Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


I went ahead and gave this a long little humorous info. I mean, it won't do any harm, and nobody will probably look at this anyway. I plan to hide humor all about this Wiki while still adding info and tips. Yay. The Mysterious Dr. X 08:06, October 29, 2010 (UTC)The Mysterious Dr. XThe Mysterious Dr. X 08:06, October 29, 2010 (UTC)

Yeah.. but no. For a start, some of the text doesn't conform to guidelines. Try dry, subtle humour, in the vein of Fallout's existing jokes. Monkoii 08:14, October 29, 2010 (UTC)

Hater's gonna hate.


The way they leach on to your head is also similar to metroids from the metroid seriesSuperinsomniac 00:23, November 9, 2010 (UTC)


Why couldn't they include a legendary bloatfly that is incredibly strong and very difficult to kill, because that would be really funny Tozzler 11:29, April 27, 2011 (UTC)

Thats basically what the Cazador is.--Gmcb007 11:31, April 27, 2011 (UTC)

There is one now, and mother of god is it a nasty sumbitch.

is... is that a thing?[]

it says that there's a legendary bloatfly in old world blues... can anyone confirm? it's stats currently seem a tad... outlandish for an actual creature

plus, i mean c'mon. a legendary bloatfly is difficult to believe.

I haven't seen it yet, tough i haven't explored Big MT that much. If i see it i'll come here inmediately! -Enrikiller

Confirmed - RASIC Talk Poll 01:07, July 20, 2011 (UTC)

Yeah, I just encountered it like 2mins ago. it is in the "Mysterious Cave" in the Old War Blues dlc. btw thecave is far north-East 06:17, July 20, 2011 (UTC)

Yep, i wanted to write it, but i couldn't get to the computer, and the page is already edited. My surprise when i enter the cave thiking: What wonders will this cave hold for me?-- Le-gen-da-ry Bloat... wait! oh shit- 18:34, July 21, 2011 (UTC)~~Enrikiller

Considering it can kill a Legendary Deathclaw in a few seconds, it's definately worthy of the title "Legendary" but since it doesn't have an atomic laser sting like X-42, to me it's not quite the strongest in the game. Strong, but not as strong as the GIANT ROBOSCORPION OF DOCTOR MOOOOOOBIUS. Our name is Legion 19:31, July 22, 2011 (UTC)

This thing is INSANELY powerful. Look at it this way, it can two-hit a Level 45 Courier on Very Easy. (Not that I play on Very Easy, I was doing field research in the name of SCIENCE!)--Wiseman of the Wastes 22:49, July 23, 2011 (UTC) ^ I second that, that thing ripped up my Mark II combat armor and broke my tesla cannon.

Saxony4 22:50, July 23, 2011 (UTC)

Someone should put a notice under the Legendary Bloatfly saying not to fuck with it unless you have some serious weaponry and armor in big bold letters. THAT MOFO TORE ME TO SHREDS IN TWO SHOTS WHILE PLAYING ON NORMAL DIFFICULTY! 23:38, August 2, 2011 (UTC)

I just used Christines sniper rifle.. It didn't even see me.


I killed it at level 20 on normal and hardcore mode, already finished honest hearts and got Compliance Regulator, just stunned it for 10 seconds and started hitting it with a War Club + honors mod + super slam + piercing strike for some minutes, it couldn't get up so it was a really boring fight, when it exploded i almost died!(sorry, i am don't really know how to sign)

Legendary Bloatfly items[]

I killed the Legendary Bloaty no more than 5 minutes ago and I found upon death 51 bloatfly meat. Anyone else find 51, not 50? Yes Man default 03:46, August 6, 2011 (UTC)

I got 52.--Darth Oblivion 01:16, August 9, 2011 (UTC)

I got 51, like you, along with 15 Buffout and 15 Psycho. --Kastera (talk) 02:55, August 9, 2011 (UTC)

Yeah, the loot items for it should be edited. I got 52 Bloatfly Meat, 13 Buffout, 11 Drained Microfusion Cells, 26 Empty Syringes, and 17 Psycho. 01:11, July 28, 2013 (UTC)

Legendary Bloatfly<X-42 Giant Robo-Scorpion[]

Bloatflies are among the weakest creatures in the game. Ironically, the legendary bloatfly, encountered in the Mysterious Cave, is the second most powerful creature in the game only second to the X-42 giant robo-scorpion.

The video NPCWars posted shows that not even two of the X-42 Giant Robo-Scorpion's can take down the Legendary Bloatfly. Therefore, it should be classed as the strongest, unless we class them by things such as health or attack damage. AR700SAW 17:16, August 13, 2011 (UTC)

Wow. This has, by far, pissed me off more than when Albino Radscorpions brushed aside Deathclaws in Broken Steel. IsaacKronenFaust 18:46, November 4, 2011 (UTC)

Bloatfly nypmh[]

I clearly remember one appearing after i picked a plant in Zion. There also was a "a bloatfly nymph has been hiding under a leaf" or similar message. It was a very small bloatfly which I didn't even notice until follows-chalk shot it. However, i haven't found any mentions of this phenomenon on the wiki. Not sure it even was real now, could anyone confirm?

