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This is a transcript for dialogue with Sophie Wagoner.


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00651C6B 00651CF8 Not too bad! You're one of our more consistent contributors, but we get people coming by pretty regularly.
2 See, it's like I keep saying: you give people the opportunity to do good, they're gonna do it!
3 Even had one of those Crater folks drop some stuff off! She threatened to shoot me if I told anyone, but I think she was joking.
4 00651C6D 00651CFA How personal are we talking?
5 00651C6E 00651CF1 You're gonna have to narrow it down, there. Something specific you wanted to know?
6 00651C6F 00651CF7 Oh, aren't you kind? You've done enough for today, don't worry. Check in tomorrow if you get the itch, though!
7 00651C70 00651D02 You know where to find me!
8 00651C74 00651D03 No worries! What's on your mind?
9 00651C76 00651CFE Ah, no need to apologize! Always fun to meet new people. You take care of yourself out there!
10 00651C7B 00651CF5 Who, me? Oh, I'm not that interesting. Came here from Kentucky. Wanted to see more of the world.
11 I had a pretty happy childhood. We had a whole commune. All the kids raised together, so I had like two dozen siblings and lots of parents!
12 Got here, heard about the Responders, and thought: that's for me!
13 It's like my moms always said: when everybody pitches in, there's nothing we can't do together.
14 00651C7D 00651CF2 Collective parenting! Instead of, like, individual families, everybody treated the community as one big family.
15 So the adults were all parents to all of the kids, you know? I had lots of dads and moms, and every kid there was my sibling.
16 It was a very loving environment, and we were happy. It wasn't until I left that I found out that wasn't normal.
17 True story - the way y'all do it seems pretty weird to me.
18 00651C7E 00651D00 Oh, yeah. Out in the woods, pretty remote. Whole bunch of us. Great place to grow up!
19 They said it was set up before the bombs by some folks who refused to fight in the war. Conscientious objectors, you know?
20 People thought they were communists, so they decided to get away from it all and build something for themselves.
21 00651C7F 00651CF3 Well...what the heck, I've got time to take a little break! Shoot.
22 00651C80 00651D01 Oh! Sorry, I get you now. Well, right now, I'm just getting things in order to take in donations.
23 The Refuge always needs more stuff. You know, food, clothes, whatnot. Stuff people need. Hoping folks will want to help out.
24 Rucker says you can't just have people dumping things any old place, so I'm getting organized first. Rucker likes things organized.
25 00651C81 00651CFD No, silly! I mean, lots of people think that when they hear about our commune, and how we lived, but it's different.
26 I'm sure you don't want to get into, like, a semantic debate, but it'd be more accurate to say we're collectivists.
27 Pretty funny, though. My grandparents had to go into hiding because people thought they were Communists.
28 Now we're all here redistributing the wealth for the good of the community! Ain't that ironic?
29 00651C82 00651CFB Didn't we go over this? I'm getting us prepped to accept donations. Materials, goods, food. You name it, we're gonna need it.
30 00651CFC Well, right now it's getting this place organized so we can start taking in donations from folks like you.
31 You can't run a refugee camp, free clinic, and soup kitchen on good intentions, and every little bit is gonna help.
32 I'll be set up soon. You check in with me later, if you're up for contributing!
33 00651C83 00651CF9 No problem! What'd you wanna talk about?
34 00651C84 00651D09 Donations! Asking for them, taking them in, sorting them. Well, okay, that's a bit of a lie, I've got some other guys that do that part.
35 Last time I did the sorting, I got a ten-minute lecture from Rucker about, quote, "a sorting system incomprehensible to God or man".
36 Oh, and game nights! Gotta keep the spirits up. I'm also trying to get a band together, but we're missing a French Horn player.
37 00651C85 00651CFF Heh. Maybe so. Doesn't mean it's not worth trying! You're looking at it all wrong, though.
38 You don't try to save everyone, you save individuals. Help enough people and there's more people to help out others.
39 You build trust, you build compassion, and you build community. That's what sees us all through this.
40 00651C86 00651CF4 Take care of people, silly! Lots of folks out there ain't got enough to eat, or a place to sleep, or are sick. It's rough out there, you know that.
41 Here at the Refuge, they can get some of what they're missing. Rucker's making sure of it; we're making sure of it. Emphasis on "we're" - Sophie's big on this being a group effort, and is including the player in this as well as herself.
42 00651C8B 00651CF0 It was a great place to grow up, and I still love all my family there, don't get me wrong.
43 But you get that itch, you know? You want to see the world beyond the places you know. You don't have to be unhappy to feel that.
