Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

X-Play Coverage[]

They didn't mention anything about Hex driving down beef prices, he was there to meet with the White Gloves and they randomly abducted his son to have for dinner (their return to cannibalism after being reformed for many years). Mictlantecuhtli 12:44, October 12, 2010 (UTC)

I Killed the Quest[]

1. Talked to the father, agreed to help find kid.

2. Went directly down to the kid, found him and got him to follow me, then talked to Majorie about investigator.

3. Saw Wine that could be poisoned. Tampered with.

4. Went back up but decided to finish 'Pheebee #' whatever quest, rancher competition guy, so headed straight outside with out talking to father or son, though they initiated dialogue.

5. Returned to casino, but went straight to Mortimer.

6. Agreed to kill kid, find investigator.

7. Quest is locked. Fffuuuu.

tl;dr what's the command to reset this quest? pleeeeaaaase? Ohdeartheciaisinmyhead 05:37, October 23, 2010 (UTC)

Glitched Quest[]

Did pretty much the same as the other guy. 1. Talked to Rancher to get the quest. 2. Talked to Mortimer who I agreed to help. 3. Entered the kitchen and began escorting the Rancher's son out. 4. Killed the white gloves in the kitchen because they auto-attacked me. 5. Became vilified with white gloves, so I fought them off as I escorted the son. 6. Son is now standing in the Casino room, can't engange dialouge with him or the rancher's dad. I'd appreciate if someone could provide the quest code so I could force complete or reset the damn thing.

Yes please - or at least, instructions on how to find the quest number... FIXING THIS QUEST COULD BE... LIKE... IT'S OWN QUEST! 14:00, October 24, 2010 (UTC)

Same thing happened to me as mentioned on wiki page; I was locked out of quest after speaking to a named fella on ground floor about the son. The guy from behind the desk and the lady from Gourmond are locked inside of White Glove members only area, and sleep, waiting, or re-entering casino hasn't worked. My husband is using the same game and same system (360) and had no problems with completing this quest.

Braindead Ted[]

Is anyone else having a problem with ted when in combat? EVERY time I get into a fight, Ted comes running straight in between us and gets scared and starts attacking me, or runs off. It's sort of locked the quest, becuase everytime I go into the dining area, the waiter and bouncers attack me. I've tried using only VATS but Ted still manages to get in the way.

Complete Pheeble Will too![]

I have successfully completed both this quest and Pheeble Will. I proceeded to basically do what the 2nd quick walkthrough says, but killed Ted after exposing Mortimer. By bringing Ted back down in the kitchen hallways where no one could see you can murder him (no karma loss), then head right outside to Walter Phebus, get your reward successfully completing Pheeble Will, then going to Heck Gunderson and telling him Ted died at the hands of Mortimer. I never edited a page before, so I would rather put this on the talk page, and let someone else change the article-- 21:20, October 24, 2010 (UTC)

I did both quests by agreeing to find out what Heck is doing in the Ultra Luxe, agreeing to help Heck, talking to Marjorie about the investigator, telling Mortimer I'm a cannibal, lying and agreeing to help him, telling the White Glove in the corridor that I'm there to move Ted, first convincing the head chef that I'm there to publish a cookbook and then doing the medicine check (with the help of Physicians Today) and making him quit, then getting Ted, walking back out the same way (didn't have to fight any White Gloves), leaving him with his father but NOT talking to Heck to finish the quest, going outside, telling Walter what Heck is doing but not agreeing to kill either of them, talking to Ethel and agreeing to help her, telling Walter to go home (completing Pheeble Will), then going back inside and finishing Beyond the Beef by talking to Heck and convincing him not to blockade the Strip.
Although my game is now bugged in that I can talk to Mortimer and get the key to the investigator's room... but nobody attacks me when I go there. I can also agree to help him (not lying) and go to the penthouse, where Heck's hired guards alternate between friendly and hostile rapidly, leaving them twitching and unable to do anything. They don't even fire when I attack them. Just twitch. I wish this game had fewer instances where quest dialogue was left over after completing quests... --07:50, November 4, 2010 (UTC)IsaacSin 07:50, November 4, 2010 (UTC)
If you complete the quest, there is no reason for the White Glove members to attack you in the investigator's room. GRPeng 06:50, December 8, 2011 (UTC)
Pheebe Will can also be completed only dealing with Walter and Ethel, for an XP reward.
This is close to the best option in my opinion. My advice is to complete Pheeble Will by convincing them to leave. If you want some extra caps you can talk to Heck for the first time and go back to Walter for a little cash reward, but then convince him to leave. It's for the best anyway. Then, of course, save Ted and convince Heck not to blockade for Strip and White Glove reputation. - lepigpen

Quest ID[]

Can anybody get the quest ID for this, or add something in the bugs sections for how to fix this absurdly broken quest?

way to get membership key[]

Did this simply with just talking. Gave companion up to them, mortimer was happy. Later said there all about eatin people again.

