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What follows is a full transcript from day 2 of the Fallout: New Vegas 10th Anniversary Charity Stream by Joshua Sawyer in October 2020.



Is it actually live? Is it live?


Hi Nigel, exceptional potato. I can, Marianne. Adrock, arthritic jester live arts. Shebang, parrots, Gap stealth, Pinoy boy, the wug, toonaloons.Hi John, TD. It's going okay. How are you, Master C? Hello, Mikey. Thanks for dropping by.


There's a backlog of questions that I'm going to go through briefly.


All right, all right. There's a bunch of questions that I missed yesterday, so I'm going to go through those first. Um, okay, so I'm gonna go through these questions while we're waiting for people to filter in. A silver, black, red, plastic cup.


Um, all right. Prime gaming, the Iron Minotaur asked, "I love Fallout New Vegas, and I always wanted to know the thought process that went into making Dead Money because everyone enjoyed Dead Money." I don't think everyone enjoyed it, but that's actually a Chris Avellone question. I did not have very much to do with Dead Money. The only stuff I did on Dead Money was designing the weapons, so I designed and tuned the weapons. That was pretty much it. So unfortunately, I don't know much else about Dead Money.

Prime gaming, flopsadoodle, did you visit all the real-life counterpart locations in Cali, Nevada while making the game? Not every single one of them, but pretty close. Um, I drove my motorcycle around the Mojave Desert, and I went to Red Rock, and I went to Good Springs, and I went through Nipton, and I—I can't remember if I went to Searchlight. I went up the east side, but I didn't stop at Nelson. Um, went to Vegas, saw the old Mormon Fort, or the Mormon Fort, uh, so yeah, more or less. I didn't go to every single location, though, I don't think.

Um, hotline Mojave, do you know if there's any correlation to the ambient music and ongoing action in the game or areas you're currently in, time of day, and notice the Black Mountain and the surrounding areas have very ominous music, but other areas have almost random ambience? I don't think any of it is random. I think that the music in a location is tied to the cell that you're in. There could be trigger overrides to that. There could also be time of day overrides to that, um, but we pick the music for the location.


Prime gaming, Sailors, how many times do you reckon I've played through the game? I think I may be did answer this, um, three actual full playthroughs. I did a lot of hours of testing of individual areas and questline, but actual full playthroughs, probably only three. Um, will I play Fallout 4 New Vegas when it comes up? Probably. Uh, did I finish Kingdom Deliverance? I did not. What do you think of the no fast travel thing in Fall for survival mode? Um, I don't know. I think it's a good optional challenge. I think that's fine. Um, now the thing is, the question is, is it actually enjoyable to traverse through areas without fast travel? If it is, then disabling fast travel, I think, is cool. If it's really boring, then I don't really see the point. But like if either nothing's happening or if it's just trash fights, then fast travel is kind of saving you the benefit of just being bored. There is the argument of being more immersive, which I get, but anyway, um, let me see what else do we got. When I was thinking about locations, how did you guys come up with the map? I drew the map. Um, I drew the map from an overlay of the real-world locations, and we followed Bethesda's kind of density guidelines where within a certain area within a grid space on our map, there would be three visible landmarks that were real locations, and I tried to map those as close as possible to actual World locations, and then backed up from there, and then I would write region design constraint docs, and the region design constraint docs would describe the high-level stuff and some of the low-level stuff that would happen in that location, and then an area designer would take over from that point.

Um, when trying to start writing a game story script, do you start with thinking of the big themes or start from there? Or do the big things kind of arise naturally from other writing after a while? I usually have one or two big events in mind and probably a theme or two, and then that develops. So in New Vegas, actually, the inciting incident was defined by Chris Avellone in the pitch for Bethesda, which is that you were shot in the head and dropped in a shallow grave.

All the stuff about Benny and The Courier and the Platinum chip was not defined to them. That was all John Gonzalez. And then when I talked to John Gonzalez, I said, "You do have to start with being shot in the head and dropped in a shallow grave, and at the end, you have to decide who controls Hoover Dam, like basically the Second Battle of Hoover Dam will occur, and you have to decide who will control the Mojave after that."

And then a third constraint I came up with just because things were getting kind of fiddly with the Platinum chip in the last half of the game is that I told John that a requirement was that The Courier had to directly interact with members of the faction to progress toward the end of the game, and that was to humanize those factions and make their wants and needs more visible and important.

In Pillars of Eternity Deadfire, the starting point of Eothas breaking his way out and taking off to the Deadfire was pre-established, and the ending of it was pretty much pre-established, and then the middle was what I, with a little bit of Eric Fenstermaker and then a lot of Carrie, worked through.

All right, gonna answer a couple more questions here before we start playing again. Any reason Brian and I chose the World War One outfits? Um, there is like a neat kind of distinctive deserty vibe, especially like the Australian, like the Anzac type of uniforms that we saw. They just had a neat kind of vibe to them. They seemed, they had their first, you know, first half of the 20th century vibes. They kind of fit well in the desert. Um, yeah, we just thought they had the right vibe to them, is kind of the idea. Um...


I already talked about the engine I put in my car. My favorite bicycle for road is a Milwaukee road bike with an Athena 11-speed group set and downtube shifters. Um, sorry, a couple more.

I think that's actually all the questions. No tequila yet. It's a little early in the day. Um, so we will be doing five more giveaways of the patch, folks. These will come with Courier tabs, by the way.


When it'll take a little bit of time to get these mailed out because I do need to get the Courier tabs. The Courier tabs have already been ordered, but I can't control when they're going to be delivered, so when they get here, ship them out. Uh, hold on. Hold on. I'm just going to move some stuff around here. I only got so much screen. Um, what else, what else? Um, I'll be singing "Home on the Waste" in a bit. Please forgive. I don't have a guitar, which is embarrassing because my dad is a really good guitarist, and he tried teaching me, and I was just really lazy, but I'll sing that. Um, I did put up at 20,000. If we get to twenty thousand, I will tell the tale of Orion Moreno.

And the Vertibird bug, which was very funny. Um, because the only thing I can think to do is entertain you with singing. If we get to 22,500, I'll sing "Vandro's," which is a great song, uh, for you. And then if we get all the way to 25,000, I'll sing "Silent Noon" for you, and we'll see how that goes.


I could put on an instrumental version of "Home on the Range," but I don't know. I can't remember what key it was in, and I'll just sing an a capella. Um, let me just make sure. Hold on, just one second. We got, let me check the Twitty. Okay, we got that. Cool.


Carrie, Carrie Patel did direct "Peril on Gorgon," yes, yes, she did a great job. I'm not gonna, there's no canon ending. Um, I did not play "The Last of Us Part Two." Um, it's not really my type of game. I don't think I, you know, I've said this before on Twitter, like games that are really kind of cinematic stories with gameplay between them, even if they're really well done, are just not that interesting to me. Like, they're impressive, but they're just not games that I want to play. I just don't have much interest in it. Um, someone's asking, is this an iron-on patch? So yes, technically, I have very bad luck with ironing on patches. I always sew all my patches on with my sewing machine. I don't know why. I need to just like show you that, show you that.

Um, well, 500 people here. All right, we'll be starting in just a little bit. I need to get a sewing machine to make my curtains. So when we started doing work from home, uh, this office that I'm in, I was not in it during the day normally, and I didn't do a great job, as you can see. But, um, there was a lot of light coming in, and it was really hard to work in here. So, and a lot of the curtains that I saw, I just didn't really like very much. So, uh, yeah, I sewed, I sewed those. Sewing curtains is relatively easy. I did bend two needles in the process because I didn't understand the idea of heavy gauge needles, but yeah, the pattern is something that, oh God, I don't know if Hannah found it. I think Hannah Kennedy may have found it. It's, um, it's called medieval people. Look up like medieval people fabric on, oh God, I can't remember the name of the fabric site. There's a site where you can just get order fabric patterns. Will today's stream be the same length as yesterday's? Probably. Um, my voice might give out. My voice is starting to get kind of sore yesterday, so we'll, uh, we'll see.

Best for Volpes, I thought of a question last night in a postmortem Tim Cain said that he regretted making Luck a part of the system. Did you have a problem with that, or was a lot of that ironed out by then? I don't like Luck either. Um, I don't really like Luck in the tabletop version of Fallout that I made and ran. Luck was not a stat, so I don't know. It just seems kind of goofy. It's hard. It's hard to make useful. I think they made it as useful as they could within Fallout one.


And two, but let me look at that link. Dust Das Mod Admin. Yes, that is absolutely it. Spoonflower is what I think he was thinking of, but it's on, yeah, it's on Etsy. Thank you. Yep, that's it. Yeah, I mean, Luck, I guess that's the thing. Luck, I don't like Luck, but I didn't want to get rid of it in New Vegas because that seemed like just a big headache. And because we had gambling, I was like, okay, Luck, whatever, sure. Yeah, it doesn't really serve a useful purpose other than putting a thumb on the die roll, doesn't it?

All right, folks, I'm gonna sing "Home on the Waste." I'll do the best I can. It's only 10 in the morning here. I don't sing that much anymore, so I apologize in advance. I'm singing into a tiny mic, so yeah. All right, folks, here we go.

[Singing] Oh, give me a home where the Big Horns roam,
Where the Mole Rats and the Fire Geckos play,
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word,
And my skin is not glowing all day.

[Singing] Home, home on the Waste,
Where the Mole Rat and the Fire Geckos play,
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word,
And my skin is not glowing all day.

[Singing] Where the Reds ain't too high, the water's not bad,
The Red Scorpions are playful and mild.
Oh, I would not exchange this home on the Waste
For all the big cities so wild.

[Singing] Home, home on the Waste,
Where the Master's great armies once played,
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word,
And my Reds are not rising all day.

[Singing] Home, home on the Waste,
Where the Mole Rats and the Fire Geckos play,
Where seldom is heard a discouraging word,
And my skin is not glowing all day.

There you go. All right, let's do a patch giveaway. Patch time. All right, so again, how the patch giveaway works is we got 10 patches. We have five left. Five people won them yesterday, and I will start the giveaway. Once the giveaway starts, go to the black and white "Click to Give" California Community Foundation Wildlife Relief Fund link. You don't have to donate, but donating helps. Um, and then you're entered. Ten minutes go by, and at the end of 10 minutes, someone is picked randomly. You will see maybe something that says if you're not in the US, you can't enter, you can't win. Ignore that. If you can enter and you win, we will mail it to you. It's not a big deal. We'll contact people by email, probably in the next week. We'll email you in the next week. Probably won't send them to you next week. Do the donations stay, or do they only count for the round? I don't know. I'm sorry. I still don't actually know how that works.

The link, Augie Green. Actually, hold on, I should do, it's not US only. It will say US only. So here is the actual link. [Music] Yes, if you go to the About tab, there's the donation link. I also pasted it in the chat. I know some people who are on mobile were having difficulty about that. Okay, so I'm going to start it now. I'm gonna start it now. Okay, it started, 10 minutes, folks. [Music] By the way, I picked my shirt today. [Music] This is my Cabazon shirt for the Wheel. Rest in peace. [Music] Cabazon is the home of the dinosaurs and was one of the inspirations for Dinky in Novak, which is where we stopped. It is the place from Pee-wee.

Thank you, J9 13B. I really appreciate it. Try to make it true to setting. Did I notice people could have abused the Usanagi implants? Well, define abuse. I mean, they're pretty good.


All right, I'm going to open the window. It's a little warm in here. Thank you. What's going on here? Not responding? Well, I guess this is a good place to crash. Hmm, Obsidian does it again. Hold on, just a second. It didn't crash at all yesterday. All right, here we go. Hmm, it's being very weird. I don't like this, something goofy's going on. Let me just try to figure some stuff out here. Okay, let's try one more time. Okay, what was weird is that it froze locally, but it didn't freeze on the stream. It was still... Oh, don't got nothing to drink, hmm. I need some water. This is with Jay Sawyer. I'm playing with the Jay Sawyer mod that I made.

Hey, where's, uh, what's her name? There she is. Some medical supplies, dang lady, give me some water. Uh, uh, you know what, I don't think I need all these Atomic [ __ ]. Ah, that's worth nothing. I can't remember who came up with Ada Straus. I think Eric Fenstermaker wrote her, though. Earnings clipboard. [Music] Today's stream started about half an hour ago, Hollow. I thought I had some, uh, oh, okay, there we go. [Laughter] Nice. I think I'll take some Rad-X, some RadAway, because I know I'm gonna have to do some stuff in a bit, and man, the Stimpacks are pricey. I think I need Doctor Bags more than I need Stimpacks. There you go, thanks, thanks.

Does this mod replace the Varmint rifle ammo to .22 long rifle? No, .22 long rifle is pretty much only used for suppressed weapons in this game, in this video game. Let's just do Boone's quest and get Boone and get out of here. There was not really anything more planned in-game for the currencies. Whoops, can't remember where the Jeannie May stuff is in here. Where the evidence is. Give me those, the safe. Oh yeah, I don't need a key because I'm expecting lock pick. Something I don't break my pick. Nice, all right, we got 44 seconds left on the giveaway.

[Music] Or sorry, that's a note, right? Yeah, we've been, uh, we've been borating here in chat. All right, giveaway, Jordan2Zeus1, congrats. All right, time to get Jeannie May murdered. Whoa, what was that? Oh, I'm only using my mod, New Vegas Script Extender, and Tick Fix, that's it. Is everything all right? Oh, just get her killed. The giveaway for this duration is done. We will do another giveaway in about an hour and a half. The hell? Okay, she's taking a while. Do I have food? Eating, eating jalapenos, eating raw jalapenos. Although it does raise your water meter or so. Jeannie May, Jeannie May, Jeannie May. Oh, that's right, I have Gecko Steaks too. I forgot I can make those now. That's right, Victor is here. Yeah, Jeannie May is very trusting. I just met her, wanted her to walk out in front of the dinosaur, and what? [Laughs]

[Music] Reap to those who died. All right, we're up to 17,849 bucks, very good. I don't care about you, Victor. At twenty thousand, I will tell the tale of Orion Moreno, which is very good.