44 And I felt like I could do some good out here, among people that never had the love and support I had.
45 So...here I am!
46 00651C8D 00651CF6 Why, this is the Refuge! Headquarters of the Responders. These ones, anyway. I hear some other folks might be using the name, too.
47 But these are the ones I know about. And joined. And work for. You get it. So these are *the* Responders as far as I'm concerned.
48 00651C92 00651C95 Aw, look at all this stuff people have donated! That's great.
49 00651C96 Rucker's going to flip when she hears how much we've pulled in.
50 00651C97 Nothing like the feeling of a good job done well.
51 00651C98 [whistling] Nothing specific, just that sort of happy-go-lucky whistling to yourself while doing something else
52 00651C99 I should check if those Blue Ridge folks carry letters, too.
53 00651C9A Hope all the folks at the commune are doing well.
54 00651C9B This place could stand to have some cats.
55 00651C93 00651D04 Well, hello there, stranger! Sophie Wagoner, pleased to meet you.
56 00651D06 Hey, there! Nice to see you!
57 00651D07 Hello! How's it going?
58 00651D08 Aw, just dropping by for a friendly chat?
59 00653995 006539A2 Well that's a first. Okay, I'll make you a deal. You go ahead and take my picture and the next time I'm looking for donations you chip in, got it?


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 0063D5C2 0063D5FB Refugee camp? Is that all you think this is? Look closer!
2 Sure, we're taking in refugees, but we're also making sure people get medicine, clothing, and food.
3 This isn't just three hots and a cot, it's the first steps to a world where everybody's got a chance. And you can help.
4 0063D5C4 0063D62E Oh, lots of places. Old stuffed toys, pillows, heck, you can even make some out of old newspapers or magazines!
5 0063D62F Bunch of stuff you could scrap for it. Tools, fuel cans, utensils. Scavengers find that kind of thing all the time.
6 0063D630 Well...trees? Lots of fallen trees around. And anything made of wood, really. If it's even partly made of wood, you can scrap it.
7 0063D631 Lotta toys were plastic, they're always good. Some containers, like for cleaning supplies. Old food trays were often made from it too, if you find any.
8 0063D632 Well, mainly I'd look for any kind of glue or tape. I hear you can make it from some plant goo or starch, but glue or tape is easier if you ask me.
9 0063D633 Old inflatable balls are a good source. You know, basketballs, kickballs, that kind of thing. Some tools like plungers have some you can scrap, too.
10 0063D634 Bags of cement are your best bet, but here's a weird one: ever notice there's more garden gnomes around than you'd expect? They're concrete, too!
11 0063D5C5 0063D60D Yeah, I guess I am! I don't think there's anything wrong with that. Why shouldn't I be?
12 We're living in the aftermath of the apocalypse, but here we all are in a place filled with people dedicated to helping each other.
13 You ask me, that means we're pretty dang lucky, right? A lot to be excited about. Happy, even!
14 0063D5C6 0063D602 Okay, that's all right. I know not everybody's where they need to be.
15 I hope you'll reconsider! You know where to find me if you do!
16 0063D5C7 0063D605 What? No! I'm not recruiting - though I'm sure you'd be great at it. But that's not my department.
17 No, I'm talking about contributing to our work here! Helping us help others.
18 00654089 Sort of? Well, I haven't seen you around before, so...glad to have you! But I wasn't trying to recruit you, anyway.
19 I'm actually more in the "material support" end of the things. Scouting for volunteers isn't really my department.
20 0063D5C8 0063D603 Rucker's put me in charge of running a bit of a donation drive. Have you met Rucker? She's amazing, you should. Anyway.
21 It might surprise you to know an operation like this is always churning through supplies.
22 We work hard to keep things in stock, and that funny Orlando character does their best to help out as well, but we still have shortfalls.
23 So, here I am, asking generous folks such as yourself to help us fill in those gaps and keep the Refuge running!
24 0063D5C9 0063D5FD I prefer to think of it as mutual aid. We're a community, pooling our collective resources so that nobody has to go without.
25 Charity's more like the well-to-do buying a clean conscience by giving away their table scraps.
26 And it's not just hanging around. I need to get the donations packed, stored, logged...the whole nine yards.
27 Rucker's got a real quartermaster's mindset, so you better believe she wants it all squared away properly!
28 0063D5CA 0063D5FF That's okay! Come back if you're ready to donate!
29 0063D5CE 0063D635 Well, I'll tell you, we've had a heck of a run on raw cloth, and it's really drained our stock.
