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Dolly Sods Wilderness terminal entries are a series of entries found on terminals in the Dolly Sods Wilderness in Fallout 76.

Ranger Trujillo's terminal[]

FO76 Dolly Sods Wilderness (Ranger Trujillo's terminal)

Dolly Sods Wilderness Ranger Station
Dolly Sods - Rangers Only

Ranger Gabriel Trujillo

Ranger's Report 02.11.77[]


I caught a few deer poachers today and sent them home with a warning and a stiff fine.

Not sure why those idiots thought it was okay to hunt out of season, but hopefully the citation made them realize their mistake. Deer season lasts from late November to early December, so they missed their window by a few months.

Maybe if we had better sign coverage, the bucks that the hunters shot wouldn't be sitting in our evidence room. I'll send another message to the Parks Department and see if we can get the funds to put up more signs.

Ranger's Report 04.15.77[]


Campers are starting to show up at Dolly Sods, so Ranger Barnes and I have been taking turns patrolling their campsites.

Most of the visitors are cooperative, but sometimes we get a loudmouth or a bunch of drunk kids that don't want to follow the rules. We're simply trying to prevent them from hurting themselves or burning down the forest.

Didn't issue any citations today, but Barnes racked up twelve. I swear that guy needs to lighten up or he'll scare away all our visitors.

Ranger's Report 05.23.77[]


The Pioneer Scouts contacted us about holding their jamboree at Dolly Sods.

I was excited at first, but then Ranger Barnes reminded me how much damage all those scouts would likely end up doing to our pristine wilderness. When this summer ends, I think I'm going to have a serious talk with Barnes about being a little more accepting of the park's visitors.

As far as the Pioneer Scouts go, I'm not worried that they'll cause any problems. After all, they'll be chaperoned by automated scout masters programmed with the latest techniques in safety and wilderness care.

Ranger's Report 07.05.77[]


A lightning storm touched off a forest fire today.

When I arrived on the scene, I discovered Ranger Barnes had already gone into the engulfed area and rescued two campers that had been stranded. I'm fairly confident that he saved their lives. To top it off, Barnes stayed behind to fight the blaze with the fire department. We had everything under control by sunset.

Despite all of Barnes's quirks, it's times like this I am reminded why he's a credit to the Parks Department.

Ranger's Report 10.21.77[]


The Pioneer Scouts have started arriving to set up for their jamboree. They've been very respectful of the campgrounds and we haven't had a single issue. Barnes and I have decided to take everything in stride and lend the scouts a hand.

Working side-by-side with these scouts has given me hope that when they get older, they'll make better decisions than the folks causing all the political unrest overseas. After all, we only have one world. Why destroy it?
