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Ronto is a mentioned-only settlement in the wasteland in the Fallout 3 add-on The Pitt.


In a speech to the slaves of the Pitt, Ashur mentions the name of Ronto, along with the Commonwealth and the Capital Wasteland when proclaiming the Pitt's superior industrial power, security and strength, indicating that Ronto has comparable martial might.[1] Additionally, Brand asks if the Lone Wanderer comes from Ronto, seemingly implying that the raiders of the Pitt venture there as well to bring back slaves.[2]


Ronto is mentioned only in the Fallout 3 add-on The Pitt.

Behind the scenes

Due to its name and proximity to Pittsburgh/The Pitt, the in-universe Ronto may correspond with the real-world Canadian city of Toronto, however, this is yet to be confirmed by any official sources.


  1. Ishmael Ashur: "Citizens of The Pitt, workers of Downtown, traders of Uptown, and all the fierce souls who do what must be done! I bring you good news! We stand at the dawn of a new golden age. Where others merely survive, we thrive! Our industry is the envy of the Commonwealth! Our safety is the envy of the Capital Wastes! Our might is the envy of Ronto!"
    (Ishmael Ashur's dialogue) Note: This quote is an excerpt from a longer speech given by Ashur during Unsafe Working Conditions.
  2. Brand: "You're new, aren't you? Are you here from the Erie Stretch? The Capital Wasteland? Ronto? Where's home?"
    (Brand's dialogue)