Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Benny's Lighter?[]

After I talked to Jessup the first time, he "gave" me an item, "Benny's Lighter". But, after looking through my inventory, there's no lighter. Is this a bug?

--DJ Idol 09:21, October 21, 2010 (UTC)

Its in my inventory under Misc. Its named Engraved Cigarette Lighter.



Do the enemies in this game have a respawn system, or if I kill someone, there's one less enemy in the game.

?? In the game yes, there is a respawn system. Some characters respawn, some don't and some are replaced by another one when killed. In this specific quest characters don't respawn. If you kill Jessup and the khans they don't respawn and disappear from the game but if you let them go you'll meet them later in Redrock and they'll be friendly. So, killing them or not will remove them as ennemies.--Croquignol 22:55, November 18, 2010 (UTC)


Did someone delete my "The title "Boulder City Showdown" could be a reference to Pokémon Episode 5 "Pewter City Showdown", in which the main character competes for a Boulder Badge." And if so, why? It's true, don't be a wiki-dumbass.

It's not a reference. Don't add it back. --Kris User Hola 12:01, November 1, 2010 (UTC)

Also, your a wiki-dumbass for whining like a baby that your "insight into pokemon" reference was deleted. Deadlykris is right.

Could it be a reference to this?: [1] "Boulder City, Nevada won the 1975 series and Chambersburg, Pennsylvania won the 1976 series. In a showdown, Boulder City beat Chambersburg and a celebrity all-star team. However, it was up against The Jeffersons on CBS and Emergency!" ? --Ididit4lulz 12:07, November 2, 2010 (UTC)

I'd say it's just a generic western theme reference. Cowboys were always having showdowns at this place or that. The reference is to vague to be worth mentioning.--Uzetaab 03:06, August 26, 2011 (UTC)

quick walkthrough is missing the best way to go[]

talk to jessup and pass the speech challenge to release the hostages for the khans to be able to walk out unharmed, only 45 speech required... unless you just completely ignored speech altogether anyone should get by it with a magazine and clothes at least.

he lets the hostages go, then walk out and talk to the commander guy and tell him if he is a man of integrity he will honor the deal with the great khans. he agrees and lets them go.

gained karma with both ncr and khans, and quest complete.

Misleading Walkthrough[]

The decision to either kill the Khans or talk to Jessup is made when you speak with Monroe when you take on this quest. If you choose to sneak in, then negotiation is no longer an option. The walkthrough makes it seem as if you talk to Monroe then can decided inside the ruins. Of course, if you decide to negotiate, you can still kill the Khans.

Tompasq 01:17, January 2, 2011 (UTC)

Jessup hostile after killing hostages[]

Might want to add under notes or bugs, Jessup and the Khans from Boulder City will turn hostile if you kill the hostages, even if you wait until they leave. I found this out after I went to Red Rock Canyon for the first time several days after this mission and they attacked me. Didn't cause any other Khans to turn hostile, but I did gain infamy for killing them. INF1DEL 04:45, August 31, 2011 (UTC)

Alternate walkthrough? Bribe to peacfully negotiate + Great Khans Killed w/o loss of Rep[]

I just did the following, which I think should be considered for another note below the peaceful negotiation detailed walkthrough.

I entered the showdown area in non-faction apparel (ie. Field Hand Outfit), but before entering the building to speak with Jessup, I snuck up the stairs of the building to the left, placed a frag mine while hidden near the staircase. Then I spoke with Jessup about a peaceful resolution, and then spoke to Lt. Monroe and passed the barter check for a 400 cap bribe. Once you inform Jessup that he is free to go, you'll complete the quest, complete with Rep, Benny's Lighter, XP, etc. I spent a little time checking the building for loot, but when I exited, the frag mine near the staircase went off, injuring or killing a Great Khan. It turned all Great Khans hostile, but as long as you don't return fire (I simply exited out into the Mojave Wasteland), you won't incur any loss of rep with the Great Khans. The NCR contingent in the showdown area was able to deal with the Great Khans, including Jessup, making their bodies free to loot for 10mm submachine guns and the like.

H34dup 05:03, September 27, 2011 (UTC)

da fuck?[]

How come McMurphy is dead in the back room of the Khan hideout? Did I miss something? --Felix BrehhUser talk:Felix Brehh 05:22, October 2, 2011 (UTC)

There's blood, so I guess he was killed by his own. --Rautamiekka (talk) 23:43, August 6, 2013 (UTC)

Bribe option missing[]

The Lt. Monroe can also be persuaded to let the Khans go with a Donation of 500 caps.

Where is Lieutenant Monroe?[]

After finishing the quest, you're supposed to find him to receive your reward. However he's nowhere to be found now...

I don't think I waited too long and he walked off to Camp Forlorn Hope (as indicated on his wikia page) and I don't think he was killed in the battle either since I didn't even see him in the battle and I never saw his body. So...any ideas?

19:44, March 2, 2012 (UTC)


Even if you kill the khans you still get the lighter from the corpse of Jessup, this should be added 15:41, March 20, 2012 (UTC)

Accidentally hit Enter while writing editing reason[]

Managed to hit the Enter before I was finished with the edit reason, which should read "[...] but I don't know how to use the Verify tag", although I can admit I didn't even check, but changed mind in the middle. With hitting Enter it was pretty much too late. --Rautamiekka (talk) 23:44, August 6, 2013 (UTC)

Don't worry, I fixed the verify and platforms needed templates. Paladin117>>iff bored; 23:51, August 6, 2013 (UTC)

Encountered another bug[]

If you tell Monroe you will talk to the Khans and then proceed to successfully stealth kill an NCR Trooper inside, your quest log will update to "Help the Great Khans kill all the NCR troops in the Boulder City ruins". Then if you convince Jessup to make a deal to release the hostages, and return to Monroe he will have no dialogue option to complete the quest that way. The only way then to finish the quest is by killing Monroe.

Proof here: https://d.maxfile.ro/skipbajdmr.webm Now go try it yourself and have someone verify it.
