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Sunday Brothers' cabin terminal entries are a series of entries found on terminals at the Sunday Brothers' cabin in Fallout 76.


FO76 Sunday Brothers' cabin (terminal)

Note: This desk terminal is located on a writing desk in the barn with the brewing station. It is locked and requires Hacker rank 1.


Welcome to ROBCO Industries (TM) Termlink


All hail the amazing brewmaster, Juan Diego!
Please select an entry:

Brewmaster's Log: The Plan[]


I convinced Jesus that if we're really doing this backwoods, survival gig, we've got to go all the way. And when I say "all the way," you know I'm talking about moonshine.

On the downside, everything I read says making shine takes time, but patience doesn't exactly run in the Sunday blood. Time to find a guy who knows a guy. There's got to be a way to speed this up.

Brewmaster's Log: The Distillers[]


Best news all day: our cousin Carmen's got a roommate at VTU who's more than willing to take on our little distillation problem. Said she's an engineering major who can hold more than her fair share of liquor. I admire her already... and even moreso if she manages to pull this off.

Doomsday Brewmaster's Log: The Mission[]


They were right. Raleigh and Sam were actually right. The Reds dropped the bomb, the world's gone to shit, and believe me, people need shine now more than ever.

I had to change up the recipes a bit since Mother Nature's gone a little loopy, but they still work. But damn, this world's gone crazy. Jesus is loading up the shotguns. The stills get the wildlife all riled up, so if we want to make this, we need to protect it with everything we've got.

Doomsday Brewmaster's Log: The Results[]


New recipes aren't the worst. Muttberry's actually still pretty damn good. It's just the Tater Shine that makes you want to spit it out faster than you can drink it down. Hell, it serves a purpose.

Only issue now is we're running low on ammo, and this is man vs nature on a whole new level. I'm not sure how many batches we got left in us, but I'm guessing we can trade it up for some nice supplies at Harpers. I can get Brianna to put it up on the forum that old man Hayes threw together.

Safe Control[]

Note: Accessing this command opens the floor safe right next to the terminal. It is locked and requires Picklock level 2.

Brewmaster's Log: The Recipes[]

Note: This subterminal was cut and is not accessible in-game.


Thanks to Carmen's roommate, Angie (who has forever earned a place in my heart), we've got some high tech distillers. Not only that, but she threw in some modified brewer's yeast. Said it was key to speeding up the process. And the best part is? It just works.

Jesus and I got cracking on some recipes. We've been working these babies to death, but I think we finally got a few winners.

Brewmaster's Notes (READ ME)[]


These notes are for Jesus, should he ever foolishly attempt to use these distillers without my supervision which is a big, BIG mistake.

Step 1: Make the mash. Use the stove I got set up here, NOT inside the house.
Step 2: Put the mash in the boilers and make sure the door is sealed tight.
Step 3: Turn on the generator.
Step 4: Sit back and relax!*

Doomsday Edits: If you're foolish enough to go through with Step 4 by yourself, you deserve what's coming! You better have a friend or an aresenal with you.

Muttberry Shine[]


Jesus calls this one "Muttberry Shine" since we tossed a bunch of fruit in with the mash to make it more appealing.

- Corn
- Sugar*
- Fruit*
- Water
- Yeast

Doomsday Edits: Sub out honey for sugar. So far, mutfruit works best for fruit. May even be better than the original.

Sunday Shine[]


We like to think of this one as our house special. Good old fashioned grain alcohol. Warms the heart and brings tears to the eyes!

- Grain*
- Sugar*
- Water
- Yeast

Doomsday Edits: Razorgrain will cut it. It's the only thing around now. Honey for sugar and you're set.

Tater Shine[]


Well Jesus dared me, so I did it. Moonshine out of potatoes. Doesn't have the kick to it that the Sunday Shine does, but it keeps you warm!

- Potatoes*
- Sugar*
- Water
- Yeast

Doomsday Edit: Tatos and honey instead of potatoes and sugar. Barely palatable, but does the trick.