Any mechanics we had in-game that turned out to be too complicated for the average player? I mean, other than Caravan... Um, some people didn't get DT, that's it. Then, like, I remember watching, um, I remember watching a guy playing through, uh, playing through the end of the game. He had played through the whole game, and he got to the end, and he was in Hoover Dam, and he was fighting against the Security... Or, no, no, not Securitrons, he was fighting against NCR heavy Troopers, and they were in the salvaged power armor with light machine guns, and they were roasting the shit out of him. And he was using, to fight them, he was using an unmodded service rifle with no armor-piercing ammo. He was using, like, an early game weapon, and he got roasted, and then he reloaded, and he went into his inventory, and he was like, "All right, let's see what I can do." And he scrolled by, like, anti-material rifle, brush gun, like, all these, like, heavy damage weapons, and he went to, and he took the 20 gauge lever-action shotgun, normal Buckshot, no slugs, and he was just like, "Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah."

It was just red shield, red shield, red shield, and they just roasted him, and he reloaded, and he re-equipped the service rifle again. No, he had armor-piercing ammo. He did not use it, and he consumed, like, every food and Stem item in his inventory to get through the fight. And I was like, "I don't know, man. Slugs do more damage to heavily armored enemies. Slugs do more damage." Like, slugs are just one bullet that does a ton of damage. Buckshot, I believe, does more total damage, but it really should only be used against almost completely unarmored enemies.

Shouldn't be surprised if you like them to keep paperwork here. This is all I can give. I think our dealings are done here. No, you got to be my buddy. I don't know you.


Yeah, that might be fine. Alright, hold on just a second, let me add a milestone here. Where are we? So, we're at 17,000. Okay, okay, I'm gonna create a new milestone - twenty-one thousand dollars for the Sesame reveal. It was a very weird bird outside. Craig Boone, Craig Boone. I did get purified water, didn't I? Man, oh man, oh, it's because I ate those jalapenos. Whoops, is there too much dynamite in this game? I don't think so, it's a low-level explosive, and it's not that easy to use. That's right, there's a drink in my hotel room or somebody's hotel room. Maybe I can drink from Manny's, hi Manny, bye Manny, delicious.

Can the boys and gals over at Obsidian still mess with New Vegas if they wanted? Um, not really, like, I mean, I can do stuff like this as a private citizen, but you know, we can't do, like, patch updates or things like that. [Applause] Oh, you know what? [ __ ] How much money do I have? What headphones am I using? Astro A50s. Alright, we're gonna backtrack. Was there ever going to be a Sprint mechanic introduced? No. I am still working at Obsidian. Who came up with the No Vacancy town name? I don't remember. Am I a fan of cover firing in first-person shooters? Oh yeah, I mean, if it's actually genuinely a tactical thing, often I feel that cover is not utilized that well in encounters in an open-world game. It becomes a lot more difficult, I think, because you can approach things from so many different directions.

Hey, let's kill some Raiders! Take this! Oh, here they come! [Laughter] Well... Yeah, I didn't... I have done the only work I did on The Outer Worlds was... I gave feedback because I'm a studio design director and... Oh, duct tape timer! Oh, I think I want this. I don't know if the armor's that good, but I'm gonna... Whoops! Plus five lockpicks and plus ten explosives. I'm gonna go with that. Boone, come here, fine by me, fine by you. Cool. Oh, wait, there were more people to loot. Oh, man, yeah, I, um... In my J. Sawyer mod, I tried to go through and make all of these outfits a little more useful. Ah! Somebody else around here died, whatever. Update it at this point? I think I'm pretty much done with it. God, we eat some gecko steaks. Five mil... Yeah, I could repair. I don't have Jury Rigging yet, so... Oh, wait, wait, yeah, you're right, you're right, you're right, sorry. I wasn't even thinking, yeah, I can loot this guy. [Laughter] Nice, although now it's now it's at full.

Oh, I wonder what, I wonder, I wonder why I wonder why I... Slash we put five mil in all of these containers, it doesn't make much sense. Um, I think DT is easier when there are fewer damage types and fewer characters to manage. So, yeah, a game like New Vegas, I don't know if it's necessarily iso versus first person, but single character versus multiple characters definitely makes a difference. The nightkin with a minigun is not that close to this spot. By the way, this whole region around here, this is the first area that we made. Ammunition boxes are semi-random. Are those geckos over there? Is that... Oh, blood flies. I don't like using AP ammo to fight unarmored things because it's wasteful. I usually... I usually don't find enough quantities of AP to just, like, use it all the time. Oh, yeah, the Vault 22 stuff is here, but I don't remember where. I don't remember where I put anything.

[Laughter] Hey, Boone, I don't think I have... See, I don't really have a good rifle yet. I don't think I have armor-piercing. All right. He's got an arm on him. He's gonna be a Petra. Hey, foreign, what's up? Um... [ __ ] Yeah. What's going on here? Um, oh, oh, duct tape timer. I'm guessing no third person since it's an isometric RPG. Not sure, but yeah, no third person. Okay, good, um... [Music]

Foreign with yogurt, I am the director of this game. You're mine, [ __ ]! Thanks, Boone. I don't have any better rifles yet. Give me that Maze. Well, the way they move is a little goofy. Where'd the rest of them go? Oh, they're up there. Okay. Yeah, I think there are service rifles at Nipton. I just gotta get there. Foreign, what's up? Um... [ __ ] Hey, Boone, anybody? Do you guys want to help, like, at all? There we go.

All right, the laser precision of the Plasma Pistol. Yeah, I definitely need a better rifle. Who came up with the ghost people in Dead Money? I think I'm pretty sure that was Chris Avellone, not 100% sure, but pretty confident, foreign.

There we go. Always wondered why you made energy weapons spend more ammo for shot. Well, because there are really only three ammo types for energy weapons, really, well, and flamer fuel. But they're batteries, so it made sense to me that if we're only using a limited number of sources, and they're considered to be like a battery pack or something, then the more powerful energy weapons use the same ammo type, but they just consume more ammo. Alright, let's see.

I want to get lockpick to 50 just because. Well, I'm still at Obsidian since Fallout New Vegas. I've directed Pillars of Eternity One and Pillars of Eternity Two: Deadfire, and I'm directing my own project now that is small and I can't talk about it. That's it.

Whoa. I do have lockpicking clothes, but I may want to change it.

Oh baby, can't do this to me, baby. Thanks, dillweed.

Foreign, I'll tell you what a Project Director does day to day. I'm going to link this in the old Twitch here. [Links an article]

The job of the studio design director, um... ask for what a game director does day to day. It varies day to day. You are dealing with potentially everybody on the team. When I was on Fallout New Vegas, almost every day, I would talk at least briefly with everyone on the team, no matter what their position was - animator, environment artist, designer, or whatever. Some days, I'll be focusing more on design. Some days, I'll be focusing on art. Some days, I'll be focusing on technical solutions. The game director has the high-level vision of the game and helps people understand what that is and how to work toward that. That's the easiest way that I can describe it.

All right, baby, how closely do I work with QA? I mean, I don't know how to define that. I work closely with QA. Like on Pillars of Eternity, QA was really instrumental in helping figure out the stat balance because they were building characters. So figuring out the balance of attributes involved me going and talking with QA a lot about how they built characters and what value they perceived.

Is talking with every employee common? Seems like a good way to keep people on the same page. Um, I haven't been able to do it on every project for various reasons. Bigger, really big projects, it becomes impractical, but yeah, it's a good way to just understand what's going on.

How do you really become a game director? Um, I mean, you're not just gonna jump into the position, probably. I mean, some people do fall into the position and it works out. Usually, people become directors after they've been developers for quite a while. Um, designers most often, at least at Obsidian, become game directors, but that's not a strict requirement. I have seen programmers become game directors. Like Adam Brenneke is the game director on Grounded. Usually, it involves establishing a level of trust with what's going on. Somebody being dumb. Somebody being dumb in here.

Just a moment. Where was I going? Oh yeah, I'm going back toward Nipton. I'm gonna do Nipton with Boone. Hold on just a sec, folks. Sorry, everybody, just a moment. Thank you, folks. Uh, don't rile each other up in the chat. If people start rallying each other up, even if they're technically not breaking the rules, I'm going to ask mods to time people out because it's [ __ ] stupid. So please don't. Thank you.

Seems pretty simple, but maybe not. Sorry, I do have chat moderators, but I can't they can't watch everything, and I can't watch everything, so please.

All right, where are we going? Head back to Nipton. We're going to murder, murder will base. We're gonna get some fat loots, hopefully. I'm gonna get some banana yucca. Oh yeah, here we go.

Oh, people really can't just settle down in the chat, can they? Again, seems easy, I guess not.

[Music] Consume some food here. I think I might need to take some RadAway because I'm getting close to... Let's see, I got 90 RADS, yeah, that's not too bad. Guys, I can play the game and talk to you, or I can... Like, admit the chat, there are other people that are here to do that.

Caesar was written by John Gonzalez. Um, John and I designed Caesar together. I had the basic idea of who Caesar was, but John is responsible for all the actual writing of the character himself. Um, I came up with the idea about the Hegelian dialectic being used to describe Caesar's idea of what his goal was. [Laughter] Caesar in Van Buren was not the same.

Whoops, that's a lot of crap. Hold on, I need to dump some of this [ __ ]. Do I really need this 10-millimeter pistol? 17... Damn. Well, how much ammo? I don't have much ammo... Well, it's got a good value. Let's just get rid of the Vault 21 Jumpsuit. Value is really low. Need some maize... This... My mod makes weight limits really strict. Um, I don't want to drop any of this crap. Okay, easy. Oh, hey man, what's up? That's the power of the .45, and now that the Legion hates me...

Oh, hey guys... I gotta sell some of this stuff, probably to... Jesus, the Powder Gangers... Hey, man, see ya. Hey, man, see ya. Lottery ticket, baby. Have a similar question to that game director question. It really does feel like the industry does not have enough junior positions, and they often want years of experience even for those. Do you have any advice for a fledgling developer?

Um, I mean, I can't make other companies hire junior people, but I agree that often, for various reasons, companies are incentivized to hire mostly seniors or keep seniors. I'm a little more ruthless, honestly, in that I think that I've seen a lot of seniors who get to seniority and one, they shouldn't have become seniors, and once they become seniors, they don't keep the standards that a senior should keep in terms of work ethic and responsibility. Um, I've seen a lot of seniors stick around at different companies way longer than they should be there, and they should either be put on a performance improvement plan or fired, honestly. Because if you have a group of seniors that are not actually working out very well, and you're not hiring juniors, you're paying a lot of money for people that are not doing very good work, and there are people out there who want to prove themselves and want to be good designers. So, um, it's a problem, I think, especially with older companies because they're stacked deep with seniors, and it's hard to make room for juniors.

Actually, who came up with Oliver Swanick? It's a good question. I think it was John.

[Music] Who's that?

QA can be a good way to get your foot in the door. Um, not always, sometimes, though. A lot of people think of QA as the way into development. It can be, um, it was the way Fergus Urquhart and Chris Parker, who are two of the former owners of Obsidian, uh, got into the industry. But, um, oh hi guys. [ __ ]

Alright, I'm gonna dynamite these guys. Like that! [Laughter] Oh hey man. Up, Boone. Sneak attack critical on Boone, sorry dude. Oh man, I'm running low on dynamite. Then someone else's corpse fell over here, okay? Foreign. [Music] Hold on, fine by me. Fine by you.

Okay, there we go. I'm using my mod, yes.

Oh, bright follower, nice. How come tumbleweeds go clank when you hit them? Probably a bad setting, foreign. [Music] Never mind, I don't want that. Um, dead bright followers I spread around. Um, I can't remember if that was in a patch or in my mod, but either way, they are spread around to give better early-game access to energy weapons. Man, I really do not have much dynamite left. Um, well... [Music] Deranged bright followers.

All right, oh [ __ ]! Holy [ __ ]! Oh my God, it's not good!

[Laughter] Oh man, [ __ ] dude. Goodbye. Yeah, I mentioned this yesterday, but energy weapons, so we pretty much reused most of Bethesda's models, and Fallout 3 wasn't designed for ADS, and we had this really difficult decision to make about, like, should we... Like, should we go through the effort of remodeling this stuff to make aim down sights work? And we tried on a couple of weapons, and it didn't work very well. Yeah, I think we would have had to done more... Um, experimentation. Yeah, I should have known that.

On the map, we're towards the south end of the map, kinda. Zero condition. Is there a particular reason that you're surprised by the staying power of New Vegas? I mean, I've never had people have as much... I've never had so many people have such an enthusiastic long-term connection to this game. I mean, the only thing comparable, really, might be like Icewind Dale, but it really doesn't compare. Like, it's more of, like, a fondness. Like, people will say, like, "Oh, yeah, I really loved Icewind Dale," or like, "Oh, I really loved Icewind Dale 2." It's rare that people are like, "Oh my God, Icewind Dale!" So, yeah, Fallout New Vegas, and again, it was a game that we made very fast, 18 months, so it's just a little surprising.

Yeah, we're... Yeah, Wolfhorn Ranch was supposed to be where you found Ulysses when he was a companion. [Music] Plasma rifle is good. Laser rifle has...

[Music] I know there are Vipers. The Vipers in this area are... Oof, really rough.

And the community's common opinion is that Fallout 4's modding system is a flat-on improvement and evolution of the system in New Vegas. Um, I haven't done any modding for Fallout 4, but that wouldn't surprise me. Like, they reworked a lot of stuff in that engine. Um, yeah, I think it's fine.

Ulysses wears a face mask because this engine kind of had a lot of limitations to how faces work, and Avellone wanted a very specific look for Ulysses that the engine just wasn't up to doing, so they made a mask for him so that he could look exactly the way that we wanted him to look. Um, but it had to have a... It had to have, like, the mouth thing on there so that there wasn't lip syncing.

