Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Sandra was a local farmer at the neighboring homesteads before the Great War.


Used to things the old fashioned way, Sandra was directly opposed to the full-speed pursuit of science and technology. Having lived in the Cranberry Bog before Watoga was constructed, she considered it an eyesore. However, when her new neighbor Larry moved in, his scientific equipment being in her own backyard was too much for her to handle, and Sandra took steps to stop his work. Sandra started off small, first observing what Larry was experimenting on. However, as time went on, she took a direct hand in attempting to sabotage his work. Sandra began spying on Larry from the woods behind his house to learn the keycode to his laboratory. With Larry's keycode, Sandra toxified his water supply using toxins that she kept on-hand in her farm.[1] As a chemist conducting soil experiments, Larry's crops began to fail as a direct result of Sandra's sabotage. Larry suspected Sandra of being involved in the crop failure, but was unable to stop her before the Great War, in which they both perished.[2]


Sandra's skeleton appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wastelanders update.

