Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

We either need a paper bag or a...[]

New picture of Amata. She looks terrible here. Can someone please just get a better shot of her? The full Body is ok but we need a better face shot (one that doesn't zoom in too much) --Clean Up 02:13, 29 December 2008 (UTC)

There you go. // Porter21 U | T | C 02:24, 29 December 2008 (UTC)
I think you should be able to bone her...
Lick My Boots

Permantly bodies[]

Some NPC's bodies will be there forever when you kill them. Like for example the tennpenny security guards. Can Amata's body diasappear? And someone should make an list of any NPC that have permantly bodies.


Can anyone shed any more info on the details of the random encounter with the Enclave soldiers? TunnelSnake 23:11, 26 November 2008 (UTC)

Fallout 1 reference[]

When you complete Trouble on the homefront with the vault being closed to you as the ending, Amata's final talk with you is a direct quote of the vault 13 overseer telling Fallout Wiki dweller he has to leave.

Possible last name[]

Mr. Brotch calls her "Miss Almodovar" when she hands in the GOAT.

I was doing some research on Amata's first and last names recently. I believe, though I could be wrong, that "Amata" is French (and means "lovable"), while "Almodovar" is Spanish. Interestingly enough, "Alphonse" (Amata's father's first name) is also French. Is Amata's mother's name ever given in-game? Dracosummoner 17:56, 21 February 2009 (UTC)
actually, Amata is also Italian for "beloved" (femmine) 18:59, April 29, 2010 (UTC)
The French and Italian words "Amata" are derivatives of the Latin word "Amato" which is "to love." It's basically a Romance language reference to love. Sov68n 20:55, April 29, 2010 (UTC)
Okay, thanks for that. Dracosummoner 02:37, November 9, 2010 (UTC)


For one of the first npc's you run into and are suppose to 'care about' if you're a good guy, they did a terrible job making her character model. She is not attractive at all.

Are you kidding? If you ask me, she's beautiful. Of course, that's just me.Saberwolf116 03:09, 17 January 2009 (UTC)

I like her big forehead. lol... its a fivehead... Ash Nuke AshRandom (Talk) 03:53, 17 January 2009 (UTC)

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I suppose. I really like her [in terms of looks as well as personality]. Dracosummoner 11:26 p.m., 04 February 2009 (UTC)

There is definitely something going on between her and the (male) LW. Just take a look at this.--Amitakartok 22:12, 14 June 2009 (UTC)

Amata isn't nice looking or ugly. In 1 of my character's profiles Amata has a rounder face and bigger cheeks but on another character she has a smaller face with small cheeks but for some weird reason she is fatter, but you can't get fat in fallout 3. Anybody know why she is fatter? Maybe the people in Fallout Wiki are well fed or something... --Chiefsean16 21:21, November 23, 2009 (UTC)

Her dispositions upon exiting the vault[]

If you kill the Overseer she will refuse because you murdered her dad and will retreat to her room and begin crying. If you don't but let her kill officer Mack she will be traumatized and refuse to go. If you threaten her father she will think that you've changed and refuse to go with you. If you resolve it peacefully ie ether steal or pickpocket the codes she will refuse to go because she belives her place is there.

This line is a bit vague. Unless you kill her dad, she always goes and sits in her room (initially). I let her keep the gun, let her kill Mack, and she said nothing to the effect of not accompanying for being traumatized (at the vault main exit when I asked her to come with me - she said "my place is here"). I only noticed she has three "moods" (you-killed-my-dad/I killed Mack/you-stopped-me-from-something) inside the vault, with you being able to put her into "you-killed-my-dad" mode at any time by killing her dad. She then gets up and walks back to his corpse.

She only has two "moods" when you talk to her at Fallout Wiki main door itself (Happy - you didn't kill her father - "my place is here"/Angry - you killed her father - "I need to bury him"). I was never able to get her to say "you've changed" after threatening her father that I'd hurt Amata.

The bottom line is she will never go with you... but threatening her father, nor letting her kill Mack, makes her say anything different when you ask her to go with you, and should be corrected. She only says "my place is here" or "you killed my dad". Can anyone else confirm? ~~ ChaIsADumpStat 19:43, 31 December 2008 (UTC)

Do you Think that Amata and the Lone Wanderer were in love[]

I have always gone with male characters, and always gone with positive, and through that i got the feeling that the Lone Wanderer and Amata were in love, what do you think

If you really want to know, read this, hehehe... WARNING, it's not for the faint of heart!--Amitakartok 20:49, 14 June 2009 (UTC)
She's fuck ugly, stupid and inept. Doubtful. 15px-Scribe.jpg Tagaziel (call!) 17:50, 12 June 2009 (UTC)
She's not especially beautiful, but she isn't ugly either. True, there are more beautiful women in the game, like Lucy West or Sarah Lyons. —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talkcontribs). Please sign your posts with ~~~~!
Holy fucking god Amit, that trauamafuckintized me--Drsalvador 10:40, 11 August 2009 (UTC)
Amata may not be drop-dead gorgeous, but she's not fugly either. I think Bethesda would have done well to have a "grimy" skin slider. Vault children should always have clean faces & bodies while most Wastelanders should obviously have dirty faces & bodies. The Vault is a controlled environment without wind or significant dust. With a clean face, she should typically be rather pretty. I installed the link titleFollower Amata mod and she looks pretty good... especially in Sexy Sleepwear. -- 01:05, May 28, 2012 (UTC)