The weapon modding system... Um, well, one thing I will say is aesthetically and just kind of mechanically, I'm not a fan of infinitely interchangeable mods. I think it actually makes it kind of waters the experience down. Um, I get the appeal of it, I just don't like it that much personally. But like the whole interface of doing it is like way better than New Vegas, like undeniably it's much better. Um, like if I were to make a mod for Fallout 4, which I'm not going to do, um, I would... Oh, I would probably just restructure all the mods on weapons to make them more exclusive. Not my strong suit, but okay, whoops. Yeah, you and me both, finally. Yeah, buddy.

Yeah, that's the other thing. Straight upgrades, I don't like as much as orthogonal upgrades. Like, I think I've said this before, but my approach to upgraded weapons in New Vegas, whether it was like revolvers, lever-action rifles, bolt-action, whatever, is that the higher-level version was usually clearly better in most ways, but there would usually be something either a base attribute or a mod on the lower-level version that still made it appealing, why you might want to keep it around. That's one of the reasons why, you know, like the Cowboy Repeater, its rate... I believe its rate of fire and its ammo capacity are way better than the Trail Carbine or the Brush Gun, but its base damage just can't compete. The Trail Carbine can come with a scope, which the non-unique Cowboy Repeater can't come with and the Brush Gun can't come with, but the Brush Gun ultimately just does the most damage. So, there are reasons to kind of keep and use that stuff. That was my thought behind it, anyway.

We're getting close to doing another giveaway in a bit. Yeah, and the Varmint Rifle has a scope mod. Let's see here. Oh no, that's not what I wanted to use, damn it. Whoops. Hey man, what's up? What's the question removing dump stats? What's the question to that? Fine by me. Oh wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Give me that. Fine by me. Base damage of 12. What's the combat knife? 11... 29...

No water.

Sure, here is the transcript with corrected punctuation, capitalization, and spacing:

Chopper, no. Ulysses would not have used Chopper. I think that was just placed there. It's like there was, there wasn't much at Wolfhorn Ranch, and when Ulysses was pulled, his companion...
I think that's when I was like, "Oh, we should put Chopper there so there's something."

There are those [ __ ] Vipers. That's what I'm talking about. All mine, Boone. Please do not shoot me in the back.

These Vipers are a huge pain in the ass because one of them has a grenade launcher. Sia, is it just for engine limitations that Lanius has a normal face under the mask? Yes, same with Joshua Graham. Like, it's just, I know it seems like a shit response, but with limited development time, sometimes we just accept that the engine doesn't work this way, so let's not fight, let's not try to ice skate uphill on this.


Maybe Boone could wear that. [Music]

I can't talk about that, sorry Moon.

It's fine by me. Nice. [Music]

Um, is it true that we intended, I think we talked about having multiple companions? I don't know if intended is the right word.

Foreign. [Laughter] [Music]

There we go. How much stuff do I remember? I mean, I remember a surprising amount of stuff. I mean, that's surprising to me. When sometimes people ask, and I'm like, "Oh yeah, I do remember that," but then other people, you know, they bring up stuff like, "Oh, he was the guy with a rear nade, life grenade rifle."

Excellent, excellent, excellent, excellent, excellent, Boone. Come here.

Geez Louise, okay, fine by me. You gotta take some other stuff too, I guess. Um, man, oh, that's right, I gotta repair.

Thank you, Camarader-E did I record the water slurping sound effect myself? No.

Why did I design Cazadorius? Cazadores were designed because I felt like the only insect enemies in Fallout, really, that were identifiable as insects were all pretty wimpy, rad roaches, and mantises and stuff like that. And I thought, like, there probably should be one that's just really nasty and tough. And I was reading about, uh, I looked up insects that are found in the deserts and, um, yeah, Cazador, Kazador is Spanish for Hunter. So they're Hunters. Uh, tarantula hawk wasps or tarantula hawks, yeah, tarantula hawk wasps are found in the Sonoran Desert, and, uh, so yeah, I just thought, "Well, that's close enough."

The Sonoran Desert is south of the Mojave, so they were, um, yeah, so it was just the idea is that they were taken and mutated and turned into these huge monsters. And it was funny because I remember during the run-up to New Vegas launching, before the game was out, people on the Bethesda forums were really dismissive. They were like, "They're insects! I'm gonna kill them! Like, there's not a big deal." And I'm like, "I think they're kind of tough." And people are like, "Yeah, whatever." And then, yeah, they just everyone underestimates them, and they're bad.
[Laughter] Signed by me.

Did we have Mormons on my team when writing Honest Hearts? No, but I did talk to some Mormons about how I was portraying Joshua Graham and Mormonism. And not like they're the authority, but they said that seems pretty reasonable. They said that seems pretty good, so...

Was it planned from the beginning that the existence of Cazadores would be found at Big Empty? No. I think Chris or someone else had that idea. They were like, "Well, this is all scientific experiments, and we had, we had the night stalkers and we had Cazadores." And I did not make efforts to explain exactly where they came from during the development of Fallout New Vegas, just that they were mutated creatures, and they just took it from there. So when you say so zealot like, sorry, what were the specific development reasons for scrapping ghoul and Super Mutant player characters? Fergus talks about that. That was never part of the design spec that I got.

So from the very beginning of when I started working on the project, that was never a consideration. Like, it never even seemed remotely possible. I shouldn't say possible. It didn't seem like it was realistically a thing that we could do. So I was just like, "No, I, it was always intended that you would start as a human character in this world." Um, I mean, maybe during the pitching process or something, Fergus thought, "Hey, what about this?" And that was as far as it went. Like, Bethesda said that would probably be extremely hard. We recommend that you don't even try to do it, which I think is totally reasonable because when I look at that stuff, I'm like, "Nope."

Was there much resistance on the team for including Marcus? Are there fan service characters? Nope, I don't remember anyone saying that they disliked that idea. Legendary bloat fly. I'm not sure who came up with that. Maybe, maybe Jorge Salgado or are your sensors ranging, dude? Big horners. Come on, man. [Music]

Have I ever popped into the No Mutants Allowed forum? Yes, but not in quite a long time.

Oh, that's right. I was going to take the metal armor. Boone, come here. Let me. Signed by me. Give me your metal armor, and then let me repair it. Only give it back to me.
I think one of my favorite new mechanics is, um, actually the companion wheel. And, uh, it's, I found interacting with companions in Fallout 3 to be kind of frustrating. And the companion wheel was something where I was like, look, companions are very important to Obsidian games. So I said, we need to invest some time in making that feel actually good to use.

Alright, you know what, folks? Holy moly, we're up to eighteen thousand. Thank you very much. It is time for another patch giveaway. Here we go. We're going to be giving out patch number seven again. When the patch comes up, when the patch comes up, when the patch comes up, you're going to go to the click-to-give link that is in my About section, or you can click on this link that I just posted in the chat. When you go there, you'll be asked to donate. You can also enter the giveaway without donating, but donating improves your chances. You'll see something that says, "Hey, if you're not in the US, then you can't enter." That's not true. If we can mail something to you, we can send it to you. After 10 minutes, someone will be chosen at random as the winner. We'll contact you by email within the next week, and then sometime in the future, hopefully not too long

In the future, we will mail you the patch. So, I'm going to start the giveaway for Patch Number Seven. Alright, and we're starting it now. Alright, folks. Um, I'm gonna answer some questions that Mikey sent to me in the chat. Um, I don't know if you're gonna read this, but I just want to thank you for your work in this game. It didn't have a great relationship with one of my closest family-wise cousins, but I got a New Vegas for his birthday, and we came together over it, and I had a much better relationship going forward. Could have done it with all this work of art. We still play it once a year every year. Wow, that's really great. Thank you, man. Thank you. Thumb cut.

Uh, how do I feel about how often Joshua Graham's "The fire inside me" quote gets posted or reused as an inspirational quote without actually mentioning us from a video game? Um, pretty good. Uh, I actually, it was surprising to me at first, but then I used to, I used to be like, "I love quotes, I love cool quotes."

Sorry, I just needed to eat something. And, um, I realized that a lot of the quotes that I think are very cool, they come from sources that are very divorced from how people actually use them. Um, like there's, uh, there's a Voltaire quote that's translated often as "To the living, we owe respect. To the dead, we owe only truth." And I was like, "Damn, dude, you're totally right, Voltaire." But it's from, like, a letter that he wrote to a friend, you know, it's not from some really major thing that he wrote. Um, you know, there's like a bunch of quotes like that where on their own, they're really cool and, in the co... but they're often used in the context that is very different from when they're written. So I get it. I mean, I've seen it used in all sorts of really, uh...

It says "no active giveaway." It's gone on right now. Donate during countdown to enter giveaway. Should be working. It says it's up. Is everyone else able to? Yeah, maybe refresh the page. Um, but yeah, so I've seen it used for all sorts of stuff. I've seen it used by people who have survived really traumatic stuff. And even though it's weird that a quote from a video game that I made gets used in that way, it's cool. Like, I'm sure that in time, people will completely forget where it came from entirely, and it'll just be like, "Anonymous author, who knows where this came from?"

What does it mean, "You owe truth to the dead"? I always interpreted it to say when someone's dead, you don't have to go, like, they're gone, you don't have to do the socially nice thing about them. Like, you can just say, "This person [ __ ] sucked," or, like, whatever you think about the person once they're dead, you don't have to obey society's rules. You can just say, like, "This dude was terrible, FYI."

Um, what's crazy also is that there is a writer, there is a fiction writer named Joshua Graham that I didn't know about before Fallout New Vegas, so it may eventually be attributed to him.

Well, that's right. There are some mines up here, I think. I think, God, are there more [ __ ] Vipers? Yeah, let's see here. People are using the Joshua Graham quote in Christian groups. Well, I guess it makes sense, sorta. It's not bad. It's not anti-Christian. It's not, it's not antithetical to...

I thought I could lift those up. Yeah, I guess it's great job. Wait, why did I pick up, uh, crap? That was stupid. There's some empty bottles I just picked up for no reason. Didn't I just pick up a bunch of empty bottles? Yeah, yeah.

Fine by me, fine by you.

Wait, was there other stuff for me to get in there?

All right, we got about four characters or four minutes left on the donation giveaway. Sorry, my brain is not working that well.

So, by the way, a fun fact about Nipton. So, Nipton is in California, barely. It's right over the border, and Nevada actually does not have a lottery, which is kind of weird, but Nevada, I think they're illegal lotteries are illegal in Nevada, I think still. So, I have a friend who worked on New Vegas, Freda Wolf, who's now a voice actor, and Freda's dad would drive from Las Vegas to Nipton, I think once a week, to get lottery tickets for the California lottery. So, it was pretty weird. It really is like a lottery city.

I do not believe he won. I believe, like most people who enter lotteries, he lost badly.

Do I have enough? Oh, wait, I have my...

Here we go. Did Nipton get bought by a giant weed company? It's possible.

What are you doing, Oliver Swanik?


The China Lake. Boone, take care of these guys.

Alright, time to go. Do I regret putting this Legion encounter so close to the start of the game as it helped skew people's perception of the Legion early on? This is an accurate perception. This is an accurate representation of the Legion, and you don't... like, again, everything gets reset once you get to Benny, so even if you go completely hog wild on these guys, it's totally fine.(Note: The transcript may not be 100% accurate due to the limitations of the text and potential ambiguity in the original text. However, I've tried my best to make it as accurate as possible.)

Oh, I only have three grenades. Well, let's find out how well this works.

Oh, hey man, what's up? What's popping?

Damn, am I hitting him at all? There we go. Rip to those who died. Rip, rip, rip, rip, rip, rip. 14 seconds left in the giveaway. [Music] Ooh, a Ripper. That's right. Vulpes Inculta. Vulpes Inculta's name is meant to mean desert fox, I believe.

What was I doing? Congrats, Ubu! [Laughter]

Do I personally believe we rely too much on modern technology? I don't know. I do think that the level to which we rely on it probably is making us... I do know that the extent to which we rely on technology does make our sort of natural abilities to do certain things harder. So, for example, memory, people's memories... People remember how to look things up rather than how, like, the things that they look up, if that makes sense.

Yeah, I can't remember the naming behind Vulpes Inculta specifically. I know "desert fox" was one idea behind it, but he may have changed it at some point.

What was I doing? Too much stuff.

The town of Nipton was bought by a weed company to turn it into a cannabis resort. They sold it a year later due to not attracting enough capital for the project. An oil and gas company who are still planning to turn it into a cannabis resort. Okay, so... okay, I need to just dump some of this stuff. Fine by me.

Well, so I got the laser rifle. I don't need all of these. I don't need that. Okay, uncultivated could be that jalop.

Did we successfully goop everybody? Did I loot the guy? Oh yeah, Wolf is emulsified. Foreign... ers.

I think I got all these guys now. Nope, nineteen thousand folks, only about 800 and change, 835 dollars, and I'll tell you the tale of Orion Moreno.

What route did I take to Novak? I went through Scorpion Gulch. That's right, the reminders in here or miners' mines. Not enough. There we go. Foreign...

As I was saying before, I don't think I'm going to do any more. I have never, like, once once I release the I think 5.1 version of Jay Sawyer, I didn't really have any plans to do more. I'm pretty happy with where it wound up, even if there are certain things that are still a little goofy or buggy about it. I'm fine with it.

Umberto Echo appreciation stream. It's dang dark in here.

Yeah, it can be hard to identify what you can actually loot. 75, huh? Let's see, what do I got? I think I might have like 60 right now with bonuses. 57. That's a ways away. I don't think I can make that up.

Damn, dude. Well, yeah, I mean, like, Caesar appropriates the idea of the Hegelian dialectic. It's not that he doesn't understand it. He's taking the idea of what would, whoops, that's not where I wanted to go. What would be sort of like a natural sort of process and saying that through artifice, he can make the dialectic sort of like synthesize a new thing. So it's not that he really misunderstands it as much as he repurposes the idea of it to explain what he's trying to do. The way that Hegel uses it is much more of sort of a natural social process, not a thing that you mash a conquering army on top of. Uh, hey, here we go.