I still didn't get a key, to private club, was i supposed to? how can I? Is there anything else for me to do in luxe whole thing took like ten minutes?>

Just pickpocket Mortimer, Marjorie or one of the White Gloves. If your Sneak is really low, use a stealth boy or just kill and loot them. The member's key opens the member's only area (which is quite boring), but you can pickpocket the Penthouse key from Mortimer. The Penthouse has a few useful things, some caps, and two Gunderson Hired Hands to kill and loot. The kitchen can be accessed from the member's area or by picking the door in the Gourmand. It contains a bunch of useful food items, some White Glove guards, a recipe for Brahmin Wellington, and the chef Philippe. Comrade Putin 19:03, November 11, 2010 (UTC)

Cooking the Meal[]

How can I cook the human flesh meal? I obtained Philippe's recipe by a speech check, then lied to him about the radroach. Then I tried to cook the meal, but when I try, nothing happens. When I look at the oven, it says A) Cook but nothing happens after pressed. What do I need to do? -- 13:53, October 29, 2010 (UTC)

  • Same thing happens with me. I think you have to have a higher level of some skill in order to actually cook... but it would be nice for that to be clearer in game.--Deboriole 23:43, November 4, 2010 (UTC)
    • It may have something to do with Mortimer already being dead. -- 19:08, November 25, 2010 (UTC)
      • Had the same thing but after meeting with the investigators help I discovered you can only cook at 7PM when they have the banquet.
        • Also had the same thing, I saw a youtube video of the quest and it looks like the guy you're supposed to meet would suggest faking the meat, but when I talked to the guy in the steam room, his line got cut off and doesn't mention about faking the meal, it just shows him getting shot. In the youtube there should be more dialogue. No doubt a bug and was forced to just do the wine tampered option instead of exposing the guy.
            • Did you find a solution for this? I'm having the same problem as you, Chauncey gets cut off and doesn't tell me about faking the meal.
              • The bug seems to be linked with your reputation on The Strip. If you are already at a reputation where you would be accepted as a member, it alters Chauncey's dialog and the assassin will cut him off, killing him before you get a chance to ask HOW to stop Mortimer. Use console commands to lower your Strip reputation and then talk to Chauncey. After asking him if he can help you/what you can do, you should see a new question regarding his suggestion on how to stop Mortimer, which will make him mention preparing a fake meat.

I found a possible solution to this glitch. Before the glitch i had done the following steps. I lied to mortimer to get the keys, and also went through the investigator speech options. After this i went strait to the Gourmand restaurant and used the elevator to go to the basement. Talked to Phillip and got the recipe from him with the barter check, Did the speech check to make him walk to the pantry and locked him there. After this i noticed the glitch with the oven.

To solve the glitch i took the following steps. First I went to the investigator's room(at the Ultra-Luxe Hotel Rooms) and found the body, killed the two White Glove Society's members and looted the matchbook. Then i went to the the Ultra-Luxe Steam room, waited until 4PM, talked through all the options that the Chauncey had and finally killed the assassin. After this i went back to the kitchen and found that the cooking option finally worked.

