Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki


While interacting with Thomas is certainly entertaining, this is not a quest. It's a single conversation, and an optional objective for Emogene Takes a Lover. This page adds nothing and the quest stages are nothing more than triggers for the next line of dialogue. --Xernoc (talk) 00:51, January 5, 2016 (UTC)

I second this. All notable content of the page, except the quest ID has been merged to Charles View Amphitheater. --YoDsanklai (talk) 19:30, January 5, 2016 (UTC)
The redirect was the correct solution. Unfortunately someone reverted the change and even said in the summary they were doing so only because this quest is listed in the game guide. Do we want the wiki to have correct information as appears in-game? Or do we just want to regurgitate bad information from the game guide? This really needs to be clarified, because I always thought this wiki was about providing accurate real information; not just copying what is some guide. Adding a note to Charles View Amphitheater about the inaccurate game guide information is understandable, but in programming terms, this article as-is is GIGO. I don't say this to put anyone down. I just am very confused, because it seems we are going a completely different direction with the wiki with Fallout 4 than we followed with the last two games; it is now more about the game guide than about what actually is in the game. -- DeJuanNOnley (talk) 16:26, January 17, 2016 (UTC)
I've done some more testing on this. And while I stand by my previous comment that this is not a quest (certainly not a side quest as we have determined that side quests require Pip-boy entries and this does not), you could possibly make the argument that it is a separate unmarked quest only because it is possible to undertake this before Emogene Takes a Lover. I don't know that we need to make a separate quest page for every single unique conversation in the game (if this is our stance we are missing dozens or hundreds of quests). And I strongly disagree we should list quests that aren't quests just because they are in the game guide (we've been through this debate with the previous games and it was always decided that the wiki should stick with accurate information and use redirects for things listed in the game guide that didn't really exist in-game, as Xernoc had done here). Because Paladin is listed as an admin, I will stick with his decision and try to correct some of the errors here, but I really would like to hear some feedback as to why we seem to preferring game guide information over what actually appears in-game. -- DeJuanNOnley (talk) 13:37, January 26, 2016 (UTC)