Maybe you were dreaming? I'll google it (I can't access the geck).-- 17:21, August 2, 2012 (UTC)

Nothing came up. Unless it is from a very obscure mod. --Christian Broach (talk) 17:23, August 2, 2012 (UTC)


They should add two achievements/trophies for killing legendary creatures, first should be called "Legen -wait for it!" when u kill the first one and "DARY!!!" for the last one =)

Barney?--The.true.samiam 01:39, September 26, 2011 (UTC)

First Time Encountering[]

Been playing through Old World Blues on very hard with a close combat character and I stumbled onto the mysterious cave yesterday. Most skills are around 90-100 now so I've been adding points to energy weapons. I came across this guy and after a couple shots from the YCS/186 didn't kill him I figured the shots were missing or hitting the terrain (since I was firing from behind cover). I decided to charge and jump off the ledge (Matthew McConaughey Reign of Fire style). I was level 38, 10 endurance and Lifegiver perk. He killed me in midair in one shot and before my corpse even hit the ground hit me again turning my head and right arm into red mush.

Level 28 Courier, 395 HP, 38.6 DT, Very Hard Difficulty, Hardcore mode: I was killed by the Legendary Bloatfly in one shot on my first encounter. Strategy to kill Legendary Bloatfly: Stay on the high ground far enough back where it can't hit you. I used Elijah's Advanced LAER, fully upgraded, with max charge MFC, at only 43 Energy Weapons skill. Had to repair the weapon since it degrades so fast, but the Legendary Bloatfly went down within a minute of taking carefully aimed shots at it. The Legendary Deathclaw is definitely more of a challenge, but I can see how the Legendary Bloatfly could take it out with ease. Also, the giant roboscorpion boss was a pushover. Sure, it can one shot you, but one critical hit from the sonic emitter (I prefer Tarantula) blows it up. It would be fun to see it fight the Legendary Bloatfly, though. 00:11, July 28, 2013 (UTC)

I know many people told Sonic emitter Tarantula can one shot giant roboscorpion so i give it a trie. Taken loot of drugs and steal boy i waithed for my shot. Got rapid 3-4 free aim shots whit help of rushing water and on my suprise it it whas death.

C'mon, even the Legendary Deathclaw wasn't as hard as the Legendary Bloatfly. I'm not saying that Deathclaws (in general) are easy prey. If you don't kill a Deathclaw in one shot your survival rate starts to drop pretty quickly (unless you have Lonesome Road and keep a Flare Gun handy), so if you do manage to fight your way through every Deathclaw in Dead Wind Cavern and encounter the Legendary Deathclaw at the end, logically you expect it to be a difficult fight. If you die, you only have yourself to blame for challenging the creature. Then sometime later you decide to explore the Big Empty and stumble across the Mysterious Cave. When you first enter the cave, the game gives you a few Bloatflies that you can just swat down without any effort at all, and anyone who doesn't have their face buried in the game guide will think that this'll be a cinch. Then you run into the Legendary Bloatfly. You're at full health with the best armor and weapons and think that one .50MG is all you need, even if you're playing on Hard. One second, you fire, and your sneak attack crit does absolutely nothing. Two seconds, it finds you while you're busy reloading. Three seconds, it starts shooting at you. Five seconds, the screen shows your lifeless body go flying out of the cavern and you're sitting there wondering why your life bar went from 400 to 0 in one hit. For the Legendary Bloatfly to be one of the hardest bosses to kill outside of the base game, I'd say this is a well-played joke by the developers. A cruel, merciless, unforgiving joke, but a well-played one. Choi to demo ore ni kanau to omotta ka! Manuke ga~a! Hinjaku, hinjaku~u! 19:28, December 5, 2013 (UTC)

Experience Points?!?[]

I just killed the Legendary Bloatfly, and was surprised to see that it only gave me 50 XP. I came here to check its stats box, and see a more appropriate 500 XP listed. I killed all the regular bloatflies as well and completed a couple challenges. When I exited the cave, I saved my game and checked my total XP, which was 155,787. I loaded the save just before fighting the Leg Bloatfly, and my total XP was 155,717 - a difference of only 70 XP, and a small portion of that 70 was from the 3 or so regular bloatflies I killed on my way out of the large cavern.

I reloaded the save, just before engaging the Leg Bloatfly, and fought it again. The first time, I stayed way back and it only engaged me at the last second or two of the fight. The second time, I went right up and fought it from the edge of the overlooking cliff; but still, only 50 XP were awarded when it fell to my Gauss Rifle. metalheadHippie "It is not when or where men are born, but what they do that makes them brothers." (talk) 17:53, March 10, 2016 (UTC)

The experience points are automatically calculated by the template (10 times level). And here it starts to get really strange. Some testing on low level creatures shows that I seem to get just "level" xp, not "10*level". That would be consistent with the 50xp for the legendary bloatfly. But that would mean that almost all xp values for FONV are wrong across the wiki (except cases were a value was set manually). EDIT: It's just 50xp at around 1:22 in this video too. But why do we, the Russian version, the Vault seem to have totally wrong FONV creature xp with nobody noticing? I'm still looking for some mistake on my side here. --Alfwyn (talk) 18:57, March 10, 2016 (UTC)
The same thing happened when I defeated Stripe in Higgs Village; however, he is labeled as Level 30 and worth 300 XP. After killing him, I was awarded with 50 XP, not 30 or the listed 300 XP. It's definitely strange. I'm going to max out at level 50 (currently at 46) well before finishing the main storyline and all the DLCs with this character, so not getting much XP doesn't really bother me. I'm just wondering what's causing the discrepancies, and if it needs to be mentioned here, or somewhere, on the wiki. metalheadHippie "It is not when or where men are born, but what they do that makes them brothers." (talk) 00:11, March 13, 2016 (UTC)
Yeah, seems to be no easy formula derived from level. I noticed the same for FO3, where the template uses the same (simply wrong) autocalc formula. --Alfwyn (talk) 23:32, March 18, 2016 (UTC)