Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


wow...a note almost identical to this was found in the morrowind expansion called blood moon in a stump the player would find five arrows of slaying a sword called shadowsting and two enchanted gloves and a note saying"E heres the equipment i told you about..remember the weak deserve no mercy,S"...could this be an easter egg or reference...i think so

Edward the Cannibal[]

The article claims that the items were "most likely" left by Edward the Cannibal. Why? There is no explanation given for this claim, and the occurrence of a first initial seems poor evidence of it being anyone in particular. Really, the note is just flavour anyway, so shouldn't we remove this? Fgibson 10:03, 22 June 2009 (UTC)

Morrowind Reference Question[]

I've never played any Elder Scrolls, but don't you all think E leaving a note to S in a hollowed out object and S leaving a note to E in a hollowed out object in two games by the same developer is a solid enough connection to note? - 02:15, February 2, 2010 (UTC)

I think its enough of a parallel to warrant a reference, although I think its been removed before. Ishotamaninnewreno 03:01, February 2, 2010 (UTC)
Reuse of quest design, character names, voice actors - basically any similarity to previous Beth titles - does not constitute a cultural reference, and we don't cover them on this wiki.--Gothemasticator 18:47, February 2, 2010 (UTC)
Why not, though? It's a reference by the makers, just the same, just internal rather than cultural. "Inside jokes" like that seem to be exactly the kind of think that should be noted on a wiki. - 19:06, February 2, 2010 (UTC)
This discussion began months ago on the Fallout 3 cultural references page. The problem is that since the first Elder Scrolls game, Bethesda has constantly recycled game materials of all kinds. Numidium/Liberty Prime is a good example. Prime is not a reference to Numidium; they are just varying implementations of the same set of plot/quest/character ideas. Character names and personalities, quest designs... The list goes on. This is to be expected when many of the same creative people work on several subsequent titles. So, similarities between games by the same design house end up not being cultural references or easter eggs but just similarities. And so, not notable.--Gothemasticator 19:53, February 2, 2010 (UTC)
Okay, I still don't fully understand, but in this case I'll defer to your judgement on this issue. - 20:00, February 2, 2010 (UTC)

Incorrect Moira Reference[]

The reference to Moira Brown in the article, it's incorrect. She doesn't say 'Happy Hunting', she says 'Good Hunting', which is different. I personally think it's basically an easter egg, half-reference to Morrowind's Bloodmoon expansion. 12:46, February 19, 2010 (UTC)

Sam Warrick, anyone?[]

I got a thought that maybe 'S' is for 'Sam', as in Sam Warrick. Him being a sniper and all seems to make sense that this note was left for him. Unsure about 'E' though. -- Exclaiimer

I'm tempted to agree with you. It would make sense that 'S' is in reference to Sam Warrick, if 'E' is in reference to Eulogy Jones, as Sam is known to hunt down Wastelanders (possibly escaped slaves/Wastelanders who openly oppose or work against slavery?). I'd add it to the page, but it'd be deleted for speculation.Foxi Hooves (talk) 19:44, March 10, 2014 (UTC)

Grandma Sparkle ?[]

It may have been written by Grandma Sparkle because she says "My boys are out hunting mirelurks" and the note is signed by "S" possibly Sparkle. The note also says "Grandma," also reffering to Grandma Sparkle. 28/03/2010

I'm tempted to disagree with this, simply because Wilhelm's Warf is quite a distance away from Megaton.. it does make sense though. Exclaiimer

'Compass' Directions[]

I personally believe that the "S" and "E" in question are, in fact, South and East. I think there is a team of 4 people out there that are using North, West, East and South as code names. Maybe they're even led by someone named Rose. This could just be my imagination acting up however, 09:04, July 6, 2010 (UTC)

S for Stockholm??

This is just a hunch,but maybe... "S" is Stockholm,the guard above the Megaton's gate


1.The location of the note and the item is close to Megaton

2. A job like Stockholm requires adequate long-range weapon

3.Maybe Stockholm is tired about his hunting rifle.

About E..... i don't know... 14:02, August 9, 2010 (UTC)
