Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Bug verify[]

What is needed to verify a bug? I have encountered the Failed tag in the quest log after completing the experiment. Do we need screenshots or a video or something? Or just a second voice (in this case, me) also stating existence of the bug? -Xernoc 2015Dec09

Someone posts the bug under the "verify" tag, and then someone else who has also encountered the bug marks the tag as verified. -TragicShow

Bringing Curie[]

I actually did not receive any special dialogue or affiliation bonuses for finishing the research project with Curie as a companion.

she said... nothing. Even less than usual, in fact.

so, no, it is not at all important who you bring on this particular quest. Either the dialogues were broken in the latest patch, or whoever it was that posted this to the wiki about Curie getting bonuses was... imagining things.

...a little miffed since I backtracked to go and get her.

I did get a Curie loved that, with a 3.50% increase, along with another 1.30% increase after finishing the quest completely. My Curie is already a synth and was at 62% affinity already. I suspect it depends on her affinity already.

The produced torso...[]

It's stated in the article that the produced torso is level dependent. If so, I'd like to know what level one must be to get something higher than a T-51 torso? My character was level 77 on discovery of the location, which should mean that it would be an X-01 torso that would be produced. Unfortunately for me however, it kicked out a T-51. Better than nothing for sure, but not the expected outcome!

What have other people experienced in this quest? 17:38, January 1, 2016 (UTC)Frank. O

I got a Mkv x01 torso. level 62.

Received a T-51 Model E at level 58. Was also that level during the discovery of Cambridge Polymer Labs.

I got a T-45 model at level 65. I think it`s just random. 03:00, January 28, 2016 (UTC) Forgot to say that I discovered C.P. Labs also as 65 level. 03:52, January 28, 2016 (UTC)

If it were random, there would be people at level 7 with X-01 Power armor. Perhaps, then, after a certain level, it becomes random. AdrienRemaz (talk) 21:41, January 28, 2016 (UTC)

Well, but may be there are 7 level players with x-01. It`s hard to check as I don`t think there are many players who go and do this quest at level 7. It seems this random is predestined. (I replayed the quest for other reasons and ended up with the same armor - t-45 b) 04:23, January 29, 2016 (UTC)

Model B T-51. Level 142. --DQM (talk) 08:38, April 17, 2018 (UTC)


The image used on the page is the icon displayed in the Pip-boy. That image is currently the standard for all FO4 quests. If you don't like that image being used, then we can discuss the standard. --Xernoc (talk) 22:19, January 7, 2016 (UTC)

Yeah, the standard sucks. But I know no one here will do anything.

Thanks for making all the side quests look boring.

Good job.

Couldn't you have at least added my pic to a fucking gallery? Jeezus Christ.

JackFrost23 (talk) 22:28, January 7, 2016 (UTC)

You are more than welcome to add images you think are appropriate to the article itself. The infobox using icons was not my decision, that was User:Jspoelstra, though I personally like it. It removes the arbitrary nature of previous games where the image could be of the quest giver, or a part of the quest, or really anything. Now it is a cleaner look going from page to page. --Xernoc (talk) 22:33, January 7, 2016 (UTC)
No, no, they're more boring now, but what you and JPolestra want is going to happen so I'll just fuck off now.
-JackFrost23 (talk) 22:34, January 7, 2016 (UTC)
Are you seriously fucking kidding me?
The day after you imposed the Vault Boy icon being on every side quest (like we all aren't sick to death of that pic of Vault Boy giving the thumbs up at this point), someone else comes by and posts the power armor piece you get as a reward as the mission pic. Where the fuck are you Xernoc to change it back?
Fuck it, I'm putting my pic of the coating machine back in the window as it is far more appropriate to this quest than either that stupid fucking Vault Boy icon or the power armor piece.
-JackFrost23 (talk) 07:17, January 23, 2016 (UTC)

"Failed research" bug[]

Interesting, did anyone manage to finish it without failing the research ? I got the armor, I completed talking to the director ( no idea how it`s possible as he was a ferral ghoul) , but failed the research. I know it`s a bug. I`ve tried to replay the quest but ended up with the same issue. Not that it`s a big deal, but it would be nice to know the reason of it. 04:01, January 28, 2016 (UTC)

To avoid the failed research glitch enter console command "completeallobjectives 000284bc" after you create the piezonucleic armor and before you speak to Molly.Torgue (talk) 14:09, March 28, 2016 (UTC)

Bypassing quest??[]

It is possible to pick the Directors door (Master lockpick) before entering the clean room. You can then end the lockdown via his terminal.

I got a bug - maybe? I have left the building and the other quest related to the institute updated when I got the admin credentials, but this quest is still in my log saying I need to do the reasearch or find another way of leaving - but like I said, I already left.


1. Started the quest with Molly,

2. Sat through introduction.

3. Went upstairs picking Directors door

4. Used terminal to end lockdown

5. Disabled Molly (she was standing at cleanroom terminal). Used hack from robotics perk on Molly.

6. Entered through clean room - no problem with doors since lockdown ended.

7. Got Admin credentials from terminal.

8. Left

CRAceDKR (talk) 16:12, May 8, 2020 (UTC)