Have I read any Marx? Yeah, not recently, but I've read Capital in college.

Did I hit everything here? Yeah, I guess that's it. Um, I wanted to use some of the classic Mark Morgan songs. Just because I really liked them and we needed more variety.

Have I read any JK Rowling? No.

What do I think of Marx's anti-Semitic views? They're bad, by me. He's not a deity; he's a guy that wrote some smart stuff, but he was also anti-Semitic. Like, yeah, it's bad. I think anti-Semitism is bad.

Yeah, I don't know why people feel the need to hero worship anybody or pretend that anybody is above criticism or that they have to be flawless. I think it stems from this idea that if you can criticize anything about someone, then you can ignore anything everything else that they said, which is pure strain idiotic, like, so stupid. It's like miniature brain thinking time. Like, people are wrong about stuff a lot. It doesn't mean that they're always wrong. Big book of science, let's go.

Foreign... he said some actual anti-Semitic things. I don't think you can sort of like brush it aside and say like, "ah, no, not really, he's fine. He said some actual anti-Semitic things, it's fine by me."

What else do I have to give this guy? Um...

What I wanted New Vegas to contain post-credits content. Yeah, I went over this yesterday, but... I mean, there's not, yes, Marx, I believe, was ethnically Jewish but not a practicing Jew religiously. I mean, there's no shortage of people who, in the history of the world, who have kind of contradictory vibes like that.

Nice. I have never met Ron Perlman.

Good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good, good. Excellent, okay. What again? What is happening? I probably don't need to have the shovel in my inventory all the time. By me, some good loots in here. I guess I can take some cram. Yeah, it's pretty good. Alright, let's get out of this dump. Ah, do I like unarmed as a weapon choice in game design? It depends on the game. Sometimes it feels more appropriate than others in Fallout. It's kind of been a thing for a long time, so I feel, I don't know if it has to be supported, but it doesn't feel bad supporting it if that makes sense. [Music] Alright, enough clowning, let's get out of here.

Well, there are some followers of the apocalypse, so I do think they're kind of like social democrats overall, at least if you kind of consider the independent ending, the one where the followers of the apocalypse have the most influence, then what they propose is not super radical or anything like that. [ __ ] Um, there are certainly more extremist people.

Oh, oh yeah, cool, thank you. For some reason, I thought that was the magazine version, not the book version.

Well, are these the two bottle cap fighters? Thanks, Dig Finger. Did you see that? [Music] Did Todd Howard have any input on Fallout New Vegas? Yeah, not a whole lot. I mean, it was mostly during the conceptual phase, like there were certain things that he said, like "oh, you know, like this is how we conceive of this" or "this is how we conceive of that." For the most part, they were pretty hands-off.

I know what she did. [Music] Actually, I'm gonna go get the XP for this. Thank you. Was it Todd Howard who killed over and over the world we knew? No, again, I've said I thought of using it, and then I later thought no, we shouldn't use it because it's too late, it sounds too modern.

Am I shooting a rock? I thought that was a guy, damn it. What's wrong with me? Whoa, what's happening? Those are people, okay. Damn, dude. Thank you. Foreign, baby. What service rifle? Where's the service rifle? Who had the service rifle? Delicious. Oh, and the hotel lobby, yeah, I'll go back.

Why does the rifle, the cowboy rifle, have a peep sight? I just kind of like the vibe of it. [Music] Hi, Audi TTV ODT TV, it's going well, going pretty well. I wanted to add more ammo types. I like more ammo types or the idea of more ammo types than the old Fallouts, even if half of them didn't work. Um, yeah. [Music] Let's see here. Would I change anything about Honest Hearts looking back? Yeah, how the tribes are portrayed, how the quests work, because they're really super simplified. The basic idea of it is pretty good, making the tribes have more of a voice and what's going on, not making it purely be about Daniel or Joshua.

Higher spices. If you don't like how I manage my inventory, you can go, it's okay. Um, where did Boone go anyway? Oh, okay. Fine by me. I don't need that. Foreign. Who wrote The Father's story in Honest Hearts? So I came up with the idea of the character, and then John Gonzalez wrote the character. But if I don't, yeah, it's no weight.

Gonna be hard covering you when I keep going. Gonna be hard covering you when I can't move. Oh, Boone can't care anymore, okay. Jalops. Love the companion quest in the game and how you unlock them through key moments, especially Boone. How did you come up with those models? Um, it was part of, I designed all the core game companions. I didn't write them all. I only wrote Arcade. I designed all the core game companions and part of their design was considering their arc and how their arc would progress and how it would resolve. It's fairly formulaic, but I think it worked fairly well. Um, yeah, again, I didn't execute on those, those all of all of the good stuff that came from how they're executed is because of the designers that actually did the work on them, so I don't want to take credit where it's not due.

Did I ever voice any characters in the Fallout? No, I haven't voiced any characters. I sang for all of the characters that did Talent Pool, but I did not do any spoken lines.

How was it decided to have all the LGBT characters? The team just talked about it, and we said we should do it. That was it. Nobody, hi Verstowsky from St. Petersburg. I would like to go to St. Petersburg at some point; I've never had the chance.

You find the menu and level up sounds very rewarding. Do I have anything to say about that? Um, I don't think I was responsible for any of that, but thank you, I'm glad you like it. Hello.

Would I say the writing in New Vegas would be more controversial if it was made today? Yes, because everything is more controversial today; everybody has to argue about everything ad nauseam. I don't think people were so enthused to just complain and argue about everything in the world and give their hot takes on everything all the time 10 years ago. Hello.

Boone had to go for it. Yeah, people on YouTube, I will see the dumbest contrarian takes just because people have to "gotta get my content, gotta get my hot takes so that someone can get me some views." [Music] Mm-hmm.

I don't think people would care that there are gay people in Fallout New Vegas. Um, well, I mean, some people would, but I don't think that's a big deal. I think it's less of a big deal now; I think there are a lot more gay characters in games now than there were 10 years ago, and there are hardliner people who still don't like that, fine whatever, but I don't think it's a big deal for the most part.

Who came up with the idea of the Ranger statue? I did. I wanted there to be a big, super visible landmark early on that would draw you... "This makes you wish for a nuclear winter." Oh wait, I can't remember if it's Ghost. I think Ghost is the person. Yeah, I think it's a loud minority of people rather than general concerns.

Why is she pale? She's an albino Ranger. Ghost is an albino. Yeah, it's hard to really convey... yeah, albinism usually involves, not always, albinism often coincides with poor eyesight. Yeah, it's hard to really convey some of the things that we wanted to but...

Why does Boone wear sunglasses all the time? Because he's that cool.

Long Dick Johnson? That was Chris Avellone. Oh.

I kind of want Demolition Expert, but I also really want Mad Bomber because Mad Bomber gives me some really... I think I'm gonna do... because Demolitions Expert, I think the damage on my explosives is already pretty good. I'm gonna take Mad Bomber.

I think there's a workbench at Mojave Outpost... one. Thought there was one. Well, there's one in Novak. I'll just go back to Novak.

Greetings. All right, I need... I need more explosives.

All right, folks, I'm gonna take a brief bathroom break; I'll be right back. [Music] [Music] Foreign. [Music] [Music] Foreign. [Music] I have a little snack here for a second. [Music] String cheese eaten the way I want to. I'm just... yeah, I'm just eating chalk.

I love eating frog.

Controversial cheese takes: I don't like blue cheese at all. I just really dislike blue cheese, all blue cheese. I just can't, can't do it. It's nasty.I'm pizza or it's not like. All right, oh wait, wait a minute, hold on, let me... Let me... Did I really tune that, that dumb? I thought the whole point of the gecko belt thing was for money. Let me, uh... Yeah, they do have value. There is value to it. I used to work at a dairy, as a dairy man, making the world's best Dana blue. I didn't much enjoy any of the blue cheese either; it's just not good.

I'm slowly walking, slowly respectfully walking to Cliff Briscoe to sell my leather belts. What was the reason the cast Courier drunk shotgun wedding cut? Just time, just like there's no time to do any of that stuff.

Ulysses was like after I designed all of the companions, Chris Avellone said, "Hey, there's no Legion companion, and that seems bad. How about I make this companion Ulysses?" So Ulysses is entirely a Chris Avellone creation. Thank you, hey Cliff.

Here we go, baby. Yeah, I could get that gun; he... I think the main thing he has that I really want, I think he usually... [Music] I thought he had a regular old hunting rifle, but no... [Music] Hmm, yeah, I don't have enough caps for that. I don't even have caps for that. Um, I should make some ammo. I should definitely make some ammo. I also got a caravan shotgun, yeah, yeah. What? I'll get that gun later, come back soon. Now, right.

That gun is based on the .223 pistol from Fallout one, which is based on the gun from Blade Runner that Deckard uses, that's it. Any primers? Shot shell primers? Okay. Yeah, buddy. There we go, there we go, now we're cooking. I need a lot, large pistol primers, yeah, and break down nine mil because I'm not using that for anything. Oh, I can actually break down all that five mil because I don't give a [ __ ]. Yeah, it's pretty hard to find primers these days.

I came up with the idea of the zap glove. I don't know what pre-war use it had, but yeah... [Music] It's a Magnum buckshot in there too. [Foreign?] That's right; I never got the service rifle. I need the service rifle. There are zap gloves in 76.

I thought Blade Runner 2049 was pretty good. I thought the plot made no sense at all, like not that I didn't understand it, it just... It really seemed, uh, like silly. Where is that service rifle? I always forget. I don't remember where the service rifle is in... Um, here. To the right of this building, thank you.

The idea, so the idea that replicants being able to reproduce like humans do would be good seems absolutely ludicrous to me. [Music] Human reproduction, like human reproduction is really [ __ ] weird in the sense that human beings come out way before they're ready to do anything, like composed compared to most other mammals, and then you have a baby, you have a literal baby that will take 18-ish years to be an adult. So the idea is just like, it's just like ridiculous. Um, like, that would be... That would be the solution to... I can't make... I can't make replicants fast enough. I can't make replicants faster than once every 18 years, and it just... It doesn't make any sense, it's ridiculous, it's ridiculous no matter what his manufacturing pipeline is, I'm sure he can make more than one. Yes, it's nonsense, come on, if you think about it. I mean, the way that I view plot holes is if I... If while I'm watching the movie, I go, "What?" during the watching of it, then it's not good. I don't care about nitpicking stuff after the fact. If I don't notice it until later, fine, I don't give a [ __ ], but like, "Oh, that's right, there's some nasty [ __ ] in here." In one of these places, there's a bunch of traps and stuff.

The way Jared Leto's character describes it is like literally, "I can't make them fast enough," and I just... It's like, come on, man, human reproduction is very inefficient and slow, and like, it takes forever for uh, humans to be able to do, like, anything. So, yeah, I'm not saying that like, obviously human reproduction is like, we're fine, it's just the idea that the guy who is concerned about making replicants too slowly, um, he's like, "Ah, but if, if, if I had the secret of replicant reproduction like humans, that would solve the problems." Come on.

[Music] Oh, I forgot about this guy. [Laughter] Foreign, I don't need any of that. Yeah, if replicants could, like, pop out a fully formed adult replicant in nine months, that would be impressive and cool.

The other Gutsy. We'll be doing a giveaway in about 15 mins. Is the Smirk h-bomb obsesses over real? I mean, no, that's not what I was... There's... He... He read something and that wasn't there. Sorry.

Okay, where is the service rifle? Did I ever think about putting .30-30 in the game? I did but decided against it. There are a lot of ammo types in this game, there's an enormous number of ammo types in this game, uh, so at a certain point, I was just like, "We're good."

There was some interview that I gave, there's some interview I gave, like, 11 years ago, and uh... Uh, I, in it, somebody asked, somebody said something about Fallout 3, and I said, "Well, a lot of people like it, clearly," and people, and I, like, smirked when I said it or something, and people thought that I was being, like, "Oh, like, it's not... I... It wasn't... Okay, I think this is the bunkered house. Oh, Rad Scorpion. Oh yeah, this is super, super trap time.

Why can't I interact with that Bug City end? Need to activate the tether points, oh yeah, you're right, I don't know how to play this game. How do you play this video game?

Oh, that's a pressure plate.

Is being able to repair items to full effectiveness without 100 repair a change made to cut down on the tedium of repairing items? Yes, exactly. [Music] Oops, wrong. Whoops, whoops, whoops. What was the philosophy behind traps to always keep them feeling fair? Um, that's a pressure plate. I think I can jump over that.

God damn it, give me... There we go! Oh, oh, that was a pressure plate for the Scorpion, that's right... Well, those are all very good. Oh, [ __ ], that's what that was, the reach shotgun. Oh, there are a lot of guys in there, did I already lit this room? Nope, clearly not.

So, I think New Vegas will be as lauded now in 10 years... Now? No, I mean, I'm surprised it's as lauded as it is now. 10 years is a long time. I think people will move on, surprised they haven't already, but I think they will.

Where's the service rifle? Oh, wait, is this it? Oh, that's right, the Declaration of Vital Essence. It's fine by me. Oh, wait, he's almost full of stuff, so, um, let's see here... So, this also looks to not have a... All right, folks, five minutes until we'll do another giveaway. What is it this time? I don't know, I just love it here. What the [ __ ] do you think [ __ ] prize for second place was? I got to live, but they beat my [ __ ] legs with hammers. I'm [ __ ] crippled, get it? And you're a [ __ ] dream.

Three doses, that's almost enough for a party. The Legion luck... You look. It's a deal, I didn't have enough to OD'em. Yeah, Med-X is basically morphine. Three doses, that's a lot of morphine. That's a lot of morphine. Love them peps. Um, I played a little bit of Baldur's Gate 3, past character creation, but not much. I need to go back, I was... I started playing it right before I went on a little vacation, and I haven't played it since I came back because I was kind of prepping for this.

