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The Rocky Mountains, or Rockies for short, are a mountain range in North America.


In 2103, Paladin Leila Rahmani led the First Expeditionary Force across the country, from Lost Hills to Appalachia, with goals of re-establishing contact with the lost chapter of the Brotherhood. A message records the loss of contact with the group after they crossed the mountain range.[1]

After traveling with the Chosen One, Marcus ventured into the Rockies in search of more first generation super mutants like him. He eventually returned with a small flock, founding a town on Black Mountain in the Mojave Wasteland.[2]


  • Before the war, Dutch Wharton, the senior vice president of Hornwright Industrial's corporate engagement department suggested to CEO Daniel Hornwright that they put the Motherlode project on hold in favor of a more lucrative endeavor that would result in the company becoming "the premier industrial company east of the Rockies."[3]
  • Jo, the sheriff of Modoc, claims that the local butcher Grisham's jerky is the best this side of the Rockies.[4]


The Rocky Mountains are mentioned in Fallout 2, Fallout: New Vegas, Fallout 76, and its One Wasteland For All update. It's also mentioned in Fallout Tactics, and would have appeared in Van Buren.

Behind the scenes[]


  1. Encrypted broadcasts: "First Expeditionary Force, this is L-H with a recorded Priority Gamma message.
    Papa Romeo missed the last four check-ins. No contact since crossing the Rockies. Scribes estimate unit position in the vicinity of Lincoln. Orders are to re-establish comms with L-H ASAP and provide a full report of whereabouts and activities since last communication. Acknowledge on coded channel two three."
  2. The Courier: "Tell me more about the tribal."
    Marcus: "We were looking for a GECK to save the village of Arroyo. Eventually, we did. Nuked an oil rig in the process. We went separate ways after that. I went east into the Rockies, looking for other mutants like myself. Don't know what happened to my friend. I've got a feeling it turned out all right in the end."
    (Marcus' dialogue)
  3. "Excavator suit" - Final steps
  4. Jo: "{237}{}{The slaughterhouse is run by Grisham and his son Davin. It’s just east of here. He makes the best damn jerky this side of the Rockies.}"
    (Jo's dialogue)