Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Maybe we should merge Chinese commando here and change the title to Chinese Soldier (VR)? Ausir 05:29, 4 February 2009 (UTC)

I don't know to be honest, I kind of like having the Anchorage Reclamation simulation/DLC content seperate from the "main game" content. Another difference is that the Chinese Commando is not hostile to the player whereas the Chinese Soldiers are. // Porter21 U | T 09:54, 4 February 2009 (UTC)

Loot Method[]

Apparently they can be looted with a convoluted reverse-pickpocketing method involving the gauss rifle's knockdown. Someone elsewhere mentioned that they stole a Stealth Suit, but it only had +5 sneak and no stealth field. I don't know if the method has been tried on the winterized jumpsuit, but I would imagine it would work the exact same way. And while it doesn't really apply to this article, it doesn't work on the American general, which the game more or less defines as a man-child.

Reverse pickpocketing a grenade is a negative karma action when used on the Chinese soldiers?[]

I reverse pickpocketed a grenade (yay pants explosion) and as soon as I selected the grenade, I got the audio for negative karma (confirmed on leaving the pickpocket window). I guess I find it unusual for such an occurance. Torinir 03:29, November 8, 2010 (UTC)

Snipers = Crimson Dragoon, or not?[]

It's stated in the page that snipers are Crimson Dragoon members with a sniper rifle. Are snipers really Crimson Dragoon, or just regular chinese infantry wearing the same stealth armor? Eddo36 (talk) 03:19, September 16, 2012 (UTC)

Bad Karma?[]

I was making my way through the trenches with Montgomery at my back. As I was moving along I noticed a cloaked sniper standing directly next to me. Him, being not good at his job, said something, quite out loud, in Chinese. He still attempted to stay hidden, and for kicks I tried pickpocketing him, which resulted in Bad Karma. He then proceeded to get a mix of Gauss Rifle and Blood Mess, and let's just say he no longer exists. 03:51, January 4, 2013 (UTC)