Someone kept telling me about going and getting the uh... service rifle from Nipton, and uh, I don't know where that is. The service rifle is in Nipton motel. Nipton is your okay, Northwest Nipton, right at the edge of town.

I did not personally place every item in the game, and I have not memorized where exactly every single one has gone. Okay, here we go. Obsidian is working entirely remotely. [Foreign?] Service rifles here either. I am still at Obsidian. I don't see any service rifles, folks.

All right, let's give out... Let's give a patch, let's patch things. All right, folks, we're going to be giving away patch number eight. So there are three patches remaining, and uh, yeah, there are three patches remaining, I'm gonna give it out. So when I give it out, there's a link if you go to my About the About of my Twitch. I'm going to paste it right there, go there once the giveaway starts.

Excuse me, you don't have to donate to enter, but that helps. At the end of 10 minutes, uh, winner will be selected, you'll see something about not being valid outside the United States, just ignore that. If we can mail something to you, we'll mail you the patch, we'll contact you by email, probably in the next week, and then we'll mail them out sometime within the next month. Sound good?

Okay, here we go, create the giveaway. If you don't see the giveaway on the donation site, refresh it. All right, it started, good luck to everybody.

Yeah, someone is thinking about the reward for the quest, I'm gonna move on. If you go to the link right now, there, it will say how you can enter without donating. You can do it, I don't remember exactly how, but you can. Gotta get my jalops.

Voice Eric fans, make a hoita. Eric is, uh, I don't know. I mean, like Eric left because he was raising, he had just had a kid, and he was raising a kid, and he was focusing on that. Um, I don't know what he's up to these days, but as far as I know, he's doing well. I hear or see from him every once in a while, but yeah, I don't know. Hope he's doing well.

Hmm... So close to Moreno. I'll tell the Orion Moreno story when we hit twenty thousand.

Has working from home been good for you? It's okay, I like the ability to work from home. I'm glad there are a lot of people that really need to work from home, either all the time or a lot, and I am glad that this... I mean, I'm not glad that this happened, but like, I'm glad that from this happening, we have learned like, yes, um, work from home is certainly possible for a video game company. And, um...

I'm not gonna do "Come Fly With Me" everybody, I'm just gonna move on because it'll take a million years and I kind of want to get going. But, uh, I like being with other people and I like getting out of my house more. Um, I don't like being in my house all the time, it does have some advantages, but um, I generally like interacting with people in person. So yeah, I'm glad that it is possible and I hope that it's something that is more available for people generally speaking, but I personally would rather be in the office at least half the week, I think.

"Come Fly With Me" is the first quest we implemented in this game, it's very long.

Oh, [ __ ]! God damn it! Oh, holy [ __ ]! Those guys rocked me out of nowhere! Jeez, I think these are Legion, that's a Legion hit squad. Wow, I only had one doctor's bag, [ __ ]! Jesus Christ! Oh my God!

Wow, that is some rough stuff, those guys were not fooling around. Did I just throw that into the back of ED-E? Yes, I did.

[Laughter] I've completely lost the threat of what's happening here, oh my God, oh my God, this is not going well! Oh my God, slugs only! What? How is his armor still showing up? There's no way his armor is blocking slugs! Oh, come on, man, okay...

Oh, the condition is really low, the condition... Just die, dude! Well, that was not very good, what is his armor, oh it's 14, that's vexilarious armor, yeah that's [Laughter]... Yeah, these assassins are pretty tough with this mod, yeah 20 is not a strong load, but I thought the slugs could penetrate it, but the weapon condition is really bad, how are you piss off the Legion enough for them to send assassins? We killed a lot of them, I killed everybody at Nipton, we killed a bunch of guys on the way, 14, that is really good armor...

This is my mod, yeah I didn't get their doctor's bag. Gabe Newell wants to move Valve to New Zealand, I didn't hear about that, but okay, seems kind of strange to just move everybody around the world, but hasn't Gabe been stuck in New Zealand? I don't know, I mean, New Zealand seems very cool, it just seems weird that you'd be like, "We're all gonna go!"

All right, we got another two and a half minutes about for the giveaway. Is there one thing that I insisted went in the game? I mean, I insisted on a lot of stuff going in the game because the time scale was so compressed for this, there was a lot of stuff that I just didn't debate with people, I was like, "We're gonna do this, we're gonna do this, we're gonna do this." Um, I don't think there's anything super contentious that I pushed in, like things that people said, "No, don't do that, we don't want to do that, it sucks." Um, I don't think...

Oh no, my hat! What was I doing? I was gonna look at what one... Oh, my leg! Um, I'm gonna go see Ada Strauss immediately, oh God, I hope it is still there, I can't remember, does Ada travel? Nope, wait, where is she? Where'd she go? Oh, there she is, it's weird...

What can I do for you? That's not so bad, all right, I'll just get my scalpel here and, uh, did I leave that sitting outside? Well, you know what, free tetanus shot. Sir Boulevard, congratulations, you've won the patch! You've won patch number eight! You did it, you did it, folks! We're getting very close to the legend of Orion Moreno, okay, set out into the world yet again.

We'll do another giveaway in about an hour and 15 minutes or so, around two o'clock-ish. What I preferred separate head and body DT values? I like the idea because there's location-specific targeting. I do think it would be cool to have DT not be cumulative but body part-specific, and whatever body part gets hit, that's the DT that gets used. I think that would be kind of cool, personally. And that way, when you see someone that has asymmetrical armor or skips leg day, you can just target that, and I think that would feel more interesting than just always aiming for the head or whatever. Fallout 4, if I recall correctly, they did all the separate body parts, but it was still a cumulative DT, which was not my favorite thing. I like the idea of it being separate when it actually makes a difference.

Okay, Boone, very close.

Why a sprint button was never added? It wasn't. We'd have to do it on the controller, and again, like there was only so much functionality that we could really change. Also, the thing is, when you increase movement speed, you're also increasing the load that the streaming system has to handle. So, the faster the character moves, the faster things have to stream in. And there were potentially issues with having the character go super fast on a console, trying to read from disk, stuff like that. It just messes around a lot with the move speed. Again, there are certain choices that we have to make in development where it's kind of like, "Should we try to do this or should we not? Is this risky or is it not?" and, yeah.

This is a restricted area. State your business or your allegiance. By trying to infiltrate our perimeter, one good reason I should let you through.

This video of a guy who increased the movement speed of Vertibirds in Fallout 4 and it just made loading wheels appear for five seconds.

What desk chair am I in? I'm in a common Miller Aeron, prodding for weaknesses mostly. The reality is if they really wanted it, we'd all be dead.

Thoughts on settlement building? I mean, I think it can be fun. Whether or not it feels well-integrated into the rest of the game, I think that's a separate thing. I mean, it's like the, you know, a lot of people complained that in Pillars of Eternity, the stronghold felt kind of disconnected from everything else, which it did. I think that the ship felt more integrated into Deadfire, but people liked it a lot less. So, yeah, I think it depends on integration. I think settlement building, stronghold stuff, all those things, they should feel like they're really integrated into the other mechanics and the story of the game.

Do I know why Creation Engine games have problems running over 60 frames per second? Not very specifically technically, but I think it's because physics simulation winds up being connected to frame rate in some way. I'm sure modders know a lot more about it than I do. At the time we released this, we didn't really have the problem of running over 60 frames per second that much.

So, night stalkers were my idea. Well, that takes care of that. All right, again, I dehydrated again.

Okay, I'll tell the story of Orion Moreno. So, this time we reached twenty thousand dollars. Thank you, everybody, we did it! So now, I'll tell the story of Orion Moreno.

This was a bug we encountered toward the end of Fallout: New Vegas's development. It was a really weird thing. We were seeing this bug, and we went back and retraced it. Here's what happened:

There's a quest, Arcade's companion quest, "For Auld Lang Syne." During the process of doing that quest, inevitably, you will have to confront Orion Moreno, who hates the NCR. He absolutely hates the NCR. If you say you're going to side with the Legion, then Cannibal Johnson just leaves. But Orion Moreno, if you say you're going to help the NCR, he gets extremely angry and he leaves. Everyone goes like, "Oh yeah, he fucking hates the NCR. He's not going to go along with us."

So, when you walk out of the room that all the other remnants are in, Orion Moreno is dressed in his Enclave armor with his, I think he has like a plasma rifle or something, and he's like, "I hate him. I'm not going to do this shit." So, you can talk him down, but you can also just fight him and kill him. If you kill him, then the other remnants are like, "Well, yeah, I mean, that's not surprising that ended that way. You kind of did what you had to do."

But you can take his remnants armor, he doesn't need it. So, you take it. I mean, most people take the armor because it's really good. So, you take that armor, and then the idea is, at the Battle of Hoover Dam, they're going to show up and they're going to help you.

But the thing is, there was a bug where, due to persistence, what would happen is during the climactic battle at the Battle of Hoover Dam, you'd see the Vertibird fly in, and one after another, all these dudes would hop out. Like, Doc Henry jumps out, and Judah Krieger jumps out, and Cannibal Johnson jumps out. And then this decapitated, naked corpse, Ryan Moreno, would just spawn and flop onto the dam while everybody else ran across firing on the Legion. That was so fucking funny! It was so good, so funny, oh my God!

When Akil Hooper and I saw that bug, we were crying. It's so perfect because I think he's always like the last guy to get out. In my mind, because Cannibal Johnson hates Orion Moreno, they hate each other, and I thought of him like, out of spite, like you're coming to this fight and just flinging his body out of the Vertibird naked. Oh my God, it was really good.

It was not a hard bug to fix, but it was really funny because people just didn't realize what the fuck was going on. These people would spawn, and then this naked corpse, often with the head blown off because they, you know, headshot him. Hey!

As for how it happened, the script just didn't check to see if he was dead, and because those characters are marked as central, they can spawn, they can be moved to any cell. So, the script would just move him to that location and spawn him, and that was it. So the script just needed to check to see that he was alive.

That, you can do if you kill all the remnants after the quest. Maybe that's possible, I haven't seen that, but yeah, Orion Moreno was one that we actually saw in development, and it was extremely, extremely funny. So, there you go. That's the legend. And hey, if we get to 21,000 now, then I'll bring Sesame in here to say hi to everybody. [Music]

Grenade over here! I might have to do this; my DT is not very good. It's a lot better with foreign guns, sneak guns are always classic. But explosives are pretty good, especially with my mod. I think explosives are very strong.

Is Sesame trying to come in? Hold on, she might be trying to get in here. Nope.

Cannibal Johnson was having an in-flight meal. My favorite game to play is "Black Donald" in Elder Scrolls. He's my favorite bizarre Elder Scrolls character. That's where I first started playing "Black Donald." Wait, did I loot the other guy too? No, I did not. Oh, very important. Nice. I have eight grenades. Cool.

Black Donald is a Breton sneak thief who loves the Night Mother and is a member of the Dark Brotherhood and a murderer, basically. He hates racism, so anytime I'm playing an Elder Scrolls game, mostly Oblivion and Skyrim, but anytime someone barks a racist thing, then he will track them down and kill them in their home or wherever. He'll kill them, though. But Black Donald also, actually, hold on, let me see if I can do I have Steam open? Hold on, I need to hold on just a moment. No, that's not what I wanted. Yeah, I'll show you. Hold on, just a second. I can show you my creepy guy, my creepy boy, because he's really, uh, he's really gnarly looking. Yeah, I make him look really disgusting. God, I hate the screenshot browser.

Oh yeah, here's a great... Okay, here we go. Here we go. I'm going to show this on Discord, and then, um... Oh geez, this browser is so bad. Okay, here we go. All right.

[Laughter] Let's, uh, it's Black Donald for you. [Laughter] So, that's Black Donald. He's very powerful. That is the face of a man who hates racism. Here he is, all leveled up.

[Laughter] Foreign, yeah, he's great! He's a lot of fun to play. I mean, it's just typical sneak thiefery. Trying to see if I have any other great screenshots of him. This is a good mid-murder shot.

All right, let us return to Fallout: New Vegas. That's a Breton. He's a Breton. I know it doesn't look like he's a Breton, but he's a Breton.

Is your mod available? Yes, it's called Jay Sawyer. It's just called Jay Sawyer.

Foreign export did help with the Jay Sawyer mod. There were things that were like dirty edits and some other dumb stuff that I did that export fixed, thankfully.

This is JSawyer. A lot of people don't like JSawyer because the weight limits are really punitive, and hardcore is more intrusive than it is in the base game. Yeah.

Why'd you make a mod and not include the content and release it? It's not new content. It's mostly tweaks and tweaks to stuff that existed in the game. As for why it wasn't released, a lot of it depends on load order, stuff that needs to be on PC only, so it would not be available to consoles. And it is free, like you can just download it. Whoops.

[Music] What was the rationale beyond reducing the weight limits further than stock? Um, I think the weight limits are really high in the base game in Fallout 3 and in Fallout: New Vegas. I just think they're really high. You can carry, even with Jay Sawyer, you can still carry a ton of stuff. I just wanted the player to have to make more important decisions about what they carried and what they had to get rid of.

Um, yeah, I have not played the Genesis mod. I have the Genesis mod and I've read through it, but I haven't played it yet. Have you played it?

Well, kind of a waste of my grenades, but oh well.

Greetings, greetings. Hey there, need anything?

Sure. I thought if I lowered the limits in the base game, people coming from Fallout 3 would be annoyed, so I was like, "Ah, I won't do that."

Power Fist [Laughter].

Oh, you played the first edition a lot? Cool!

Major character and alcoholic to be able to carry more stuff. Nice.

Hmm, I guess I don't really need a ton of... because I wound up not using those. Whoops, don't need those. I don't really need those. Okay.

I have played some of Kingdom Come: Deliverance. I've played, like, I want to say six hours of it, maybe a little more.

The "two bears high-fiving," I think that was a collective team decision.

