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Fallout Wiki

Larry was a chemist practicing horticulture at the neighboring homesteads before the Great War.


A practiced chemist, Larry set up a lab at his homestead close to Watoga. Larry would use his expertise to perfect a growth formula that doubled the volume of plants, as well as their growth rate, but earned the ire of his neighbor, Sandra, who despised all uses of technology and automation. Larry's formula was seeing massive success but was quickly halted when Sandra obtained the keycode to Larry's lab and toxified his water supply.[1] Sandra's sabotage resulted in negative test case results, which he correctly hypothesized was the fault of Sandra's tampering, as he had seen her spying on his farm beforehand.[2] However, the Great War brought an end to their feud before it could be resolved. By 2103, Larry's formula found a new use to strangler plants, stimulating their growth in the Cranberry Bog, his homestead being the only appearance of the plants outside of the Mire.[3]


Larry's skeleton appears only in Fallout 76, introduced in the Wastelanders update.


  1. Neighboring homesteads terminal entries
  2. Test case results
  3. Strangler growth all around Larry's homestead