This club has too many glitches![]

Ok, so here is my story. I entered the club and talked to Gunderson. I agreed to find his son, Ted. I had not spoken to Mortimer or any of the other employees yet. I snuck into the kitchen the back way (behind Marjorie) and pickpocketed the "human flesh" recipes off the cook. I then opened the freezer and - surprise to me - found Ted. The only dialog I had with Ted was to tell him that Mortimer was going to eat him. I never even met Mortimer, but I went with that option since I figured it was true. I escorted Ted by sneaking behind everyone and only got caught in the hallway on my way up the stairs. I passed the speech check by saying Mortimer told me to move the kid. I brought Ted back to his father and made sure that only Mortimer took the fall. This ended the quest, and I gained "idolization" from the White Glove Society. I still wanted to meet Mortimer and get him the heck out of the hotel! As I approached him, he was muttering "you'll pay for this" but when I actually spoke to him, all he said was "Good day, madam" and things like that. I then asked around and found out there was an investigator in the hotel, and obtained the key to his room. Upon entering, I was jumped by two White Gloves (who obviously did not idolize me). I had no weapons since they took them at the door, so I ran down to where Gunderson was sitting and his bodyguards killed those two guys who were chasing me. I went back up to the room and procured the matchbook with "Steam room 4pm" on it. I went there and met Chauncey. All I could ask him about was about where Ted was being kept. But I already rescued Ted! BTW no one came in to kill Chauncey, he is still alive and well. I wandered around some more, and Marjorie made me an honorary member of the club, so I was able to get into the Members Only area. I talked with the cook and convinced him to leave, and then I went to the dining hall at 7pm. Mortimer came in and walked right out. I found that the wine could be tampered with, so I went looking for some Med-X. I stole the Penthouse key off Mortimer to go look for Med-X up there, and when I was snooping around, Gunerson's bodyguards ran in like they were going to kill me, but instead just followed me around. They went from red to green on my Pipboy... it's like I was their enemy (i.e. intruder) until they saw who I was and then I was their hero. It was bizarre but at least I could steal whatever I wanted and not be shot! After getting Med-X (I went to Gomorrah's bartender), I drugged the wine and went upstairs... all the guests were passed out on the ground and Mortimer did not walk through like he did before. Now I have no clue what to do. I can tell Mortimer I am a cannibal but that's about it. --Deboriole 17:25, October 29, 2010 (UTC)

    • I believe this can be fixed by fast traveling to the strip's north gate and sprinting straight for the door to the strip. Make sure you go directly to the door, because the securitrons will open fire on ted. Zarts 05:11, November 15, 2010 (UTC)

Beyond the Reef?[]

Could this be a reference to the Bing Crosby song, "Beyond the Reef"? Not sure if that's noteworthy enough, although many quests are named after songs, and Bing Crosby has a song on New Vegas Radio. Glomulus 23:03, November 4, 2010 (UTC)


I cannot figure out how to get the kid's body into the dumpster. And I feel a little creepy saying that LOL ;-)

Seriously, though...I can drag it all over, and I can open the dumpster, but how does one put a body in a dumpster? I tried putting him on top of the dumpster and then opening the dumpster...no luck. I tried grabbing the kid and then opening...no luck. Anyone successfully do this? It isn't like Oblivion where you can pick up a body and put it on your shoulder (unless I'm missing something).

There is a huge trigger area around the dumpster and all you have to do is enter it with the body, leave it, and that should be it, assuming the script works. You don't actually put the body "in" the dumpster. BigMill 02:25, November 5, 2010 (UTC)

Gunderson Hired Hands glitching in deluxe suite[]

I wound up with the key to the fancy suite, although for the life of me I can't remember who I looted it from... there was the dead informant, the dead investigator, and the two dead masked folks who arrived after I found him.

I went to the suite after finishing the entire quest "Beyond the Beef", cooking the fake-human flesh meal, exposing Mortimer, gaining membership and returning the boy to his father while convincing Heck to leave without repercussion for the Strip.

Anyway, upon arrival, I found both Gunderson Hired Hands there. I suspect it's because technically, the suite is still the Gunderson's.

They waver between friend and foe mode, the text/cursor changing from red to the default color. I can interact and make them speak, and trying to shoot them has no effect (with my hold out weapon) - they take no damage. Interestingly, when I attack, from VATS or from the hip, they also show no reaction and neither do my companions.

I tried using the console to kill, then resurrect each hand but it affects nothing. Disable did nothing as well.

I finally went to the lobby and stood next to Heck and Ted, then used the ref IDs (0012925e and 00129261) to summon them both to stand by their boss.

Of course, they eventually return on their own.

Masha 07:29, November 5, 2010 (UTC)

  • I noticed this as well, but I have the PS3 version. I also noticed that they follow you as you explore your would-be suite, similar to when you're someone else's shop/house & they're there. -- 23:37, July 23, 2011 (UTC)

Another kind of broken![]

So, I agreed to help Walter, and went into the Ultra-Luxe. Then I agreed to help Heck Gunderson find Ted. Spoke to Marge upstairs, then to Mortimer, and passed a speech check to get keys to help him out.