Escapee, got any old games you love like people love New Vegas? I mean, I've said it before, but um, Darklands, which I did a full playthrough of on stream. I have the final episode of Darklands up on YouTube for people who are interested in it. Not a lot of people like Darklands. It was made in 1992, it's hard and weird, but I think it's really cool. Maybe I should-

I have not played Fallout Shelter, so I don't really know much. I mean, I know what it is, I just haven't played it.

It's not time for a song. If we get to 22,500, I'll sing a song. I want to make sure we get to Benny. Oh crap, I gotta cook something. I gotta kill geckos and cook things. Eat maize, eat jalapeno peppers, and then drink dirty water, dirty radioactive water. Foreign, you know I haven't played Prey yet, but um, well, actually a lot of my co-workers, but especially Kate Dollarhyde, really likes it. Also, Carrie Patel. So I've been meaning to play it, I just haven't gotten around to it yet. It looks really cool.

Hello. Hey there, need anything?

Sure, here's what I got. Take that, I'll take that, I'll take that. Thanks, dude.

There aren't any other features I had planned for hardcore mode. Hardcore mode is pretty much what I expected it to be. It's a lightweight sort of layer on top of other things. I mean, I've been playing Stalker: Call of Pripyat around the same time, and I thought it would make an interesting addition to New Vegas. Yeah.

That's a different Ham. Kate Dollarhyde doesn't hold a grudge when a game is released in an IP she used to work on but doesn't like it. No, I mean, if I think... because I've worked on a bunch of D&D games, and there are plenty of D&D games that I've played where I'm like, "I don't think it's very good, but it's fine."

Most of the town is rubble, destroyed during the Battle of Hoover Dam. The only other thing around here is a Qua-la tabletop RPG set in the 13th and 14th century Spain with magical elements. Sounds interesting, I'm going to look it up right now. Yeah, 500-page RPG? Seems kind of Ars Magica-ish. I'll check that out, thank you. [Music]

Alright, time to go into Boulder City. Have I played anything using Burning Wheel? Yeah, I've played Burning Wheel, not much, but I played Burning Wheel, and I played Torchbearer, which is kind of similar.

I don't think we would have made the Strip bigger, but you know, we initially had the Strip be a unified thing.

It is the Wisconsin flag behind me. Whose idea was it to make every quest reference a song? It was my idea.

Were there meant to be more NPCs in Boulder City? No, not really. The focus in Boulder City was really on Jessup and confronting him about Benny.

Thank you, Hair Jaren. I think the Great Khans' outfits were designed by Brian Menze.

Hmm, make a separate save here.

Hello, I don't want to pickpocket him.

Thanks for the record, Foreign.

[Music] Out the front door, great job, dude. [Laughter] [Music] Thank you, so did either of them survive? [Applause] Whoa. Ah, Foreign. [Music]

[Music] Ah, they had the ability to run away, and they chose not to. They chose one of them to run out the front, and the other one ran around. That's on them.

Whoops. See you, dude. My Uncle Tacos. They did open fire on me first.

We did it! [Music]

That's right, I need more explosives. Rip.

Fine by me.

Yeah, that's so hard. Covering you when I can't. Where's ED-E?

No, did ED-E die? What happened to ED-E?

What did happen to ED-E?

What are you doing, bud? Yeah, I think the game would tell me if he died, I think.

Traumatized by the death of the hostages? Was McMurphy dead when we came in here, Foreign? Fucking karma, Obsidian does it again. Signed by me. That's right, yeah, that's right. McMurphy is always dead.

What's up, guys? You mad at me? Wait, right, what, what, what, right? Am I losing my mind? Oh, that's right.

Hey, wait, so he got out, but she didn't. Holy crap, oh wait, no, they both did. Basically, I'm the best. Where'd the dude go? I'm glad that's over. Thank you, man. I thought I was dead for sure, what the [ __ ]. I guess they got out. Incredible. But where did the dude go? Oh, he's inside, okay.

Hello. [Laughs] Oh, he's on his way to the dam, that's right.

When did I play the game last? I don't know, like actually played-played, as opposed to just popped in, a long time.

You're welcome, I guess.w

Well, well, well. Oh, that's a pretty bad service rifle. I'm gonna give it to ED-E for now. And I've got time to talk to Jessup. Also, I don't have Speech. Foreign, I do still have my tin grenade. I'll use it soon.

What are you doing? See you never, dude. Well, thanks, Boone.

Foreign, I don't need to take Boone's hat. Oh, that's right, we both have the beret.

Is there a webpage where one can learn about the cause of raising money here? Yeah, hold on, EGA asked. Um, just a second. California Community Foundation Wildfire Relief. So this is specifically, I'm going to link here. This is specifically what the money is going to go to - California Community Foundation Wildlife Relief Fund. California Community Foundation is based in Los Angeles and they usually focus on Los Angeles County, but their Wildfire relief is focused broadly on California. Thank you.

Just hobbling my way through.

Well, I should go to the 188. Foreign, this is hardcore mode. I do not have any doctor's bags. I don't think they're pretty hard to come by. Yeah, I don't have any.

Oh yeah, I have Hydra. Thank you. Let's see if I get... Let's save scum. There we go. Thanks.

Actually, how are my... Pretty good. Well, maybe not that good.

Evening. And people have got nothing left, they can always turn to the Followers.

Alright, I'm gonna go to the bathroom. In about 15 minutes, we'll do another patch giveaway. Foreign...

Foreign... [Music] Yogurt raisins...

Hi, who's going to leave the Forecaster alone?

My feelings are hurt, thanks, Ego. Oh, wait, that's right. Oh, that's right, Hydra. So the benefit with Hydra is that it heals all limbs concurrently over a fairly long period of time.

Oh, when you dumbass! You complete [ __ ]! Well, catch you later.

Whose idea was the Forecaster? Um, it was mine, your Mark.

She's always here. This - I mean, it's possible she can die at the Legion attack on the 188, but she's always here.

I have arthritis in my thumbs, mostly in my left thumb, and it's... She's got some good stuff. [Music] I already got about 10 minutes before a giveaway. Ripper carbide teeth? I don't have a ton of money. It's two service rifles... hunting rifle. Wait, no, hunting revolver match barrel... grenade rifle long barrel. I do want that, but I don't have money for it. Arthritic gesture, oh man.

I'm gonna sell Chopper. There's got to be some other stuff I can sell too. I'm sorry. You know what? Okay, where are my - okay. Do you have things that I can sell? Let's find out.

I'll sell all these. I'm gonna sell these missiles. I've still got guns and ammo if you need them. Sure, no problem. No, they're not supposed to be cars and trucks going around the Mojave. I think it would change the vibe a lot. Was a member of the team especially good at creating clever quest names? No, I think people were... They did all their research on their own, and they would look around and look things up and discover things on their own.

Hmm, wagons. Yeah, wagons instead of just Brahmin wagons would have been tricky to do.

They're not even supposed to be that common, though. Like highwaymen and stuff like that. I think the idea of them going around the aesthetic is just... I think is weird.

Sorry, need a little bit more Boone, come here.

Fine by me, wait a minute. No, I'm coughing because I'm eating these little things, and they have a little dusty bits.

Well, let's see. I couldn't get rid of that. I can get rid of that. I think I'll get rid of that. I think I'll get rid of that. Yeah, get rid of that. I can get rid of that and get rid of that and then get rid of that.

You're a Brahmin, they can move a lot of stuff with Brahmin. Also, like I said, I don't think wagons are bad. It's just that they would be hard to do in the engine, or awkward to do, I think is probably a better way to say it.

Alright, here we go. Grenade rifle, long barrel. Still over-encumbered. See that leather? Oh, that's right, I was going to sell that as well. Grenade rifle, there we go. I've still got guns and ammo, sure. Took too much stuff out. Oh, that's right, I should have repaired the reinforced. I blew it, forgot that.


Carrying around a lot of lead. What was all that, five five six? I can't really answer any questions about DLCs that aren't Honest Hearts or Gun Runners Arsenal because I didn't work on them outside of weapons stuff. So any questions about Dead Money, Old World Blues, or Lonesome Road, it's very hard for me to answer questions about those because I didn't work on them. So, sorry.

Fido, so somebody had the idea of like a minigun or a machine gun that had a brain like a, I think it was a dog's brain inside, and I was like, well, okay, we got a lot of automatic weapons at this point in the game, so I think I was like, I think even though it doesn't really make much sense having them use 357 Magnum or 44 Magnum, just so that there would actually be a use out of that stuff, like in the late game if you were just overflowing with 357 Magnum and 44 Magnum, then we gave you those automatic weapons that you could use. That's right, it's not time yet.

Hello, hi. The Gun Runners ought to help the followers by donating some of that firepower, military.

Hi, guys.

Hmm, um, I'm gonna shoot that big Hornet. Do I have any fantasy author recommendations? I don't really read fantasy, sorry. I don't read much fiction.

Hello, where are my friends, the gulpers?

Foreign. I'll do Three Card Bounty, or yeah, again, it's these things we're all keep eating.

Other than Dead Money, I think we're trying to be intentionally vague about exactly where the DLC locations are.

Yeah, I should probably get some water.


Alright, [Music]. We're gonna be doing the giveaway of the second to last patch. Again, what you're gonna do, you're going to go to that link. You can also go there from the click-to-give box in my about section on my twitch when I start the giveaway. You'll have 10 minutes to go there and enter the giveaway. You don't have to donate money, but it does help. Then at the end of 10 minutes, it'll pick a random winner. Randomly, we'll contact you by email within the week, probably, and then send out the patches, uh, sometime after that, probably within the month. If you see something that says that you can't enter if you're not in the U.S., that is not true, just do it. If we can mail something to you, then we will mail you the patch. It's okay, there you go. Start the giveaway now. Alright, 10 minutes.

Oh, that's right, mute fruit. Eat some of that mute fruit. Foreign.

I talked about, I generally liked the power armor in four. I did not like getting power armor that early in the game. I don't like getting weak versions of stuff that is inherently tough, if that makes sense. Like, I don't want a wimpy minigun at third level.

Alright, that's some Physics.

Yeah, I mean the fusion core thing, I don't know, but I like the aesthetic of them. I like getting into them and out of them. I thought that stuff was cool.

Does he have the F? He's got a bunch of five-five-six. Okay, I'm gonna give him the laser rifle. Um... [Music] Whoops, that's too much ammo. Okay.


Yeah, I don't know about the fusion core. I guess the thing is, like, the question to ask is what sort of gameplay did they want to get out of it? Was it that you weren't supposed to use the power armor often or in these certain places? Like, I think it could have been... Yeah, I don't know. I think there are questions to ask about, like, why fusion cores and not some other mechanic.

Whoops, was I shooting at the wrong guy? Maybe. More dead fiends. It's been a long time since I've played Storm of Zed here, so I don't know if I can answer that, um... Cheesebone.

Nice, foreign.

Wait, do I still have the cowboy repeater? Those NFCS, baby. Oh, nice.

I think the compressed day-night cycle is fine, personally, um...

Alright, I should go get the quest and then I'll go do it.

Adding New Reno would have been a lot of effort, I think. I mean, it would be a whole community.

That's not where you go in. Wait, is that where you're going? No, that's not where you're going.

Yeah, I can see the argument that if you can't move power armor, basically, you can either get in and get out of it, but you can't carry it. I think that makes... I get that, foreign.

Dude, alright, we got about two and a half minutes left on the giveaway for the second-to-last patch. [Music] We're getting close to Sesame reveal.

Hold on, hold on. Just a sec, folks. Hmm, Steam notifs. There we go, there we go.


Were there any ideas for more in-depth side quest design and Honest Hearts that couldn't be implemented due to time constraints? No, because from the beginning, I just said, like, "Look, we can't do complicated quests in this." So, Honest Hearts quest design was already, um, from the beginning, I just said, like, "Do everything simple. Do all of our quests in the most simple way possible." So, we knew that there's a very small window between Dead Money and, um, Old World Blues. And so I just said, "Look, we can't slip on this. We just have to be as efficient as possible." And that's why if they've proven Arty... Gary on, all right, let's go find Daughtry and get that.

I always liked this guy, Little Buster.

Is there a reason Honest Hearts was released second? Um, that's just how we planned it. It was Dead Money, Honest Hearts, Old World Blues, Lonesome Road. I directed Honest Hearts in between when Dead Money and, uh, Old World Blues were being developed, and that was pretty much it. Where's Dathri again? Is that Dathri? I think so.

Does my face get cold throughout the beard? Not most of the time. Maybe it's enough one of these, but in a few weeks, I'll start growing my beard again.

Oh, that's right. I can't headshot her. All right, here we go. Right. Who designed the fiend targets? I did. Were bounties ever considered? I mean, we might have thought about them or talked about them, but we just didn't have time to do any of that stuff.

Oh yeah, it does give you a mangled head, that's right. But supposed to avoid the head shots. I don't remember why. I think we wanted to avoid having three. I think we wanted to avoid having three active quest markers at a time. It's just playability. Yeah, the reason why everything is so bright at night is just playability, that's all.

Oh, um, foreign. Not good. Here we go. What would I change in New Vegas? It's pretty open-ended. Oops. Oh, goddamn it, I didn't need to pick up all that [ __ ]. No, I wouldn't make my mod the default, like I had a chance to, you know, do or not do that. And for a more mainstream audience, I don't think that... I mean, maybe the mod as like a special mode or something, but it involved a lot of me looking at the game post-launch to figure out what I wanted to do.

A single thing would probably be making the Legion content better, um, two things would be Legion content in post and game content that we cut. Damn it. See ya. What? Oh, okay, foreign. We never got around to flushing out all the Legion stuff, like, the design docs were never written for that. Like, they were slated, there were locations, but we didn't design the locations or the content of it.

[Applause] Wait, whoops [ __ ]. Foreign. Oh, he was right there. Well, let me pick through his brain. Let me pick your brain. Alright, I think Cook Cook is right over there. Yeah, Boone was or I'm sorry, Ulysses was meant to be the Legion sympathetic companion.

