Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Foreman Scarborough was a supervisor at Big Bend Tunnel.[1]


Scarborough and his subordinates suffered from issues concerning the air quality in Big Bend Tunnel. As the head of the "Big Bend Tunnel Mining Operation," he stressed that his men were performing as best they could, although they still needed proper ventilation. Every time that a train came through the tunnels, it took days for the fumes to clear. This worsened the smoke that was already coming from mining machinery. Scarborough pleaded with his superiors to give them access to fans or gas masks, or else there would be no men left to mine the resources that they sought.[2]


Scarborough was slated to appear in a holotape at Big Bend Tunnel and was confirmed to have been voiced by Chip Joslin, but this content was scrapped from the game.[2]


Scarborough is mentioned only in Fallout 76 cut content.


  1. ↑ NPCM_LC012_ForemanScarborough: Indicates relation to Big Bend Tunnel
  2. ↑ 2.0 2.1 Cut content Scarborough: "Big Bend Tunnel Mining Operation. Update for Day 163. This is Foreman Scarborough. My deepest apologies for the delay in sending the last message. As I have mentioned before work continues to slow due to the air quality in these tunnels. My men are trying their best, but I continue to urge the need for proper ventilation. Or at least for the trains to be re-routed elsewhere. Every time one of them comes through it takes days for the fumes to clear. Not to mention the smoke from the machinery and equipment! I understand the need to expand beyond the regions to the West and that these train tunnels offer an untapped wealth of resources. But unless we get fans or gas masks or something in these tunnels soon, I won't have men left to mine it! I beg you to take action."
    Note: This is a transcript of cut dialogue for Foreman Scarborough. The lines exist in the game's files, but were not applied to an actual holotape.