Went to investigate the investigator. With my Wild Wasteland trait, I found Crusoe, but no 'matchbook'. Nothing. No trigger, no bad guys, nothing. I've tossed Crusoe's naked body around the room, and even stuffed it in the bath and placed it amusingly on various items of furniture. No dice.

Now I'm wondering how I advance the quest, because I can't meet Chauncey (I did go to the bathhouse and painfully waited hours of real game-time - ugh!).

Someone, please, please help me with this ridiculously broken quest! I don't care if it's a advancement trigger, or simply a setstage to complete it as if I exposed Mortimer's dastardly plans and returned Ted, whatever. I just want out of this damned Casino with my sanity intact Mctaff350 12:33, November 8, 2010 (UTC)

Still no change, after going away and coming back to this. Can anyone out there help? Even a quest advancement command?
This worked for me: player.placeatme 116580. Jay Barnes and Inspector Crusoe, comrades in harms way. Ulysses 04:11 March 27, 2011 (UTC)
I got this problem as well, is it because you agree to help Mortimier? Because the quest goal is stuck as getting a patsy to kill rather than check out the investigator.

If so, don't tell people to talk to mortimier about the investigator AND agree to help him find a victim if it just takes away the investigator's matchbook

Helping Mortimer[]

The guide sais i need to get Ted's blood to frame Heck, but i cant get the blood. I also can not find the replacement that Mortimer mentions, can someone help me out?


Is there a way to complete this quest by siding with Mortimer, and also becoming a member as well? Nosferus 00:04, November 25, 2010 (UTC)

  • You can become a member anytime by becoming "Accepted" with the Strip.= -- 23:13, July 23, 2011 (UTC)

So I'm stuck in the middle of a new glitch.[]

I've gotten to the point where I'm a member of the White Gloves, I've cooked the meal, freed Ted, and I'm currently standing in the members only area where Mortimer gives his speech. It's only me and Ted. As I enter the room, Mortimer is walking past me. He continues walking until he leaves the room without revealing the end of his speech (as already pointed out in bugs). The problem is that, I guess because of Ted, every White Glove in the room becomes hostile. Pushing Mortimer does almost nothing, he continues towards the door at normal speed, and even with a stealth boy the guards become immediately alerted, and thus trigger everyone else in the room. 03:17, April 14, 2013 (UTC): I have passed through this problem right now. I managed to expose mortimer by going back into the kitchen and coming back inside the members section at 7PM, he goes back into the pedestal. Before doing this, make sure no white gloves in the room are hostile (red hitpoint bar). If there are any bugged hostile white gloves, you'll have to stealth-kill them (or, if playing PC, using the "kill" command in the console). Head to mortimer at the pedestal and proceed as usual.

Odd glitch I haven't seen before.[]

So, I am trying to give Cass up as the main course for the meal. Mortimer looks her over and says they can eat her, but the game will not give me the next line about me leaving her in the freezer. I tried with Veronica too, and then Boone. Just doesn't work.

Is there a code for the quest stage when I offer up Cass as the meal? Every time I try it, the game just progresses to the next bit about abducting Carlyle. No (OPTIONAL) part with sacrficing a companion. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I'm on PC, by the way.

Did you pass the 62 speech on Mortimer tell him that you are a cannibal too? After that he will tell you to get rid of Ted in a way that don't arouse suspicion on the Society. Then you have to ask who's the substitute for Ted and then a option ("<hushed> One of my companions can be used as a substitute?") will appear, the dialog is almost at the end of the answers in your menu. You have to give him this option, otherwise the game won't accept it. Brfritos 02:29, January 9, 2011 (UTC)

I'm having the same problem. And yes we did ask if our companion was suitable but we never get any instructions after that and if you do lock them in the freezer the quest objective will update to "Talk to Mortimer" but if you do you only get a reply of "Not yet." and no other speech options and the quest will not update,

Mortimer won't start his speech[]

I've done everything right - infiltrated the kitchen, talked the cook into leaving, made the food (with the recipe and intelligence check) and had it sent upstairs. Unfortunately after the head waiter leaves the kitchen map and I follow, he vanishes. Everyone is at the table, including Mortimer, but the game seems to get stuck. Mortimer doesn't do his speech and we all sit around looking dumb. Any ideas on how to get this to work? --Mister Six 19:03, January 12, 2011 (UTC)

Rescue Ted from the kitchen first, then go back up.

