Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


When I played through the Hoover dam, almost every centurion I came across had anti-material rifles. Ifsomeone elsecan confirm, that should probably be added to their possible weapons

Offset fighting abilities[]

These guys only have 195 HP where as ranger veterans have 295 if these guys are so elite than the game should balance that out with the population of the NCR, these guys should be stronger than they are.--Terminator512 16:04, May 5, 2011 (UTC)

Veteran rangers and heavy troopers are the only soldiers the NCR have that are any good at all in a fight, and both are uncommon top tier troops. The Legion's midtier and low tier troops dominate the NCR's, and because of this most fights you'll witness between the two will be won by the Legion. So, no - the Legion have more than enough of an advantage without their top level troops also being superior to the NCR's.

Assain Centurion?[]

I just ran across a group of legion assassins, and two of them were wearing Centurion armor. I'm not sure if this is a bug because I've gone and made the legion early in my new game, or that it's normal and I'm looking at the wrong page, but I thought it was worth mentioning SilencedSouls 00:41, November 24, 2011 (UTC)

Legionary assassin. User:Great_MaraMessage 01:11, November 24, 2011 (UTC)