Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

South Park, REALLY?!?!![]

No way this is a south park reference its a reference to how cops ,sometimes reffered to as "the authories", wear pilots shades sterotypically, South park was probably making a reference to the same one new vegas is no way obsidian is watching south park and saying "This line is funny lets name ingame glasses after it" Your degrading fallout and obsidian by even considering associating them with filth like south park (Its funny and I like it but lets face it its filth) --( 04:39, October 27, 2010 (UTC))

The glasses are pretty Cartman shaped(EDIT: not round and fat like Cartman, i mean they're similar to his glasses). By the way, Obsidian isn't any form of God, i'm pretty sure they've watched South Park. Nice pedestal you've sat them on, though. -EllEzDee 02:32, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
The glasses are visually identical to the Cartman glasses. And Cartman is the only one to combine the glasses and a notable and repeatable use of the word, "Authority." --Gothemasticator 03:09, October 28, 2010 (UTC)
Yeah, and Kenny from the original Fallout isn't a South Park reference either. It's just a huge coincidence that the PC shouts "Oh my God! They killed Kenny!" if he dies.

PER +1 ??[]

I have them equipped right now (360) and there's no perception bonus.


You know, I give up. People keep changing them back to say PER+1.

- I have 5 pairs of these things in my inventory and none of them have any perception bonus whatsoever.

- I found forums where people ask and answer the question and the answer is, they have no bonus.

- I found youtube video of someone actually finding and picking them up, and you can clearly see in the pip boy that there is no perception bonus.

But the people editing the content don't post anything here, they just silently change it and move on.

Could you clarify? Are you saying that the item, when accessed in the Pip-Boy, claims to give a perception bonus, but your perception is not actually increased when it's equipped? Authority glasses have been my choice of shades on two playthroughs now, and they've always purported to give me a perception bonus. I've never bothered to check if my perception was actually being boosted. Also, I always pick the Four Eyes trait; does that have effect on this bug you're talking about?Minor Edits 01:11, January 7, 2011 (UTC)
Just checked. Even tested to see if I could detect enemies from further away with the glasses on (which I could). They worked exactly as advertised for me.Minor Edits 02:15, January 7, 2011 (UTC)
The glasses have a net gain of +1 PER with the Four Eyes Trait, it says PER 2 because the way the perk works it gives the player the -1 PER handicap constantly, then any glasses provide a +2 to PER 14:21, January 30, 2011 (UTC)


The glasses depicted are just sunglasses. Authority glasses are larger and darker. Someone please fix or remove this picture.

Well you're right about one thing: authority glasses are larger than sunglasses. But you're wrong on these being sunglasses. I looked in the GECK; Sunglasses are smaller and darker than authority glasses. The picture definitely depicts authority glasses. --Kris User Hola 11:00, October 30, 2010 (UTC)
Need an image of the glasses, not one that has the glasses as a secondary object. Mictlantecuhtli 12:52, November 9, 2010 (UTC)

Hair/Glasses Glitch[]

Don't know if it is worth mentioning, but I noticed that when my female character has the "Rough Night" hair style and equips the authority glasses, the mesh from the forward strands of hair cause the glasses to glitch, looking as if the lenses were broken and even seeing through to her eyes. Playing on PS3. 04:26, July 1, 2011 (UTC)Annlon

Can be repaired with:[]

They can be repaired with Lobotomite mask and goggles, and most types of spectacles and sunglasses can be repaired with Lobotomite mask and goggles. CDEagle147A - i have no witty sig. for now. 22:26, August 29, 2011 (UTC).


I'm all but certain that Boone has a unique skin for the glasses (teardrop-shaped, and a bit darker), but of course, if I post that it gets deleted, and no one seems to want to test it before they delete it. 12:31, May 21, 2012 (UTC)MrNightingale

can't pick them up[]

So i went over to that little sand bag shelter to get the glasses, but of the pairs on the chairs i couldent pick up. What do i do???

I have no problems with picking up all of them from the chairs (pc). Reload a savegame and try again? Jspoel Speech Jspoel 20:48, July 20, 2015 (UTC)