Mortimer won't start his speech; White-gloves never, EVER wake-up; Cannot make delicious fake-human pie[]

Kinda figure no one is here anymore, but I guess I might as well document it for the archives. As a general statement, this level, this very place is probably the most bug-infested hellhole in all the game, and I've been all through the wastelands! It truly is unbelieeeeevably pathetic how many ways you can get stuck.

Alright, so:

  • I talk to Mortimer about the investigator
  • Blow the two white-gloves to hell using the C-4 I snuck through (fun!)
  • Wait the obligatory 93,000 hours before it is 4pm, now, it must be said I DID LEAVE THE CASINO IN THIS WAITING TIME because I could not, ffs, find a single bed IN the casino to sleep on,
  • Meet Chauncy, watch him get deaded, dead the assassino
  • Go see the cook, place more C-4 in his pantry, tell him about the Radroach in the pantry and nuke his ass (oh, the ensuing explosion makes for a beautiful ballet of dinnerware)
  • Cannot, for the life of me, figure out how to make this forking pie. I have intelligence of 7 (or 8). Spike the wine instead. Call-up the waiter before 7pm. He tells me off. Call him again at 7:30pm, he collects the wine. (Alright, figured this out now.)
  • Right now, rescue the ungrateful brat. Resist temptation to beat his insolent mouth to death, but lock him back in there.
  • Go upstairs, make sure everybody is asleep. They are. For sh!ts-n-giggles, strip them all naked.
  • Go get the brat. Hide behind the bar. Wait.
  • Wait some more.
  • Wait some more.
  • Wait some more.
  • Wait some more.
  • Wait some more.
  • Realise it is now 8am. They are not ever going to wake, are they?
  • Wait some more.
  • Wait some more.
  • Fork it. Go see Daddy with the brat. They exchange words. They stare at each other.

So, the primary problem is that the white gloves NEVER EVER wake up. EEEEEEEVVVVVVVEEEEEEEERRRRRRR. Not kidding. I wait around for hours and hours, and they just keep slumbering. Secondary issues are the inability to make the human pie and Daddy and Junior's communication issues.

Anyone care to proffer some advice? What did I do wrong? 14:33, December 6, 2014 (UTC)

ADDENDUM: I've since used the meat pie method, and that does work, but then I cannot get the blood out of sonny boy in order to frame Heck in order to get my reward from Pheebus. I'm actually beyond caring now. I've decided the only succinct and professional method of taking care of all these two levels is mass ritual slaughter by shotgun. No, it's not good for my karma, both in and out of game, but that F***ING place deserves to be left a graveyard of bodies.

Possible Glitch[]

Tried the new glitch out a couple of times and it didn't work for me. Great Mara 07:09, March 19, 2011 (UTC)

Reputation Glitch[]

I completed this quest by making a substitute meal using Philippe's recipe, but after exposing Mortimer at after his speech and removing the White Glove disguise I was wearing, my reputation changed with unrelated groups. I noticed this as Veronica gave me her 'this is your last chance speech,' and realised my Brotherhood reputation had gone from neutral to shunned, and my powder gangers reputation had gone from Mixed to Sneering Punk. I reloaded an old save and did the quest the same again, I just saved before I exposed Mortimer at the banquet, where the same happened again. I reloaded to before I entered the room with the Banquet and took Ted straight back to his father with had no problems.

J-Zoid 16:55, April 17, 2011 (UTC)

How do I frame Heck Gunderson?[]

It says here -- http://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Beyond_the_Beef#Kill_Ted.2C_cook_him.2C_and_frame_his_Father -- that it is possible to collect evidence to frame Heck. Well, how the heck do I collect blood and such off of his son - all that can be found on this corpse is his clothes - and where would I plant this evidence?

Confirmed Bachelor[]

On the wiki for this quest it says you can convince carlyle to have sex with you in the dumpster if you have confirmed bachelor. I cannot get this option to come up. I'm a male with confirmed bachelor perk, and I get all the other options, just not that one.

