Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


Attention: The Editor ID is FFDCBrotherhoodDogtag not Holotag.


would some people help out and list some locations please. wouldn't kill ya you know.--That70sdude 02:49, 21 January 2009 (UTC)

Sign your posts. Also, dead Brotherhood members. --HarrisonH 02:39, 20 January 2009 (UTC)
Just placed three locations. The dead brotherhood initiates at the mall are not random.BSMaker 03:12, 21 January 2009 (UTC)

ok thank you bsmaker, if more people contribute where are smoe dead bodys are than we might actually have a whole list we can add to the article. even if its one body, just post it.

There are two dead Brotherhood Members in an office building in Falls Church thats close to the ruined school. (Also has a laser rifle and some ammo and two dead mutants, none living) Also during "Take it Back!" the dean Initiates giving sniper support may die by collateral damage from Liberty Prime or Enclave Vertibirds and troops, if you have the Broken Steel add on these holotags will be useful. There is a brotherhood firefight outside the ruins of the white house (Or if you have Broken Steel, White House Plaza). Broken Steel has a few opportnities during the main quest line of it, but only if the brotherhood are suffering casulties during a firefight, none will respawn dead.--Joshua 11:05, 15 April 2010


When you first accept this quest she says she will reward you with 'something more intresting' if you bring her enough tag's. Is this a lie? Spellunker 15:17, 10 August 2009 (UTC)

When I was outside adams airforce base, I saw Enclave soldiers and brotherhood soldiers fighting. when they die, they respawn. I was able to get unlimited holotags (and hellfire armor) by killings these guys and then coming back.

The *Interesting* Reward.[]

Ive gave about 100 to her, and no reward bar the caps.so it could be a lie yes. As for the holotag farming part, There is a few locations depends if you have the DLC. If you broken steel, the Jefferson memorial has one or two brotherhood and enclave fighting it out,but its really not worth it,as there is no"interesting" reward ive found yet..

New Vegas[]

Can we get any information on these in New Vegas? They're obviously in the game but I have no idea if they actually have a purpose or not, even in Hidden Valley. Take 1ne 18:21, December 14, 2010 (UTC)

I couldn't find a use for them. BoS has a Safehouse, Hidden Valley, and Veronica. None of those 3 places/people have any dialogue involving Holotags. I have had three playthroughs where I respectively killed BoS, changed thier leader, and did all McNamara quests. Nothing asked for Holotags. Have not looked around the DLC yet, and have also not played for Legion.

New Vegas use?[]

The New Vegas Miscellaneous Items page links to this page -- but no information is given as to IF or WHERE (and even more importantly, WHY) the Holotags are used in New Vegas. The article should clarify this, or at least note that they exist but the reason is as-of-yet unknown.

I looted 3 of them during "still in the dark", I guess on the BoS bodies. On PC. Didn't find any use for it, maybe it's still in the game because they used the same loot generator from FO3 for BoS npc ? I don't know, but it sounds to be the most logical answer. 02:26, May 7, 2011 (UTC)


Any chance someone can locate the personal information found on the generic BoS holotag? (Information is currently missing on this page. Dragon Leon Skål! 03:35, August 8, 2012 (UTC)