30 If you could spare, say, 50 pieces, it'd be a huge help to us.
31 0063D636 You would not believe how fast we've been going through our stash of steel scrap. It's been nuts!
32 50 units, if you have it, would go a long way.
33 0063D637 Rucker's been in a tizzy because we just don't have enough wood to keep up.
34 It'd be a big help if you could donate maybe 50 pieces of scrap. One less thing on Rucker's mind, you know?
35 0063D638 We always need molded plastic. You can never have too much of it, and I gotta be honest, we don't have enough.
36 I'd love it if you could help us with, oh... 50 pieces? We could do a surprising amount of good for a surprising amount of people.
37 0063D639 Keeping this place running needs a lot of adhesive. There's always work to be done.
38 50 units of excess adhesive from you would be an amazing support and help us keep doing what we do!
39 0063D63A I know it seems like we're well-settled here, but the Responders have big plans for the Refuge. Those plans need rubber, as it happens.
40 A kind donation of, lets say, 50 units of raw rubber, would be a tremendous boon in making those plans reality.
41 0063D63B Today, we're in bad need of concrete. Always need it, never have enough.
42 If you really want to help out, could I ask for 50 pieces of concrete scrap? If you've got it to spare, I mean.
43 0063D5CF 0063D5FA Uh, yeah! The warm glow of providing aid to your fellow person? The joy of supporting a noble and worthwhile cause? Isn't that great?
44 Hm! Okay, if that's not enough for you, Rucker's given the okay to dole out some of the Ultracite Battery Cells we've got to spare.
45 We use them to power the vertibird on the roof. They use it to fly aid missions to places outside Appalachia.
46 I've got a feeling you might be helping out there, so I bet you'll find a use for these.
47 0063D5D1 0063D615 Now, that's what I'm talking about! People supporting each other! You've got the right spirit.
48 0063D5D3 0063D604 Hey, I get it! Busy, right? Lots to do.
49 I hope you'll change your mind, though! You could do a lot of good.
50 Stay safe!
51 0063D5D6 0063D5FE Yes! Exactly! You understand, I can tell. A future filled with people supporting each other, regardless of background or history.
52 It's always good to meet someone who can see the big picture. Now, how'd you like to be part of it?
53 0063D5DB 0063D601 Look around. The Refuge! Quite a place, isn't it? I mean, sure, fancy-pants golf club resort, that's nice, but I'm talking about the Refuge!
54 A haven for the lost, the dispossessed, the hungry and unfortunate! A monument to our ability to have compassion for each other.
55 Isn't it grand? Isn't it worth preserving? Building? Growing?
56 0063D5DC 0063D625 It just so happens I've got a little something for you, as a reward for your generosity.
57 Rucker's set aside some Ultracite Battery Cells I can spare you from the ones the Whitespring Management doles out. Fancy a vertibird trip?
58 They're not much use for anything else, but I've got a feeling you're going to need them! See? Mutual aid! Everybody wins!
59 Thanks so much for the help. Drop by again - if I know Rucker, I'll be looking for something new every day! Take care of yourself!
60 0063D626 As usual, I've got a gift for you, too, by way of thanks.
61 I'd love to see us keep up this tradition. Don't forget to check back with me some other time. I'm sure we'll need more help soon!
62 0063D5DD 0063D5F9 Let me check my notes...
63 0063D5E3 0063D5EF You're already here, you might as well invest in the future!
64 0063D5E4 0063D5ED If you've got some spare supplies burning a hole in your pocket, why not help us help others?
65 0063D5E5 0063D5F0 You might not need it but I guarantee somebody else does!
66 0063D5E6 0063D5EE Help support the Responders! Build up the Refuge! Give comfort to your fellow person!
67 0063D5E7 0063D5EA Donations! Drop off donations over here!
68 0063D5E8 0063D5EB That's okay! Who just carries that around in their pockets or whatever, right?
69 I'll be here all day, though. If you want to come back, bring it by later - if you can, of course - you know where to find me!
70 It'd really make my day if you did.
71 0063D5EC You do? Amazing! Thank you so much! This is going to be a big help.
72 0063D5FC Let me check my notes...
73 0063D61B Hey! You're back!
74 0063D5E9 0063D616 Well, hello there, stranger! Pleased to meet you! I'm Sophie, Sophie Wagoner.
75 0063D618 Back again! I had you pegged for the generous sort. Nice to be right!
76 0063D619 Another day, another donation drive, and another happy encounter! Glad to see you.
77 0063D61A If it isn't one of our most dependable supporters! I hope you're here to keep up that record!