I'm the same =S

Is this a glitch?[]

On an old save, I was doing the Beyond the Beef quest. I got to the part where you go to the investigator's room. Boone and I walked in the room, and found the man dead on the floor. I had Boone watch the door, (I closed it) and after taking the stuff off the dead investigator, I heard Boone shout, and I looked up and two White Gloves were in the room, attacking Boone. I ran over and helped Boone kill them. We took their canes, and need-less to say, killed all of the White Gloves for tricking us, and we let the citizens go free.

Any reason the White Gloves attacked us? I didn't do anything to them before hand.--VoltageHero 21:20, June 27, 2011 (UTC)

They were trying to stop anyone from investigating the disappearances. You'd find out more as you went along with the quest. Although if you just killed every last White Glove Society member then I doubt that it would be possible to complete though. User:Great_MaraUser talk:Great_Mara 21:29, June 27, 2011 (UTC)

Can't choose to help Mortimer, is this normal?[]

I began this mission few days ago by stumbling into pheeble and then talking to Heck Gunderson which triggered the mission. I then began asking around and finally got to marjorie and made a little progress but then told me to talk to mortimer who I have decided to help however I can't seem to really help him at all and my only option is to save ted and expose mortimer. I already agreed on helping mortimer by using my cannibal perk and agreed to find st. Claire or use my companion as a substitute, I got the cattle prod, keys, everything but no mission update. The only thing my quest status instructs me to do is return ted Gunderson to his father if he's alive and check the investigator's room. Agreeing to help mortimer doesn't change anything in my quest status so therefore I can't choose any other option. If I kill ted there is no option to collect his blood, if I lock my companion in the freezer and talk to mortimer he becomes angry at me for having released ted.

I don't remember if I lied to mortimer that I would help him but regardless I should still have the option available. Is this a glitch or did I do something wrong by talking to heck and marjorie first? Or if I by chance lied to Mortimer about helping him can I not actually help him after that? Strange thing is I can even return ted to his father and continue into the investigator's room afterwards and go about the mission like if I haven't even saved ted yet. so I feel as if this isn't normal so it must be a glitch of some sort. Would like an explanation.


Anyone actually sacrifice their companion, if so what happens?--Paladin cross 20:43, July 4, 2011 (UTC)

I'm wondering if you can offer lily or raul as choices... since they count as humanoid companions. 02:24, July 8, 2011 (UTC)

Quest Ended Prematurely?[]

I followed the instructions for saving Ted and returning him to his father. After I got my 500 caps for lying, the quest was finished. I did not have to secure a replacement. Also, Wild Card: Side Bets, another quest I have open, tells me the cannibalism problem is fixed. Not sure if that was supposed to happen, but oh well. haha Isaacthegamer 15:25, July 16, 2011 (UTC)

Can't Talk To Morty[]

I finished beyond the beef a little while ago (I killed Ted and Heck in the same building.) Now, I am a member of the White Glovers, sponsored by Marjorie and I'm in a quest with the Legion, to request alliance for the Hoover Dam battle. Now my problem is, because i killed Ted and Heck, I can't talk to Mortimer, whenever I try to engage in conversation, he just says "You've done enough." Is there a way I can engage in conversation with Mortimer, or at least skip this part of "Render Unto Caesar?"

White Glove Rep. Resets Caesar's & Powder Ganger Rep.[]

After becoming idolized with the White Glove Society, I noticed that my "Accepted"/"Liked"(forgot which one) reputation with Caesar's Legion & my "Vilified" reputation with the Powder gangers vanished. I have now added the following bug:

  • Playstation 3Playstation 3Playstation 3 After becoming Idolized with the White Glove Society, both your Caesar's Legion & Powder gangers reputation(both good & bad) will reset to nothing.

I have yet to test if the Powder gangers are still hostile. -- 23:10, July 23, 2011 (UTC)

  • EDIT: They are still hostile. I told Boone to wait elsewhere & they still attacked. Letting Ed-E do all the work, however, prevented the rep. loss. -- 18:11, July 26, 2011 (UTC)

How to lock Phillipe in the pantry without passing the speech check or a karma loss[]

I simply pushed Phillipe by walking into him into the pantry, shut the door, and used the terminal to lock him in.

