):

int distmod1; int distmod2; int dist; // used as accumulator int tohit; int use_ac; // is armor class used int is_ranged; // is attack ranged int perception;

int determine_tohit_func() {

 if (target_valid) use_ac = 1; // target_valid <=> target_id != 0
 if (attack_is_generic_fo1_unarmed_attack) tohit = attacker_skill_unarmed;
   if (attack_with_weapon) {
     tohit = attacker_skill_appropriate; // checked for small guns etc.
     if (weapon_is_ranged) apply_distance_modifier(); // this will also mark the attack as ranged
     if (attacker_is_player)
       if (player_is_one_hander)
         { if (weapon_is_two_handed) tohit-=40; else tohit+=20; }
     int strength=attacker_stat_strength;
     if (attacker_is_player)
       if (player_have_weapon_handling) strength+=3;
     if (weapon_strength_req > strength) tohit-=20*(weapon_strength_req - strength);
     if (weapon_perk == accurate) tohit+=20;
   if (attack_without_weapon) tohit = attacker_skill_unarmed; // fo2 attacks without weapons (including special punches etc.)
 // if attack_type == invalid then tohit == 0, still.
 if (use_ac)
   if (target_ac + weapon_ac_mod > 0) tohit -= target_ac + weapon_ac_mod; // weapon_ac_mod is usually negative
 if (attack_is_ranged) tohit+=location_penalty; // which is negative
   else tohit+=location_penalty/2;
 if (target_is_multihex) tohit+=15; // centaurs, deathclaws etc.
 if (attacker_is_player) {
   int light;
   if (!target_valid) light=0;
   else {
     light = target_lumination;
     if (weapon_perk == night_sight) light=0x10000;
   if (0x9999 < light <= 0x0cccc) tohit-=10;
   if (0x6666 < light <= 0x9999)  tohit-=25;
   if (         light <= 0x6666)  tohit-=40;
 } // light is not applied for npcs
 if (attacker_have_damaged_eye) tohit-=25;
 if (target_is_lying) tohit+=40;
 if (CONDTITION) { // not fully known, but obviously involves checking if something is player
   if (combat_difficulty == wimpy) tohit+=20;
   if (combat_difficulty == rough) tohit-=20;
 if (tohit > 95) tohit = 95;
 return tohit;


int apply_distance_modifier() {

 attack_is_ranged = 1;
 if (weapon_perk == long_range) distmod1 = 4;
   else if (weapon_perk == scope_range) {distmod1 = 5; distmod2 = 8; }
     else distmod1 = 2;
 perception = attacker_perception;
 if (target_invalid) dist = 0;
   else dist = distance_between_attacker_and_target; // this is distance between central hexes, -1 when attacker is multihex, -1 when target is multihex
 if (dist < distmod2) dist+=distmod2; // this happens when target is within minimum range of an scoped range weapon
 else {
   if (attacker_is_player) dist-=(perception-2)*distmod1; // player nerfed
     else dist-=perception*distmod1;
 if (-2*perception > dist) dist = -2*perception;
 if (attacker_is_player) dist-=2*player_sharpshooter_level;
 if (dist >= 0) { if (attacker_eye_damage) dist*=-12; else dist*=-4;}
 else dist*=-4;
 if (!(attack_with_norange_argument && (dist<=0))) tohit+=dist;
 // technically, here should be dist=0; and from now on, dist will be used as accumulator
 if (!target_invalid && !attack_with_norange_argument) tohit-=10*objects_between_attacker_and_target;
   // it's not known which objects are taken into account; probably it has something to do with ShootThru proto flags
   // EDIT: probably it's just a critter counter, however strange results were measured when they were multihex