Oh, Queenie, shit dude. Damn it, I didn't think this out well enough. Killing Queenie is a very good way to end this fight. Well, there we go. Grenade rifles are good. Foreign, why live? Let's find out. I don't think I killed her.


Oh wait, he's got squirrel stew. Oh, Queenie, she's okay. She's fine.

I think showing a Legion settlement that actually was being run, that was safe and functional, would probably have convinced people that it was decent.

Yeah, bouncing explosives is actually one of the safest ways to use explosives. Well, no, no, no. Okay, cool. Thanks, Sean, for coming by.

With certain um... things are pretty rough. Long Dynamite. Doctor's bag, whoops. Oops, no. Some missiles, let me carry some missiles. Alright, foreign.


Two doses of steady, oh yeah, that's right. Actually, let's eat this. Nice, we did it, folks.

You know what? Maybe I should give a little more Survival. I think I need to cook more stuff.Strong Back is tempting but seems like a waste.

Will I be playing the game next week? I don't know, we'll see. We'll see, I might keep playing it, but I don't want to make it like... like doing two days of seven-hour streaming is a lot.

Thanks twice. Maybe I should just go with Demolition Expert. I am... I am explosive dedicated. Quick Draw, hmm, I think I'll do Demolition Expert.

Simple. RIP to your dog, but I'm different. Oh, there's more stuff over here, give me it, whoops.

There's a huge amount of dialogue in the game, and we found there were, like, I think the problem with Violet and the other fiends being taught, like, you could talk to them, is it made it almost impossible to set up scenarios where you couldn't just, like, drop um... drop tons of mines and stuff all over the place and just, uh, gank them. Yeah, there were reasons. There were reasons why we didn't do it that way, ultimately.

Sword-type weapons in Fallout, I think, are fine. They're fine. I just wouldn't want to get too wild with it, like, we added the katana as a late-game thing and I think that felt pretty, like, GRA added it, um...

Boy, my aim is really bad today. And there's the man of the hour himself.

Were the Sunset Sarsaparilla badges ever intended to be wearable? There wasn't really a system for doing that, so no. Um, foreign, yeah, the karma system just should have been scrapped. Everything's arbitrary. Some people thought that fiends should give karma for killing them, and some people don't. And I just don't really like the karma system in general. Should have removed it, but whatever.

Bottled root beer is good. Europeans generally really do not like root beer, at least in my experience. Oh, foreign. Because, um, I just think it's all very relative, and people have big disagreements on what should count as a good thing versus a bad thing, and it never seems to make anyone like, "Yeah, I'm really glad the system is here." It always seems to just be frustrating.

What's going on over here? [Music] Why do I still have that single shotgun? That's the last... Yeah, I probably should have taken Cowboy except I think I need a higher Guns to do that. Oh, a hunting rifle. Well, we did it. Three-Card Bounty, no probs. Although we could go in and just try to screw up the Vault Three. Hold on, again. I think Sesame might be assessing.

We're 200, actually I'm sorry, we're about 150 away from the Sesame reveal. Thank you, foreign. [Music] Would like to see the baby. We're getting close. Baby's coming. She's biting time, Sesame's biting time. You just go in, why don't I just fast... Oh wait, yeah, hey, keep an eye out for wildlife. Hey, hey, you want to trade with me? Okay, foreign.

So I do have a little cat bed next to my computer, but um, Sesame doesn't use it. I say you're still alive and that's promising. Sesame likes to, like, go, like, right around here and cry at me until I pick her up and hold her and pet her, and then she'll jump down, but she doesn't like coming up into the bed for whatever reason. It's really weird.

Why is he walking like that? He's walking like he's carrying... what? It's weird. What are you doing, Little Buster? Yeah, I could try doing Helios One. Wait, how much money do I have? Caps I get on the strip. I can pass the credit check now, so I'll just do that.

I don't think JSawyer ended up really breaking anything, although JSawyer's Ultimate Patch likes says that there's some stuff that was done badly. I don't know if it actually broke anything, but whatever. Um, the radio sometimes doesn't work because we can't spawn creatures into certain cells, I think. I think it mostly just works in certain regions. Yeah, not a perfectly executed idea, but yeah, sometimes there were just issues where it's like we can't spawn people in here.

I believe John Gonzalez wrote The Black Widow. I mean, he wrote everything for Benny, so I'm pretty sure he wrote The Black Widow dialogue.

I always wanted to remove Big Guns. It just seemed like a niche thing that wasn't a skill that it just didn't need to be a skill on its own. I didn't think, um... Well, let's see, I don't handle buying, it's fine.

What do you got for sale? That's a lot of good stuff. Two-Step Goodbye, baby. Oh man, a lot of good stuff in here. Can't buy any of it right now. What else, what else you got though? A lot of duct tape, it's good.

Alright, I want to make sure I get to Benny before the end of, uh, time here so the question for, like, weapons other than some... some of the DLC weapons, all the base game weapons were my idea and my design and all that crap, so Pushy and all that stuff.

Whoa, there we go.

Well, rip. I don't think I have enough money for the Pimp-Boy. I can't remember how to get the... the Pimp-Boy 3 Billion. Um, I mean, I'm certainly not gonna play through the whole thing today.

We're closing in on Sesame time. Hold on, folks, just a second, be right back. [Music]

[Music] All right, get to watch the guy rush the strip and get roasted. Exterminate, oh, cutscene was never really that reliable. [Laughter] [Music] Yeah, I think I think that makes things exterminate is a um wild Wasteland thing.

Wait, did I get rid of all my .22 ammo? [ __ ] I don't think I have any .22 ammo. [Music] Where's Mr. Holdout? Yep, alright, I gotta go find Mr. Holdout. I think I broke down my .22 ammo for something. [Music]

Just lost a month's caps, sorry. I don't talk. What? Hey there, there we go, a bit of advice. Take a look at these beauties. Yeah, giving out weapons messes up hotkeys. There wasn't really an easy way for us to fix it though, unfortunately, so... Sorry.

Good night, V-borg to nobodies, not when I'm having the time of my life running up to a random Gambler and screaming, "Are you Mr. Holdout?"

Alright, you go, I'll get wrecked sometimes, sleep well. Maybe I can finally sleep at night, you know, when you didn't die.

[Music] Oh wait, let's see, I might, I wonder if I can bump, oh yeah, I can hit Barter. Wait, no, no, hold on, Barter, why would I... and you here? [Music]

Hold on, thank you, I copped you the present. No need to keep tugging at my sleeve. I still have my tin grenade. [ __ ] Fine by me, well, fine, how does this go? It goes like this, hahaha. It goes like this for the guy who has Lockpick and Explosives. [Music] I thought there were guys that ambushed me in here, I know that, yeah, I think there are guys that... I can't remember if they... it happens when we leave or if they just come in.

I was gonna try to barter. [Music] Oh yeah, maybe it's the intercom, baby, this little meet and greet. It would be 41 Flint he forced my hand. Baby, a lifelong learner is you, right? It's the house edge, baby, there's more... that do me a h- [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] That's the power of explosives, laughs [Laughter]

Yeah, there's the High Roller. [Music] Foreign.

See you later, d-pad Chopra, that's a good name. d-pad.

I can't remember who had the idea for it, it might have been John Gonzalez, it might have been me. I wanted there to be a fall-through, so the player didn't have to ally with any of the factions.

No, I've said this many times, Yes Man is not betraying you at the end. It's supposed to make you feel better that no one can just walk up to him and tell him to do things, that's all. That's all that means.

85 away from seeing Sesame, everybody. [Laughter] I am playing hardcore. Hm, hm. I should probably go see Mr. House.

I don't remember why the Marjory and Securitron was cut. How'd it go down?

I see. The reason there's no Elvis music in the game is because it's phenomenally expensive.

ER... Band House Floor. Whoops, whoops, there we go.

I wouldn't say this is tactical. He's trying to tell me how to deal with something before I encounter that. That seems like that would be a strategic level information. I mean, unless he's telling me how to deal with things in there, but as opposed to preparing.

No, I'm giving the next patch out in about an hour. That's right, congratulations, partner. The boss has instructed me to comp you to the High Roller Suite. You can bring your friends too, be like a little clubhouse for the game you put together, Smith Splatters. Big reasons for why you chose to use the Stratosphere as the basis for Lucky 38? Because it's tall, it's very tall. We wanted the Lucky 38 to be the most prominent thing.

Hm, I thought nobody has ever been inside. What should I, uh, what do you guys think I should do right now? I got some money, I think I'm gonna go... I think I'm gonna go to the Gun Runners.

Why was most of the Moon Comes Over the Tower quest cut? Time, just not enough time.

Finally getting a scope.

Keep it at all because it's still a completable quest. It allows you to do stuff and it expands the lore of what's going on in the world.

Hmm, let's see. Actually, kind of want to go and destroy all the fiends. Let's do some straight up murdering.

Any significance to the backstory of the Gobi Campaign Scout Rifle? I mean, it was meant to integrate with what you kind of know about the world, but...

Oh, that's right, I forgot. You have to, like, manually re-add them.

50 bucks till Sesame.

Archie, come on, man. I need food.

Thank you. I've got your back, foreign.


I can't remember where to get food in Freeside. Can I get it at the... uh, you know... Garrett Twins Place, Atomic Wrangler, yeah. I was gonna say Rick, but I think Atomic Wrangler has some.

Is it the same store? Looks familiar, sure.

See, food. Solar outside of Mormon Fort, all right.

[Music] Sesame time, let me get food and then I'll get Sesame.

Yeah, I can't eat any of the food that I have because it'll lower my strength. Allowed to sell people only at Mick and Ralph's. Or else, come on, where's the food guy?

If I eat the rat, I'll lose strength.

The very slow walk to get food.

Yeah, I should have gotten the Cannibal perk.

Hi, hi, anything going on? I don't know, you tell me, kid.

No, I think this... yeah, this guy is... I'm almost there, just be patient.


Still encumbered. Favorite Paul Thomas Anderson film? Oh, um, all right, I'll get Sesame in just a second.

[Music] Sesame's here, what do you think about that, Sass? Anything about this?


All right.

Sesame is 13 years old. She's drinking water right now, I don't want to pick her up while she's drinking.

Whoa, all right, I got my folks here. You want to come up here?

Okay, let's go, let's go to the Poseidon Gas Station.

Yep, she uh, a few years ago, she came very close to dying, fatty liver disease, but she recovered.

What do I do with her when I go on road trips? I have um, I have a friend, I have actually two or three friends that can come in and take care of her.

All right, we're gonna do Vault 3. We're just gonna end with some brutal murder. We have one patch left. I'll end the stream after the patch, probably around four o'clock, which is half an hour from now. I can't remember all the entrances.

The cat ran away? I'm sorry, that sucks.

I didn't make cats extinct in the game. I can't remember who was, I don't know if that was Avellone or someone else, but it's not me.

Thanks, Boone.


I don't have very many points in guns, so I'm getting sway. The inspiration for Sesame's name is, I love sesame seed bagels, and I had a classmate in college, I believe was Iranian, and she was in my New Testament class, and her name was Sesame, and I was like, that can be a name, that's really good.

[ __ ] this way. The sway makes it very hard to snipe with this. Oh, there we go. [ __ ].

Hold on, she wants to go. Come on, come on, goofball. I'm just gonna stand there now. Oh, there you go.

Oh yeah, that's right, I have Steady. I forgot, you're right, that's the point.

Oh, that's spread, that's not sway, though. Oh wait, it works, it lied. Yeah, I love halva, delicious.

Oh [ __ ]. Thank you.

Can't run from me. I'm running with JSawyer, that's all.

Yeah, the aesthetics of Fallout are fairly mixed up, so like having things like the assault carbine and stuff in, I don't think it's weird. Like you have mini guns, you have the 10 millimeter submachine gun, like I think especially when it comes to weapon aesthetics, I don't get super hung up on that stuff personally.

Well, we did it, folks.

I saw a bit of the first season of Fargo, and I thought it was good, but I didn't keep watching it.

Can any problem be solved with enough explosives? I don't know.

I probably shouldn't have the grenade launcher out as my active weapon.

Foreign. Yeah, Thump Thump is good. The modded long barrel is really nice. I can't remember what Thump Thump has for like goodies. That's at the one barrel, yeah.

Um, we never planned to have huge dungeons, we just, again, it was like a time thing.

Remember playing this game for an entire summer. Nice.

Oh, the sleep of the potatoes. Let me eat a fresh potato, like Red Victory just for the name, it's a good name. Can't run from me.

I have not been to Latvia, unfortunately.


21,195. Very good. We're ramping up in the last bit of this, very nice.

All right, this is probably gonna be a mistake, but I'll do it.

Oh, damn it. So the AOE is so huge.


And .44 Magnum in the game because they're pretty different rounds.

I have not been designing. I was designing in late summer, early fall once. Seemed very nice, but I did backcountry hiking. I didn't do anything in the valley itself.


Well, I think I can get hit the deck eventually.

Yeah, my build is lockpick, explosives, um, jeez, repair.

You went to Zion because you played Honest Hearts? Awesome, very good. That was exactly my intention.

I'm gonna drink up. Are there any questions I wish people would ask? Um, no, I'm good. You can ask whatever you want.

You lived in and around Zion for about two months? Cool.

Are there any other areas you considered as an alternative for Honest Hearts? No, never. Just Zion. That was kind of the whole point.

I have no idea anything about orgasm sounds in any version of the game. Sorry.

I can't remember how to get in there. Is there a terminal? I can't remember what unlocks that because that's the way to um, Motor Runner.

I do have a locksmith magazine, that's right.

Oh, that's right, the ranger. The ranger has stuff, that's right.

Yeah, Daniel. Now that's starting to make sense.

Lockpicking is pretty easy in this game, I think.

To commit to hike the full Narrows top-down one day, but the backcountry has some really... Yeah, the backcountry is really nice. I didn't prepare well for it, and I almost died. I'm not exaggerating, I almost actually died in Zion, which is great.

Fixing things.

I don't think hacking's that hard either.

Oh, that's right, here I am.