  • You don't get loss...I didn't. -- 18:09, July 26, 2011 (UTC)

Kill Ted, frame Heck, expose Mortimer, complete Pheeble... in what order?[]

The page seems to imply this is possible. The problem seems to be I need Ted alive to expose Mortimer but killing Ted after the speech does not give me evidence to plant in the suite. Do I need Carlyle instead? Can Carlyle die before this quest starts? Whether or not I get the cattle prod from Mortimer, I can not find Carlyle if I go straight to his shack, get the matchbook from the investigator, or kill Ted first. This quest really needs a flowchart or a decision tree. GRPeng 19:09, December 7, 2011 (UTC)

Okay, reading Carlyle's page again implies it is a standard bug that he can't be found. GRPeng 20:44, December 7, 2011 (UTC)

Can't cook[]

How do I cook the meal at Ultra Luxe?

I have the recipes and all the keys and I managed to persuade Phillipe the cook to wait in the other room with two Medicine checks. I have Intelligence at 7 and this should all be enough to cook the meal according to the walkthrough.

I don't get the option on any of the stoves to Cook, just Open to inspect the inventory. On the compass there are two points, the bottle of wine in the round room and Phillipe, standing in the room opposite like a lemon.

I'd like to finish the quest by exposing Mortimer. Any help?

You need a Survival skill of 75 or some-such crap

Another way to get formal wear[]

You can loot one off Chauncey's body, and if your companion's Veronica, she'll be extremely pleased (I guess it counts as "dress" for her?) if you give it to her.

Kschang 18:41, February 28, 2012 (UTC)

Bug: Optional objective keeps repeating on-screen after quest completion.[]

The bugs section mentions this bug at the end of the list for PS3 and Xbox. The bug is:

After completing the quest there is a small chance to encounter a glitch causing it to repeatedly say "Optional Find out more about the White Glove society by talking to Marjorie".

It says that you can resolve it by speaking to Yes Man and telling him how you wish to deal with the White Glove Society, confirmed on PS3. I just encountered this bug on the PC with a fully patched game and all four DLCs. I am also using the NVEC mod, but that's supposed to correct bugs, so I doubt that it introduced this one especially since it has been encountered on the other two platforms. I spoke to Yes Man and told him how I wish to handle the White Glove Society, but it did not resolve the bug until I told him how I wished to handle ALL of the factions involved with Wild Card: Side Bets. Once I finished that quest, the bug resolved. However, I am siding with the Legion this time and completing the quest earned me Legion infamy and started Beware the Wrath of Caesar. That's not really an optimal outcome and is quite irritating. There is probably a console command that can be entered to resolve the repeating message I'm guessing, something to set a quest stage or something perhaps without the negative effects, I don't know.

Anyway, at the very least, perhaps someone with more knowledge on updating the wiki can add that the bug also can occur on the PC platform (add that PC icon) and perhaps add that you may need to not only tell Yes Man how to handle the White Gloves Society to resolve it, but you may need to completely finish Wild Card: Side Bets to resolve it. That was the case for me anyway. Thanks. --Ign0tus 08:30, March 27, 2012 (UTC)

I have this bug also and if these are the only resolutions I consider it a game-killer.

NCR-White Glove Assistance on Hoover dam[]

Hey, I'm new here and I was just wondering is there ANY way to get the white glove society to help the NCR like they did with Yes man, and Caesar?

Amusing bug - White Glove Society Aggro'd when I brought out Ted[]

As soon as I brought out Ted at the banquet, I ran over to Mortimer who had just finished giving his speech. I spoke to him, and after that he began to run. Meanwhile, every single White Glove had become aggressive, but not at me. Brandishing their canes, they slouched over to ED-E and proceeded to beat the shit out of him. Once he was unconscious, they all sheathed their canes and went back about their business with self-pleased airs. --Anito (talk) 00:49, March 24, 2013 (UTC)

I *think* I completed the quest in a way not listed[]

Mortimer wouldn't tell me anything when I asked if he had work for me (he said I didn't "have the stomach" for it -- because of my Good karma?). So I pickpocketed the key to the Members Only area off Marjorie, and reverse-pickpocketed Legion armor and hood onto a server, letting me take the White Glove attire and mask (only when I had both was I considered disguised....and a brief aside -- even when disguised in the Members Only area, I was told things like "I heard you got into the Lucky 38").