To tell the truth, I believe that Amata and The Lone Wanderer (I named him James) would make a good couple. In fact I was sort of hoping for it. I was a bit disappointed when I was locked out of Vault 101 after "Trouble on The Homefront." But of course, I am the strange type that watches romantic movies such as "The Cutting Edge."--James Andrew Walker 23:15, November 22, 2009 (UTC)

I think Amata and the male Lone Wanderer are in love cuz she has strong feelings 4 him. - --Chiefsean16 21:01, November 23, 2009 (UTC)

There are plenty of hints in the game that there was something between them. The strongest hint I've found is going back for "Trouble on the Homefront." If she's spoken to and told that you have decided to walk away from Fallout Wiki forever, she says "You're leaving us? You're leaving me?" with slightly more emphasis on the 'me' than the 'us.' Done with a male protagonist, of course. 00:02, December 29, 2009 (UTC)

I was truly sad when me and Amata couldn't be together. I mean it should be clear that we love each other. By God, I hope Fallout 4 is a Direct Sequel to Fallout 3 and we can be together than and have sex. - --Calob Adams

I think there may have been some interest between them, but that wasn't the Lone Wanderer's path. His path is the Wastelands making his mark. Her is to govern the vault(If you chose that vault). Not everyone gets the romantic ending they want.

Changing hair colour?[]

In my previous two playthroughs, Amata had blonde hair. In this third run, however, she has black hair as depicted in the photo. Is this just a random occurence, or influenced by your choice of race (my last two characters were Hispanic, I think, this one is African American)? No mention of it is made in the article.

Never encountered anything like that, perhaps you have a mod that changes that lil thing. Especially FOOK2, last time I started a new, most major NPCs looked... strange... Lady Palmer was white, Amata had bigger face, and Colin Moriarty was "whiter". But if you aren't using mods then it's strange. Anon 19:14, October 1, 2009 (UTC)

she could be biraceual 11/12/09 biomage

Removed Dialogue[]

I removed the dialogue that occurs about the Amata's gift because the focus of the paragraph is the relationship between Amata and the PC. There's nothing really telling about romance or sexuality in that particular dialogue. It's meant to be taken at face value. She's not interested in boys yet because she's 10. Thus, I don't think it's really notable (Let me know if you disagree). -HughJackman

I put back the mention of the Freddy Gomez dialogue, but I removed the line about "The game hints at..." The "Background" section isn't only about interactions with the player character (there's a section for that!), it's about the NPC, who they are, etc. I think it's fine to include the information. I agree with you that the editorializing and guessing that goes beyond what the game presents is not so useful. Thanks.--Gothemasticator 19:41, February 10, 2010 (UTC)
Well, looking back, now I kinda think the whole paragraph is a bit superfluous. None of the dialog mentioned seems particularly central to understanding who Amata is, etc. (maybe it could be moved to the interaction section?). And why does it focus only on the Freddy Gomez dialogue? There's a corresponding option if the PC is male. :) -HughJackman 19:46, February 10, 2010 (UTC)
I'm actually pretty neutral on this question. I wouldn't object to removing it. See you around!--Gothemasticator 19:53, February 10, 2010 (UTC)

changing links[]

some unregistered guy keeps changing where the link that says vault 101 jumpsuit takes you. last time i checked it sent me to sexy sleepwear. i don't know if anyone can do anything about it, but if they can, please do it.Wrpen-99 17:08, February 23, 2010 (UTC)

Amata′s fate... before she leaves the vault[]

On a recent playthrough, I encountered Amata′s fate when I was venturing to Rivet City to figure out where James is. I had no mods on(playing on PS3), but I did have a file with Trouble on the Homefront completed, but no encounter of her fate. The files might have glitched and somehow merged, but other than that guess, I don′t know how that would happen. PepterPepper 16:22, August 22, 2010 (UTC)

Awesome merged saves. I say the two lonely travelers fight to the death. Sparta style.--Not so helpful guest


I know that james says in the begging of the game "now let's go see your old freind amata" But isint possible that they were not. I know she saves him but that could be becuse she has feelings for him not becuse she actually "liked him". Do to the choices in dialog options in the early game and in "escape!" It suggests that the lone wanderer does not like her at least you are very rude and your evil like me. At the very least it suggests for certain dialog options that he is rude to her.

That could be a figure of speech--and for two people who knew each other for most of their lives, they are old friends. Regardless, you can develop karma while in the vault, mainly depending on your choices going to the GOAT and escaping the Vault. -- 00:14, May 28, 2012 (UTC)
I just played the scene just now and the line is 'Little Friend' Amata. Not old friend. If we're talking about going to see her as a baby. Pauldarklord (talk) 12:24, 5 May 2023 (UTC)

How old do you think she is?[]

One thing I've noticed is that at the 10th Birthday Party, Amata doesn't have a Pip-Boy. In fact, out of the kids, I think only Butch and you have one. Pauldarklord (talk) 12:30, 5 May 2023 (UTC)
