Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Clarification needed: Enclave power armor is in Fallout 4?

The X-01 power armor you can get is unmistakably Enclave power armor. It looks just like what they've had since Fallout 2. However, I don't think it's necessarily the X-01 armor that triggers Virgil's hostilities. Every time I've been back to try to give him the serum, he's been hostile for no reason. I haven't destroyed any of his defenses, but the instant I enter the cave in ANY kind of power armor, he's hostile and I fail the mission to give him the serum. If I exit my power armor before going back into his cave, he is not hostile. It's obviously a bug since he'll talk to you wearing power armor just fine the first time you meet him.

It's a bug with the red tracking system you can install in the power armor. Take that off you should be fine in armor. The bug manifests itself if you use a mod that gives you that ability, even when out of armor.

MsKatie (talk) 02:52, December 9, 2015 (UTC): Bug; 'He will turn hostile even when returning to him once he is cured if the cave is entered in power armor.' In v1.1.30, this may no longer be true, as I entered the cave with power armor and the Targeting HUD and he did not turn hostile.

As at 2/12/15 (whatever version that is), I attempted to visit him after the week's waiting time with X-01 power armour with the targeting HUD installed, he immediately turned hostile. I still believe this is an ongoing bug. – MsKatie (talk) 02:52, December 9, 2015 (UTC): I was in the basic T-45 power armor with targeting hud when I entered, maybe this bug only occurs on certain power armors?

12/6/2015: Went to Virgil's cave after a week or so ingame, was wearing power armor with the Targetting array added, everything was hostile. Pulled save from before fast traveling, attempted to enter two more times, both times was hostile. pulled quick save form before entering cave, disequipping helm and entering, finding him non-hostile. - MsKatie (talk) 02:52, December 9, 2015 (UTC): Repeat above.

Addition: After walking into cave non-hostile, attempted equipping helm in front of him, immediately became hostile.

Virgil as a human (picture)[]

Could anyone upload a picture of him as a human without the light of the Pip-Boy? Or if it'd be too dark with it off, then use the "Settings" Menu to change the color of the Pip-Boy's light to something more neutral. Jykale (talk) 19:14, June 17, 2016 (UTC)

If you change the pip-boy light to white, you'll get a plain white light. You can get a screengrab from that and upload it. Great Mara (talk) 02:37, June 18, 2016 (UTC)
Image replaced with one without a pip-boy light, as requested. --Sekrin (talk) 19:52, June 20, 2016 (UTC)

Possible reference to the Divine Comedy?[]

Possible reference to the Divine Comedy?

It's possible that Virgil's name is a reference to the Divine Comedy, where the poet Virgil guides Dante through both purgatory and hell. You can pull more parallels from it as well (Virgil is paying for his sins, and thus isn't allowed to go into heaven, etc). I'm not sure the etiquette for adding things like this, though, so I probably won't directly put this in the article.

Going to need more than just a name and subjective opinion for that. Great Mara (talk) 21:23, September 28, 2019 (UTC)