Then I went into the kitchen area, found the patrolling guard and the cook. Spiked the wine. Found a knife to kill the cook with, which alerted the patrolling guard. Killed him too, and got his cane. Freed Ted. Led him back through the Members Only area, where everyone was out cold. Back to papa, with none of the White Gloves hostile, and I talked him out of withholding the strip's food supply. I never met Chauncey (I only talked to him outside the quest about why he wasn't wearing a mask), never had him die, never went through the steam room, never talked to Marjorie about Ted. Only had a very brief conversation with Mortimer. I don't think he was in the banquet hall in the Members Only area, but then again I wasn't keen to look around.

It triggered as quest complete just fine (while also failing Pheeble Will). I ended up with Wild Child reputation with the White Gloves.

Giving up your friends[]

I looked in the G.E.C.K., and have what Mortimer says for each companion. I'll put it here, but I can't alter the page itself to properly put the information in. My skills are lacking in that regard.

Arcade: "Hmm. He's a little thin, but he looks like he comes from good stock with that strong jaw and upright posture." Boone: "Perhaps a little rugged, a little gamey. But he is in good shape and looks healthy." Cass: "From the smell of her I'd say we can skip the whiskey marinade. But other than her liver she seems to be in working order." Veronica: "Her skin has a certain supple quality to it, doesn't it? She's kept it well. How mouth-watering." Raul/Lily: "I'm sorry, but it absolutely must be a human. Former doesn't count." Rex/ED-E: "I assume you're joking."

If someone could add that to this quest, Mortimer's page, and possible each companions pages that'd be wonderful. Lot of work, but this is a wiki. Needs to be informative. Est Sudanus Oth Nikkas (talk) 19:33, December 26, 2013 (UTC) I second that, I've been looking all over for what he says, could someone add it to notes under Beyond the Beef or Mortimer, maybe?

Another glitch?[]

I think I broke the quest.I finished most of the quest, but then it stopped giving me quest markers. the only thing I have left is to talk to Heck about how his son is alive but when I try talking with him, there isn't any option to let him know his son is alive. Any known fixes would be appreciated 03:18, June 12, 2014 (UTC)

Bodyguard following me[]

After I brought Ted back to his father, I went to the penthouse.Suddenly two copies of Heck's bodyguard appear and keep following me until I go to another area.This game is starting to creep me out.

Spike the wine and kill mortimer[]

After rescuing Ted and returning him to his father I was unable to launch the dinner part to expose Mortimer without having Ted in my group. The drug the dinner option still worked. I drugged the dinner picked a cane off one of the unconscious bouncers and beat Mortimer till he died. It was the only solution I could see fit as my saves were too far along into the quest to do it the right way. I didn't lose any karma or reputation with the white glove society.

How many Rep. points?[]

How many Reputation points do you get with the White Glove Society after exposing Mortimer and Bringing the son back to Heck Gunderson and convincing him to let it go???? User:SaiyanElite (talk) 20:58, July 7, 2015 (UTC)

Alternate method of fixing bug with head waiter just standing there[]

It's not mentioned in the bugs section, but if after Cooking the meat pie with the Oven and calling the head waiter he just stays there without doing nothing it's probably because he doesn't have the "Imitation strange meat pie" in his inventory and he can't pick it up from anywhere. I found that reverse pickpocketing one of the strange meat pies into the head waiters inventory resulted in a loss of karma and reputation with the White Glove Society but fixed the bug, the waiter just yelled "Thief" but then started walking out, continuing the quest, once he's out you can go to listen to Mortimer's speech as usual. Maybe this should be added to the bug fixes section.

== There is no way to comnplete both Pheeble Quest and Beyond the Beef ==

I've figured out a way to glitch Ted into meeting Walter, by getting him out of the casino without meeting his dad. Walter refuses to acknowledge Ted standing there.

== There is no way to complete both Pheeble Quest and Beyond the Beef ==

I've figured out a way to glitch Ted into meeting Walter, by getting him out of the casino without meeting his dad. Walter refuses to acknowledge Ted standing there. || Doesn't work ||

I've exposed Mortimer, rescued Ted, given him to his father, gotten the reward, killed them both which gains incredible amounts of infamy with the White Gloves and Wild Child status with the Strip/etc. Upon leaving the Ultra-Luxe, Walter and Ethel are no where to be found. || Testing for variables. ||
