Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Killing Him[]

After some experimentation, I discovered that I was able to kill Azrukhal with a sneak-attack (using the Perforator and Chinese Stealth Armor) an instant before Charon shot him; no one went hostile and I got the positive karma. -- 21:42, 12 July 2009 (UTC)


I talked to Ahzrukal and i got the options to buy Charon's contract, for 2000 caps or 1000 caps with skill check. I didnt have the caps, so i went and got 1000 caps, came back, and i had no options for buying Charon's contract. I managed to get the contract by Killing Greta.

This is worth a try[]

Hire charon, then tell charon you bought him, as he goes to go kill Ahzrukhal, Kill him your self, he will then go on a killing frenzy killin gyou in a 1 shot kill (tested on 360)

No. He just stands there while the Ninth Circle's customers try to kill you. (Tested on PS3) --Wierdperson31 00:33, September 23, 2010 (UTC)

About: Stealthboys[]

Can someone verify that he does indeed stock and sell Stealthboys? I've looked into the GECK, and his inventory list does not list Stealthboys.

Well I've talked to him, and I've only managed to make him sell me chems, but I've not been able to get him to sell my stealthboys. I've gone through all of his dialouge options, but nothing. If there is a way to make him sell them, it must be a pretty specific way because I can't figure it. Jpyo 22:12, August 1, 2010 (UTC)

I looked through the game files and I don't see any way that he would sell Stealth Boys unless the player sold them to him first. Kris (talk) 23:31, August 1, 2010 (UTC)
And a month and a half later, and I come up to him for the first time on a new character, ask to trade (not the "good stuff") and there's a Stealth Boy for sale. So more research is required. --Kris User Hola 13:41, September 14, 2010 (UTC)
There's a safe in the back of his counter, right? I know that for some merchants (like Karl in Meresti), they have their merchant inventory including some items in the overworld (IE, the scrap metal in Karl's freezer). Could the safe be linked to Ahzrukhal's inventory? Nitty Tok. 00:40, September 23, 2010 (UTC)


- If you attempt to speak to him with your gun not holstered, he will threaten you with Charon. - Killing him will not make Underworld hostile, and Charon will talk as if he is still alive.

 My playthroughs say no.  --Wierdperson31 21:28, September 28, 2010 (UTC)

Name origin[]

This guy's name fascinates me. I've looked around quite a bit and couldn't find anything on the name. Perhaps it is just something randomly made up by developers? I think it makes for a great question to them... --Skire (talk) 00:10, November 30, 2012 (UTC)

The name is certainly fascinating, likely fictional, seemingly pseudo-biblical and oddly out of place in the Underworld, where characters share names of Greek mythology. Probably why so many people (including the game's developers) spell it wrong! 03:00, March 2, 2017 (UTC)