Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

Ranger Barnes was a park ranger in Appalachia before the Great War.


Barnes and his partner, Ranger Gabriel Trujillo, were stationed at the Dolly Sods Wilderness. Compared to Trujillo, Barnes was much more strict and cautious, once giving out 12 citations in a day and also fearing that the Pioneer Scouts would ruin the pristine campgrounds during their upcoming visit.

Trujillo considered him to be a strange person. However, his decisive action during events such as a forest fire in July, saving the lives of two campers, made Trujillo happy to have him as a partner.[1]


Barnes is mentioned only in Fallout 76.

Behind the scenes[]

In the cut notes Barnes' journal and Barnes' last note, a ranger that worked at the Dolly Sods Wilderness named Roy Barnes is mentioned. Barnes' handmade mine and the quest Suicide Run are also associated with Roy, both of which were also cut. These notes reveal that Roy Barnes survived the Great War and continued to maintain the Wilderness while fighting against mole rats, eventually resorting to explosives. This parallels with the character of Carl Spackler from the film Caddyshack. Both are groundskeepers who end up using explosives while attempting to kill burrowing pests, and Barnes' journal also nearly mimics a line from the film.

