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I found a Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual and a Tales of a Junktown Jerky Vendor in the Workbench Crate to the left of the Workbench. Don't know if it was random or not.

I believe the skill books in that box are random as I Picked up a Chinese Army: Special Ops Training Manual and a D.C. Journal of Internal Medicine --Undeadshark 05:59, May 18, 2011 (UTC)

It would seem as though there are only three places in which you have the possibility of getting a skill book. These locations are Angel Cave, Stone Bones Cave, and Cueva Guarache. Be sure to check the Workbench Crate in each cave, next to the Workbench. 23:55, May 18, 2011 (UTC)

To get the Honest Hearts skill books you have to check the boxes next to the workbenchs inside Angel Cave, Cueva Guarache, and Stone Bones Cave. If you don't find any skill books or if you want to find more skill books, leave Zion Canyon through the Southern passage to the Mojave Wasteland and enter the Northern passage end of the cave to return to Zion Canyon. When you check all three boxes again afterwards, you will notice that the boxes contents have changed. Some of the boxes might have the same contents as before, but at least one of them will be different. If you don't get any skill books or if you want to get more skill books, then just repeat the process. 03:34, May 19, 2011 (UTC)

So I have to complete the DLC to get more to respawn? Does the contents of this Workbench crate respawn if I take anything out of it? It is very disappointing to restart, enter the cave and go through the dialog with Joshua, and then only find Healing powder and a Leather belt, or 4 Drained microfusion cells. GRPeng 02:21, November 11, 2011 (UTC)