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Fallout Wiki

Brianna Hawke was the leader of a small band of survivors based at Hawke's Refuge.[1]


Brianna met the Sunday brothers (Juan "JD" Diego and Jesus Sunday) while they were helping with the recovery efforts at Harpers Ferry. She became JD's girlfriend again, as they had already dated before the Great War.[2]

As resources grew increasingly scarce for Brianna and her band, she made a desperate attempt to take the supplies she needed from the Sunday brothers. She had been secretly raiding the brothers previously, and one attempt resulted in a bloodbath when a lantern was knocked over, sending the Sunday's vegetable field up in flames, with almost everyone dying in the ensuing fight.[3]

Jesus felt that Brianna pretended to love JD in order to give her group supplies.[4] The Sunday brothers ultimately had a disagreement with each other over Brianna, and had a conflict over whether or not Brianna and her group should be allowed to stay in their bunker. Despite Jesus' warnings, JD had been secretly exchanging notes with her. A physical altercation happened leading to Jesus accidentally killing JD.[5]

It is ambiguous whether or not Brianna truly fell in love with Juan again, and if her opinion of JD changed after he kindly began giving her group supplies, though she once previously called the brothers snobby before her and JD began hanging out again. Regardless, when Brianna found out Jesus had killed JD, she gathered her group and hit the cabin with everything they had, wanting him dead. Brianna was killed by Jesus, though either she or one of her group members managed to fatally injure Jesus as well.


Brianna Hawke is mentioned only in Fallout 76.


  1. Note from Brianna Hawke
  2. Jesus Sunday's holotape - Part 2
  3. Brianna Hawke's diary
  4. Jesus Sunday's holotape - Part 3 "She had conned JD, played him this entire time, pretending to love him to give herself and her friends an invite to our bunker."
  5. Jesus Sunday's holotape - Part 5