78 0063D61C Glad to see you've returned! Are you ready to donate?
79 0063D61D I really appreciate your generous donation. All of us Responders do!
80 0066086C Hey! You're back!
81 0065B18B 0065B194 Well that's a first. Okay, I'll make you a deal. You go ahead and take my picture and the next time I'm looking for donations you chip in, got it?


# Dialog Topic Form ID Response Text Script Notes
1 00646E8C 00646EF5 Psst! Hey you, over here. Trying to get players attention without drawing attention to herself
2 00646EF6 Oh, good! You're back!
3 0064E88B You came back! Maybe now you can help me get that photo? Surprised and delighted. Used to people avoiding her.
4 0064E88C Hey, shutterbug. Thanks for the help.
5 0064E88D Oh, hello again. Don't worry, I'm not bothering anyone.
6 00646E8D 00646ED2 Please hurry! I can hardly wait to see your picture!
7 00646E8F 00646EE6 It's not weird. You did a good job! This is a great photo! Not realizing that you mean "they" are weird. They think you feel weird and are trying to be encouraging.
8 00646E91 00646EF0 Wow! What a great photo! This will be the centerpiece of my collection!
9 00646E93 00646EDC Did you get the photo?
10 00646E94 00646ECE Oh, okay. Was it something I said? If you change your mind I'll be right here.
11 00646E9C 00646ED9 Here, take this. Please don't tell anyone about this. Embarrassed and worried.
12 00646E9D 00646EF2 I need to figure some things out but thanks for taking the time to talk with me. Here, take this. Reflective and appreciative that you took the time to explain to them what was wrong with their request instead of threatening or dismissing them.
13 00646EA4 00646ED5 Oh, thank you! You won't regret it. I promise!
14 00646EA6 00646EE9 What do you mean? It's just a photo. It's not hurting anyone. Genuinely not understanding why their request is odd. Innocently awkward.
15 00646EA8 00646EDA Definitely don't shoot them with a gun! That would be awful! Use your camera. Genuinely horrified at the idea of hurting someone.
16 00646EAA 00646EF3 Oh, wow! You're the best! You really are!
17 00646EAC 00646EDF But all my photos are a little blurry or taken from too far away and I just need a nice, clear shot.
18 00646EAD 00646ED1 I just have a little collection. Nothing weird. Just a tiny tribute to them in my room with some photos, and sketches, and a fork they used once. Unaware of how awkward they're being and trying to explain their collection away as something normal. Socially clueless.
19 It's very tasteful.
20 00646EAF 00646EE5 Oh, thank you so much!
21 00646EB1 00646ED7 Because I'm their biggest fan! Don't worry. It's not for anything weird! Overly defensive. Used to people thinking she is weird.
22 00646EB3 00646ED0 Oh, I have! Lots of times. But people started to notice and now I'm just trying to keep a lower profile, ya know? She is used to people thinking she is weird and doesn't get why. She's trying to avoid people thinking she's weirder than they do already
23 00646EB7 00646ED6 Wow! You're amazing. Thank you so much! Joy
24 00646EB9 00646EEA Oh, right, sorry! Got a little distracted there. I just need you to take a photo of them for me.
25 00646EBB 00646EDB Haha, what? No. Me? How embarrassing! Can you imagine? You're hilarious. Embarrassed to be called out on their crush and is denying it unconvincingly.
26 00646EBD 00646EF4 Okay, this might sound a little weird, but it's really not. Promise! I just need you to take a photo of them for me. Being a bit over defensive. Very used to people being uncomfortable around her
27 00646EBF 00646EE0 Don't worry! This will be easy.
28 00646EC1 00646EEB Do you know Esme, the head chef? She's so warm, and beautiful, and charming. And her cooking is delicious! Speaking fondly/enthusiastically about an idol or crush
29 00646EEC Do you know Rucker, the Responders Quartermaster? She's always in control, giving orders and making sure the job gets done. She's just incredible! Speaking fondly/enthusiastically about an idol or crush
30 00646EED Have you met Skippy? The man is a genius! Sure he's a little older but he's so clever, and rugged, and he's not afraid to get his hands dirty. Speaking fondly/enthusiastically about an idol or crush
31 00646EEE Have you seen Initiate Ellison? He's just so... adorable! He's always working so hard. Plus he looks so handsome in his Brotherhood uniform! Speaking fondly/enthusiastically about an idol or crush
32 00646EEF Do you know who Orlando is? They always look so well put together and stylish! They're just so mysterious and cool! Speaking fondly/enthusiastically about an idol or crush
33 0064780B Have you met Sophie? She's so pretty, and kind, and funny, and always watching out for the community. Speaking fondly/enthusiastically about an idol or crush
34 0064780C Do you know Giuseppe, the curios merchant? He's so mysterious and handsome and I just can't get enough of his accent! Speaking fondly/enthusiastically about an idol or crush
35 00646EC2 00646ECD Oh, really? Sorry to bother you then. But if you change your mind, I'll be here. Right here. Disappointment.("I'll be here. Right here" is a subtle shout ou to the Annoying Fan from Oblivion and it would be nice to have a similar delivery).
