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What nationality might Aradesh be? His name sounds very much Turkish, while his accent sounds either Indian or Pakistani. His unibrow and skin tone would also lend to being either Turkish or Indian. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk • contribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!

I'll agree with you on the accent being from the Kashmir region, I'm not sure about his name being Turkish (then again, my Turkish isn't the strongest), and I'll disagree that the unibrow makes him Turkish or Indian (that's just stereotyping). His skin tone can be explained by being in the sun for a while, seeing as he lives in a wasteland. He mentions Dharma; note the capitalization, meaning that he's taking about the deity rather than the concept itself. This guy is just a mishmash of eastern Asian culture! --Kastera (talk) 02:32, November 23, 2011 (UTC)
"Aradesh" appears to be Sanskrit, combining the word "Ara" meaning a Saw or an Awl and "Desh" meaning Land or Country. A literal reading would translate "Aradesh" to "land of Tools" but what I think is more likely is that Black Isle Studios didn't understand Sanskrit properly and meant for his name to mean "He who works the land." This combined with the fact that he is the first person to Have "Brahmin" Cattle makes it seem pretty obvious that Aradesh Is of South Asian Descent.

This man has snapped and is trying to kill me..........[]

Can someone help me out here?

Me and Ian decided to take on the Stop the Radscorpions quest. We (read: Ian. I apparently can't hit the broad side of a barn) kicked some Radscorpion tail, stole some more Radscorpion tail, and beat feet back to Shady Sands. I go to collect my reward from Aradesh (I did tell him I would clear out those Radscorpions for a price), and he tries to kill me! The thing on the bottom left says he's furious, and no matter what I do, he keeps trying to punch me out. I have my weapon holstered, so it's not like he's feeling threatened, and I took extra care to make sure that I'm not clicking on the button to initiate combat. I just piss him off for some reason. Why?Son of God-Enel 07:02, January 23, 2012 (UTC)

Reminiscence of fascists[]

Is it really that "bundle" line (in Behind the scenes) needed to be linked with fascists? This "Many sticks can be broken. A bundle cannot." doesn't have to describe fascist "fasces" (of roman origins), there are many national legends of old, that are about brokable sticks and firm bundle (like that of duke Svatopluk of Moravia and his three sons). Is it really necessary to indicate link between Aradesh and fascists? --Silesian (talk) 17:07, May 24, 2013 (UTC)

Seeing how the fascists are not very related to Shady Sands, the former should be correct. Energy X 14:24, May 25, 2013 (UTC)

I think it's relevent because even in Fallout NV a few characters called NCR fascist.-- 18:14, May 26, 2013 (UTC)

Yeah, few characters... But link the saying "Many sticks can be broken. A bundle cannot." with fascist is same fabricated construction as link mirelurk with cowardice. You know, mirelurks have eggs, what else has eggs? > chicken, and what is chicken linked with > cowardice. So mirelurks are cowards. Aradesh use saying with bundle, who else uses bundle? > Mussolini's Italia, and what is this Italia linked with > fascism. So Aradesh is fascist. BTW more than 3/4 of some administrative units are fascist in some way or called fascist by some. --Silesian (talk) 08:15, May 27, 2013 (UTC)

Kellogg's memories[]

"He is also mentioned briefly in Fallout 4 during Conrad Kellogg's memories." My baddy went through the memories and John is not there. Then I watched a few videos with the quest, Aradesh also was not there. Proofs please. If they are not, then you are lying.--ExplorerSmaily (talk) 18:21, November 16, 2018 (UTC)

Edits (1, 2, 3) --ExplorerSmaily (talk) 21:38, January 3, 2019 (UTC)