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This is a transcript for dialogue with Sweetie.


GREETING GREETING Neutral 50 {Player in combat} Look out! 1
GREETING Neutral 50 {Female PC} Hey, honey. Looking for something softer than a man can give you? 2
GREETING Neutral 50 {Male PC} Hey, baby. What say you and me get acquainted? 3
GREETING Neutral 50 Dermot being dead I don't care about, but Saint James was regular income. Maybe you could throw some business my way? 4
GREETING Happy 5 Hi again. You here to play? 5
VFreeformCasaMadridWestsideSweetieTopic000 You work for Pretty Sarah? Neutral 50 I bring in the customers, and she makes sure no one gets rough. Sarah's good people. Good enough, anyway. 6
VFreeformCasaMadridWestsideSweetieTopic001 Tell me about yourself. Neutral 50 I'm called Sweetie because I'm the sweetest piece you'll find anywhere outside of the Strip. I could work in those casinos if I wanted. 7
VFreeformCasaMadridWestsideSweetieTopic002 Wouldn't you make more money working on the Strip? Neutral 50 I got my start at the Gomorrah, good money, but I saw how those Omertas hook girls on free Jet or Med-X - then start charging. 8
Neutral 50 Slavery through a needle is what that is. I earn less out here, but I keep more. 9
VFreeformCasaMadridWestsideSweetieTopic003 How much does it cost to hire you? Neutral 50 It's worth every cap, baby. I'll do things to you you didn't think was possible, and leave you feeling like everything's right in the world. 10
How much does it cost to hire you? Neutral 50 I'm not surprised. Whip out your caps and away we go. 11
How much does it cost to hire you? Neutral 50 Same price as before, baby, and worth every little cap. 12
VFreeformCasaMadridWestsideSweetieTopic004 <300 caps> Here's your money. Neutral 50 Get ready, honey. I'm going to make it good for you. 13
<300 caps> Here's your money. Neutral 50 {mischievous - she's what the player will be slipping into} Let me help you slip into something a little more comfortable. 14
<300 caps> Here's your money. Neutral 50 I am going to make your toes curl, baby. 15
<300 caps> Here's your money. Neutral 50 So get on the bed already. I got something to show you. 16
VFreeformCasaMadridWestsideSweetieTopic005 Goodbye. Neutral 50 You know you'll be back. 17
VFreeformCasaMadridWestsideSweetieTopic006 <300 caps needed> I don't have enough on me right now... Neutral 50 Then I guess you won't be getting on me, either. Improve your prospects and come back, sugar. I'll be waiting. 18
VFreeformCasaMadridWestsideSweetieTopic007 Never mind. Neutral 50 Keep telling yourself that, sugar. You'll be back. 19
VFreeformCasaMadridWestsideSweetieTopic008 Does Saint James pay you for anything "unusual"? Neutral 50 A client's got a right to privacy. So it'll cost 200 caps for me to tell you all about it. 20
Does Saint James pay you for anything "unusual"? Neutral 50 Like I said - 200 caps to hear all about it. 21
< Barter 30 >
Let's say 100 caps. Or you could earn zero keeping your mouth shut. Neutral 50 [SUCCEEDED] {mischievous} Funny how I make caps every time I open my mouth. 22
Neutral 50 Saint James has problems, that's for sure. Never wants me to say a thing, or for me to move around, either. 23
Neutral 50 Lately he brings a teddy bear with him and props it on the bed like it's watching us. It's creepy as hell. 24
Neutral 50 Not the worst I ever been with, but more a pervert than most. 25
100 caps. Take it or leave it. Neutral 50 [FAILED] {unimpressed} I'll leave it. You can leave, too. 26
All right. 200 caps it is.
All right. 200 caps it is. Neutral 50 Saint James has problems, that's for sure. Never wants me to say a thing, or for me to move around, either. 27
Neutral 50 Lately he brings a teddy bear with him and props it on the bed like it's watching us. It's creepy as hell. 28
Neutral 50 Not the worst I ever been with, but more a pervert than most. 29
VFreeformCasaMadridWestsideSweetieTopic011 I don't have 200 caps. Neutral 50 Then I guess there's no need for us to keep talking, honey. Sorry. {pitying} 30
VFreeformCasaMadridWestsideSweetieTopic012 No thanks. Neutral 50 Fine by me. You the one missing out on exciting details. 31
VFreeformCasaMadridWestsideSweetieTopic015 Do you know Saint James? Neutral 50 Sure do. Saint James is my number one customer. He's a prospector who pays Marco to stay here at the Casa week to week. 32
Neutral 50 I don't know why his friend Dermot chose to stay here - he's never been with me or nobody else. But Saint James likes having me close at hand. 33
VFreeformCasaMadridWestsideSweetieTopic016 Any chance you could help me get into Saint James' room? Neutral 50 {Saint James dead} Since he's dead, I don't think he'll mind. Here. 34
Any chance you could help me get into Saint James' room? Neutral 50 I do have his spare key, but I'm not sure he'd like it if I let you in there. Saint James can be a little crazy sometimes. 35
Any chance you could help me get into Saint James' room? Neutral 50 I still don't think he'd like it if I let you in there. 36
VFreeformCasaMadridWestsideSweetieTopic017 I'll pay you for the key. Neutral 50 We can come to a deal. My price is firm, though - Saint James is a good customer and it better be worth it if I'm going to lose him. 37
VFreeformCasaMadridWestsideSweetieTopic018 {Cherchez La Femme}We girls need to stick together, and this'll be our secret. Neutral 50 I could never resist a woman like you. Here, take the key, but don't tell anyone where you go it. 38
VFreeformCasaMadridWestsideSweetieTopic019 {Lady Killer}You'd say no to a guy like me? And here I thought you were special... Happy 25 {playful} Oh, don't you dare play that game with me. Fine, here's the key since it's so important to you. Just don't say where you got it. 39
VFreeformCasaMadridWestsideSweetieTopic020 Forget I said anything. Happy 50 {cheerful, forgiving} Already forgotten! 40
VFreeformCasaMadridWestsideSweetieTopic021 <250 caps> This should be enough. Neutral 50 And here's your key. 41
VFreeformCasaMadridWestsideSweetieTopic022 <250 caps needed>I can't meet your price right now. Neutral 50 Too bad. No caps, no key. 42


GOODBYE Goodbye. Neutral 50 You know you'll be back. 43