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I encountered an improperly handled case in this quest. Long before I ever discovered Agatha's house, I found the violin in Vault 92. Having no idea what to do with it, I sold it to the only person I knew would be interested in it -- Abraham. When I stumbled upon Agatha for the first time, she said "welcome back". Then, when I told her I had already sold the violin, she berated me for "stabbing her in the back" despite that I had no idea she even existed, let alone whether she wanted the violin! Does this qualify as a bug, and if so, where does it belong -- on the Fallout 3 Bugs page, or on the Agatha's Song page, or what? 21:08, 15 February 2009 (UTC)

  • I would definitely call that an error on the programmer's side. I'm assuming they never thought anyone would find the Strad without Agatha's help, so it's likely that picking up the Stradivarius triggers a flag in the Agatha's Song quest even if you're not on the quest. --Nymphonomicon 20:12, 13 April 2009 (UTC)
  • I imagine that 9 out of 10 people find Vault 92 and the violin before they find Agatha. 21:09, 30 May 2009 (UTC)

Weird*** bug[]

I was exploring around in Vault 92 for the violin after taking the quest, and was walking INSIDE Vault 92 with Star Paladin Cross since I had to go to Vault 87 later. When I was walking 'round, the "Picking up the Trails" quest said it got completed, although the quest is suppose to go to Vault 87 or Little Lamplight to finish the quest, it had complete it by itself by me walking around in 92. But you know, maybe I'm stupid and this just happens automatically, the quest completing itself because some NPC did something with Vault 87? Flame me if must. :D 05:11, 21 May 2009 (UTC)

I would flame you, but I have no idea what you just said. -- 22:01, November 4, 2009 (UTC)
I am going to guess that you are just a dummy and were in the wrong vault, since they're both horrible rustbuckets and "Picking Up The Trail" will automatically complete once you find the right vault. But that's just idle speculation on my part. 10:59, November 21, 2009 (UTC)
No, this guy is not just a dummy. I had this bug happen to me twice (I loaded an old save when it happened the first time so I could play through the quest the right way). The first time, I was in Vault 92 just like you said, in the flooded basement reactor area. I threw a frag grenade into a hallway filled with gas to clear it out and it told me I had solved Picking Up The Trail. After reloading (and avoiding Vault 92) I traveled to Little Lamplight and while simply walking down the ramp to the cafeteria area it told me AGAIN that I had solved Picking Up The Trail. I reported this bug to Bethesda, kept the save from Vault 92 where it happened the first time and even offered to send them the save file I had where the bug occurred (so they could recreate it and figure out what was going wrong). They gave me a standard reply that the developers would look into it and further inquiries were never responded to (they never asked for the save file either). I could never get the bug to happen again in Little Lamplight, but it consistently happened in Vault 92 in that hallway. I have no idea how or why, but somewhere in their source code for Vault 92 there is a strange connection to Picking Up The Trail. Tsarkon 18:01, March 3, 2010 (UTC)

Can you give Agatha every Sheet Music Book in the game or does she only take 1?[]

I collected all books after she said she needed music paper and she only took 1 from my inventory. --AwNNeR 5 08:13, 12 July 2009 (UTC)

She only takes one. The rest of them can be sold (they're worth 100 caps each), but it's not worth the bother of finding them. I always get the one in Vault 92 and ignore the others (since they're too damn hard to find without a list of locations, given that they look nearly identical to the non-interactive bits of paper lying everywhere). ShadowRanger 14:18, 12 July 2009 (UTC)

She Mentions Vault-Tec HQ, But Does Not Mark Map[]

I had not found Agatha's house yet, but I had already explored Vault 92 and found the violin. I was walking back to Megaton on foot from Vault 92 to explore when I discovered her house. When talking to her, I did not chose the option telling her that I already had it. I went through the conversation, accepting her quest, and she gave me the ammo box key. I asked her about the vault location and she mentions Fallout Wiki-Tec HQ in the downtown wastes, but it does not mark it on my map. (PC v1.7 no DLC) 00:13, October 9, 2009 (UTC)

Radio Reward[]

it would seem that her radio station, has the added benefit of not just playing a different style of music, but subtly letting the player know which merchants are alive, without having to wait around, or travel to Canterbury Commons I don't have the patience to kill a Caravaner, then wait to see though (I invested, and would prefer if they are alive) but it would seem that Gunguy/Crow are dead, and she makes no references to them on the station, can anyone confirm this? --r3in198.53.213.34 14:16, November 15, 2009 (UTC)


"look for caravans in the area with your Pip-Boy 3000"

This needs an explanation. I can't seem to find a "locate caravan" button on my Pip-Boy.

remove from bugs[]

The following two bugs are the same, so i am removing one.

"When the quest is started after getting all the vault locations from the Citadel, approaching the vault gives the optional completion for Vault-Tec headquarters. "


"If you find Vault 92 before you find Vault-Tec headquarters you will receive credit for finding Vault-Tec headquarters"

JASPER42 21:07, June 30, 2010 (UTC)


As far as I can tell nothing about the actual quest itself points you to getting sheet music for Agatha. Are we sure the Blackhawk isn't part of some unmarked quest and seperate from Agatha's Song? User:Great_MaraMessage 08:58, November 30, 2011 (UTC)