36 00646EC4 00646EE1 Oh, uh, just local gossip? I haven't been watching you or anything like that. Defensive. They're used to people calling them a creep and are prematurely sensitive/defensive.
37 00646EC6 00646ED3 Perfect! Now listen carefully.
38 00646EC8 00646EE7 I heard you've helped out a few folks from time to time. I was wondering if you might help me out with a little project?
39 00646EC9 00646ED8 It's like they're right here with me. Forever! Haha, just kidding! This is said in happiness like they just got a treasure but then they realize it probably sounds weird so try to laugh it off as a joke.
40 00646ECA 00646EF1 Try to get their face in the photo but don't be obvious about it. And if they notice you, don't mention me at all, okay? Excited and rambling. They don't realize their request is at all creepy and there should not be any maliciousness.
41 00647804 0064780D I really need a new photo. Something to freshen up the collection. Excited to add to their collection
42 00647805 0064780A I need to find someone to take the photo for me. Someone normal. Scheming and muttering to themselves. They know people think they're weird (but don't understand why)
43 00647806 00647808 They're so incredible. I could just stare at them forever. From afar. Admiration for their idol.
44 00647807 00647809 What? Why? I just want a photo. It's not hurting anyone. Genuine confusion. They don't realize their request is awkward.
45 00648147 0064815C I really wasn't trying to be weird. My enthusiasm just got the better of me. Let's just destroy that photo and pretend this didn't happen, okay?
46 I'll even still pay you for going through all that trouble!
47 0064814B 00648160 This is a great photo! I was nervous for a second there that you were going to keep it for yourself.
48 0064814C 00646ECF Huh. I guess you're right. They'd probably freak out and never want to see me again. That would be awful.
49 00646EDE Wait, what? I'm sorry. I wasn't trying to offend. Forget I asked. They won't see me again. I promise! Surprised they've caused offense are are worried because they truly don't understand how socially awkward they are.
50 00646EE3 I... I hadn't thought of it like that. I suppose you're right.
51 00646EE4 Looks like today is a lucky day for both of us! I have a camera for you! Bubbly and happy.
52 Only problem is it's broken. But get it fixed up at a workbench and it's all yours to keep!
53 There was also this list of places around Appalachia tucked into the case. I guess the previous owner was on some kind of photo hunt themselves.
54 But then I guess they died. Too bad for them, but great for us! Anyway, get that camera fixed and then use it to get that photo. Still bubbly and happy. Some random person dying doesn't phase her at all.
55 0064E88F Oh no! But if you have a broken camera you can probably use the pieces to craft a working camera at a workbench, right?
56 0064814D 00648157 The hell you taking my picture for? If you're bored, we got lots to do around here.
57 0065399F All good? Great. You know, if you've got time for sightseeing I hear Skippy's been looking for someone to help out with taking photos for his guide.
58 0064814E 0064815F Well, geez, if all you wanted was a photo all you had to do was ask.
59 006539A3 Got what you needed? Feel free to return the favor by chipping in the next time we're looking for donations!
60 0064814F 00648159 Apparently we even have paparazzi now? Very well, but please, keep photography to a minimum.
61 0065399C I hope the photo turns out well, but there are so many wonderful things here at the Whitespring to view. Please don't waste any more film on me.
62 00648150 00648153 Heh, guess I got myself a fan. Can't say I blame you, but that wasn't even my good side.
63 006539A0 Hope you got my good side!
64 00648151 0064815B Excuse-moi! Why are you taking my picture?
65 0065399D No more time for frivolities. I must get back to the stew!
66 00648152 00648155 Oh! I wasn't ready. Was I supposed to pose?
67 0065399E Cheese! Was that okay?
68 00649F30 00649F67 Uh, okay? I don't know what to say to change your mind. But I'll be right here waiting if you do.
69 0064EF41 0064EF42 That's a relief! I thought you were going to leave me high and dry. Hurry back once you get it!