Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

How sure are we?[]

That the sniper rifle still uses .308?

It is the Core, maybe it uses .223 FMJ instead? Nitty Tok. 21:25, March 16, 2010 (UTC)

We're not, actually. Ausir(talk) 21:46, March 16, 2010 (UTC)

Soft point or hollow point?[]

Theres a major difference between the two, hollow point .308 is what i used on a hog hunt one time and wherever you shot the bugger it took a chunk out of it and stopped it dead so stopping power should be mentioned if its hollow, and if its soft it would still have a high level of stopping power --FLaSHBaCK HaSH 03:12, June 9, 2010 (UTC)

Sawyer says Soft, Fallouts past say Hollow. I'm going by what Sawyer says. Nitty Tok. 03:16, June 9, 2010 (UTC)

Cannot use JSP?[]

For some reason the game won't let me load the Gobi rifle with JSP rounds. Since I can't break them down and make normal .308s, this is kind of a problem. Is it a glitch?

  • I've had the same problem with the sniper rifles and different .308 ammunition (armor piercing). I tried to switch by pushing up on the D-pad, got nada. Tried manually changing ammunition types in the pip boy, and nothing happened when I clicked on the AP rounds. So...I tried dropping the gun (I know, bad idea, it could have been swallowed by the ground or something with all the little bugs!!! hahaha...[I still love this game though]), picking it up, selecting the gun, then selecting the ammunition, all in the PIP boy, and that worked. I still get it from time to time (maybe it's from hot-keying those guns? I don't know...wait, now that I think about it, I've only had trouble with guns that I hot keyed....)

On the subject of JSP, which I just started using earlier tonight, OH MY GOD...WHAT HAVE I BEEN DENYING MYSELF?--Timfever 08:26, March 4, 2011 (UTC)

Great for deathclaws[]

I have found that the JSP Handload round is great for taking out deathclaws, especailly when added to a sniper rifle, This Machine, or the ghobi rifle. due to their rather high rate of fire. the fact that the sniper rifle can be silenced, this round is great for those deathclaw situations.

Where can I find JSP rounds?[]

I never see them in game..I use the XBox360, but I never see any JSP rounds, does anyone know any vendors other than Gun Runners?Ranger In Heavy Armor 19:00, July 5, 2011 (UTC)

I thought the JSP rounds were from the Hand Loader perk only? User:Great_MaraUser talk:Great_Mara 19:08, July 5, 2011 (UTC)