So hold on, just a second, I'll tell the story, just one moment. See if we can do this here.

Okay, I don't know if I can indicate really, so do you see those Callville Canyons up here? I don't know if you can, so on the map where it says 15 toward the top of the map in the center, where it says Callville Canyons, so I went hiking in there. There's got to be a better map.


Okay, this is a better map. This is a better map.

Okay, so I started here at the upper left corner of the map, Callville Canyons, and I hiked in or actually I was at the Lee Pass Trailhead, and I hiked in along the Laverkin Trail, and then all the way down to Hop Valley Trail and kept going and kept going, kept going. And um, I had a number of mishaps. I hit my head. I hit my head. I was wearing a hat for sun, and I ducked to go under a tree branch, but I didn't duck low enough, and I ran like right into it, like hard, like hard enough to knock me over. So that was cool. Then the next day, I tripped and fell and hit my head again.


I was in a meadow past Hop Valley. I was walking and I tripped and I fell and hit my head. And this is backcountry hiking, so there, and I was carrying a 30-pound backpack. And then I kept going.

And then this is the weirdest, I think this is like the weirdest... I actually did hit my head in the same spot where I had received a concussion. I don't believe I was concussed, but like it was uh, it was gnarly. And then later that day, I was walking along, and it was a very, very weird experience. I have not had an experience like this in my life. I was hiking alone, so I was on the trail, and then I was six feet off the trail instantly, like I was off the trail. And then my brain processed, "Did I just hear a rattle?" And then I looked back at the trail, and there was a rattlesnake right on the middle of the trail, like right on the middle of the trail. It's like a very, very narrow trail. And uh, yeah, and it was rattling. But the thing is, I didn't consciously hear the first rattle. I like... It was like a... It was like my ancestral voice in my soul was like [makes rattling sound]. [Laughter] And I just... Yeah, like I was just off the trail. Um, so I circumnavigated it, and then I just kept going. And then I camped. And there were... I brought tools to go to the back outside because you're not supposed to, like, leave solid waste just lying on top of the uh, ground in that area. So I went and I set up my camp. I was getting kind of near the rim, and I set up my camp, and I uh... I tried to dig a hole for my waste, and I couldn't dig it deep enough because the ground was so hard. It was so [ __ ] hard. And so I dug a hole that was like shallow, and I covered it, and I was like, well, that's not very good, but um, that's what I can do.


So then I went into my tent, and I was reading, and it was late afternoon. Then I heard something outside, and that something was a black bear, foreign.

And it was sniffing around, and I had considered bringing - actually, I did have bear spray. So I was deciding, you can open carry in Utah, and you can open carry in the backcountry of Zion. It's allowed. So I had considered bringing my 1911, but I decided against it. So I had bear spray, and I was just, like, sitting there with bear spray.

And he sniffed around for, like, I want to say 15 minutes - I mean, who knows, maybe it was, like, one minute, but it seemed like a long time. And, uh, it left. I've had - I've had some encounters with black bears before. None of them were really hostile, like, really bad. So it left, and I was like, "Oh my God."

So I slept, and then the next morning, I thought, "You know what, this has not been good. This is - I've - I've made slow progress." Yeah, would a 1911 have been enough for a black bear? Arguable. 230 grain .45 ACP. Maybe. I don't know. Anyway, I didn't bring it, so I didn't - it didn't matter.

So the next day, I was like, "This is not going very well. I've made about eight miles' progress every day." So this is after three days, and I was like, "I gotta go. I gotta get out of here. I'm not going to make it to the - I'm not going to make it to the rim, so I have to leave."

And it was not super hot. It was not incredibly hot. I don't remember the temperature, but it was not incredibly hot. So I went to leave, and something weird happened. So on the last day leaving, I started hiking, and I've been drinking water pretty consistently, and I've been eating kind of, and I left - or I started going, and I was hiking very fast, like much faster than I had come in.

Hold on, just a second. There's a helicopter right overhead. It's kind of annoying.

Okay, so I started hiking. That's the bear in the - in the chopper. So I started hiking out, and I was going very fast, and in my mind, I was like, "You know what, I'm gonna try to do a two-day hike out." So I was like - I was going to do a two-day hike out, and I was making very good progress, and I was drinking a ton of water. I was drinking a lot of water. I had - and I still have an MSR filter, and I kept getting more water, and I kept going, and I kept going faster. I was hiking really, really fast with this 30-pound pack, and at a certain point, in my mind, I started to think, "I can get out of here today. I can get out of Zion today, all the way. I can hike out what I hiked in over three days in one day. I can do it."

So I kept going, and I got back to La Verkin Creek. So that's, uh, this thing - La Verkin Creek Trail. And when I got to the creek, I checked my water, and there was, like, some water left, and I thought, "I'm fine. I'm almost out of here. Easy. It's just a couple more miles." That was the critically bad decision.

So I got about a mile away. I got about a mile away from the creek, and I ran out of water. And initially, I was like, "No problem. I'm almost back. I'm almost back to my car." By the way, the sun was going down.

So it's hard to describe really what happened next. I very quickly went from feeling very good to extremely bad. And it was weird because it was - it was, like, within a span of, like, five or ten minutes. It was extremely fast. And I tried eating because I still had a - I still had a bar left.

I did not have a seizure. So I tried eating the bar, and what happened was my throat was swelling. My throat was swelling shut. And I realized I was severely dehydrated. And I touched my face, and there was salt - there was salt all over my face and all over all my skin. And I was like, "Hmm, this is very bad." And I was incredibly thirsty. I was extremely thirsty.

There were no other hikers around. I had not seen other hikers in hours in the whole - in the four days I was on the trail, I think I saw four hikers. So I was very thirsty, and my body hurt incredibly badly. It was very bad. And my body hurt all over. It hurt to - it hurt to do everything. Like, doing nothing hurt. So I kept going, and at one point, I fell over, and I was actually, like, crawling on my hands and knees. I, like - it was very - when I say I almost died, I'm not exaggerating. It was very bad. I saw mud drying, and I wanted to try eating it. Like, it wasn't water. It was, like, slightly moist mud. And, um, I could hear traffic, so I was actually pretty close to my car that had water. And, yeah, my muscles were incredibly cramped. It was very, very bad.

So I heard hikers coming, and hikers encountered me, and what did they say?

Oh, so I saw hikers, and I was, like, passing them, and I talked, which I had not done for days because there's no reason to. And my voice sounded like this, and this is what I said. I'm not exaggerating. This is what my voice sounded like. "Excuse me, do you happen to have any water?" That's what my voice sounded like. And they were like, "Whoa, yeah, we got some water," and they - they gave me water, and they're like, "Whoa, you look like really messed up," and they said, "Where did you hike from?" And I said from - I told them where I was hiking from, and they said, "That's 24 miles." They said, "What are you doing?" And I said, "I don't know. I was, like, I don't know. I got this idea in my head that I could get out of the - that I could get out of the park in one day." And they're like, "Well, I mean, you're almost there, so..." And they said, "Are you okay?" And I was, like, "Oh, yeah, yeah, I'm fine. It's - it's just I'm right up there." And they're like, "Okay, cool."

So they kept going, and I wasn't okay. So what happened is I immediately started suffering again, not as badly, but, like, pretty bad, very fast. And I was like, [ __ ] it [Transcript]

So I got - I got to my car, and I had, like, some little bit of food in there and some water, and I drank it. And, um, yeah, so it was 24 miles. I want to say it was 24 miles with 1500 feet of elevation, maybe 2000 feet of elevation with a 30-pound pack.

And, um, and so I texted my massage therapist here because she - because, like, of the muscle stuff, and I was like, "Do you know what this could be?" And she said, "You sound like you're super dehydrated." And I looked it up, and eventually, I figured out what it was is hypotonic dehydration, which is very weird.

So what had happened was I had not eaten enough food, so in the three days of hiking, I had averaged about a thousand calories a day. No electrolytes, very low on electrolytes. I did not think through my nutrition much at all. So, yes, I - I had had, like, 800 or a thousand or, like, 1100 calories a day. I just completely biffed all of that.

So then I went back to St. George, and, uh, I just ate a bunch of, like, Gatorade and, uh, like, chips and stuff like that. And so that - that helped. It took - it took days for me to recover. And, um, but what happened was I laid on the - I laid on the bed in the hotel for a while, and my muscles kind of relaxed. And then, like, I sat up, and I got, like, five charley horses at once. [Laughter]

I also had seizures all over my body. Oh, it was really good, really good stuff. So, yeah, that's - that's it. So, by the way, I will say if you have seen - if you have seen "127 Hours," the movie, there's a part that - so I saw that movie after this happened, and there's a part where he's - he's, like, imagining - it's, like, the camera goes out of the crevasse, like, going and goes all the way back, like, it flies over the landscape all the way back to, um, to his Jeep, to, like, a bottle of water in the Jeep.

And it was actually like - there's nothing in my life really that has been so bad that I would say it actually triggered me, but that did. That really was that bad because that is what was my mind was doing. I was so thirsty that, like, my brain was, like, imagining, like, projecting through space to get to the water in my car, and it was, like, really alarming. And so the way they filmed it in "127 Hours," I was like, "That is - that's that. That is what that is."

So now I'm really, really - overly, not overly, I'm appropriately cautious about water when I'm biking or hiking. So that's the story.

Alright, we're about a thousand bucks away. I'll do one more. Hold on, when did this happen? It happened before Honest Hearts, excuse me. So 2011 maybe. Alright, let's do the last. It's the final one, folks, number 10.

[Music] Okay. So the last - for the last time, I'm going to start the giveaway, and what happens is you will either go - you will go to this link I'm going to post in Twitch right now. Go to that link. You can enter there. You can either donate. There's also an option for entering without donating, foreign.

And you have 10 minutes to enter. At the end of the 10 minutes, you'll be selected randomly. If you win, we'll contact you by email. Don't worry if it says that if you're not in the US, you can't enter. If we can mail you something, we will mail it to you, so don't worry about it. So that's it. I'm going to start the giveaway now.

10 minutes. Good luck. Alright, I'm going to get some water real quickly.

[Music] Okay, here we go. Twenty-one thousand dollars, people. You are incredible. Thank you so much for dropping by the stream. Thank you for donating. I mean, again, Mikey and I talked about maybe making two grand on this, so, yeah.

I decided not to get water. I decided to get, uh, a rattler. Thank you.


It is Stegall. Um, I do have work tomorrow. Well, thank you, Gazucharius. What am I doing? Trying to kill people. That's right. What's a roddler? Oh, geez. Are do Rattlers are there equivalent of a Rattler in the UK? It's mostly like juice and beer with a little bit of beer, so it's like lemon juice with, uh, or shandies. Yeah, shandies, but shandies are more... Whoops, I mean, no, I don't.

It's a weak beer. It's a very weak beer. Thank you, Stealth Pinoy boy. Yeah, shandy is beer and lemonade. I mean, it can also be beer and other things, though. I've met Europeans that... Well, I have met Brits that don't know what Rattlers are. Two percent alcohol, yeah, two percent alcohol by volume sounds about right for a Rattler, I think. Oh, that's right. It's fighting time.

Oh [ __ ]. Should I just waste all those guys? [ __ ]. Did I accidentally dome everybody? Oh, I'm sorry. [ __ ] [ __ ]. God damn it. Uh, okay, let's try that again. Rip to the prisoners, but I'm different. Oh [ __ ].

We got four minutes left on the giveaway, folks. 22,000. We're... Will I be singing Vandros' "Not Lead S5"? Let's find out. [Music]

Well, I use explosives a bunch, but they're very powerful, but they'll [ __ ] everybody up. So, let's see if I can do a slightly better job of this this time. It's a lot of guys talking about liking the sight of their own blood. Eagle Rattler. Gee whiz.

Explosives is fun, but it's super easy to wing people with it. Oh God. Oh, wait. I think I need to find Daniel, right? All right, foreign. There we go. Whoa. [ __ ] this is one of the most annoying [ __ ]. The head injury. Wait, do I have any Hydra? Maybe if I have Hydra. Nope.

Oh. Can't run. God damn it, Boone. [ __ ] Jesus Christ, dude. Literally walking right into the arc of my thrown grenade, my dude.

20 seconds in the last Mojave patch giveaway. [Music] Let's see, see very excited to see who wins this. Pilot John Grant, you've done it. Pilot John Grant, you're the winner of the final, the 10th patch. Congrats to all. Let's take a little gander here. So, the winners are Doubt Suspend, Radazazel, Scepter, Caleb, Femme, Croner, Sponcos, Jordan 2Z, Sir Boulevard Beta, and Pilot John Grant. You did it, folks.

Yeah, maybe I should put some points into guns. So again, we'll contact you by email, probably within the next week. Um, and then whenever we get the Courier tabs in, then we'll ship out the, uh, you can contact me. You can contact me on here. You can also try to contact me on Twitter. That's probably an easier way to do it, maybe. I check Twitter a lot, too much, maybe.

Hmm, let's see here. And now, no toughness is good. I mean, it's not that good, but I'm going light. I'm going light. Demolition Expert 2. Should I just do Bloody Mess for the lols? Oh... Hmm, I think I'm gonna do Bloody Mess for the lols. I like to be lousy sometimes.

How many dang the limbs they got crippled, anyway? Actually, man, do any of these fiends have Hydra? That would be incredible if they did. Why did F3 get 4K on consoles, and Fallout New Vegas didn't? No idea, honestly. Got Med-X, Jet, Psycho... Yeah, no Hydra.

Foreign. There we go. There we go. That's Daniel. That's right, Daniel. I'm sorry I missed you there. This SMD, by the way, is Sean Michael Dunny. Sean Dunny, one of the artists, also was a lead environment artist on Deadfire, by the way.

Need to lock... But I do have a Lockpick skill of 50. What is this? Because my brain is screwed up. Oh, my Perception is super low. No, it's not smid. Sean Michael Dunny. To the overseer's area upstairs, I think. Thanks for the help. We'll find our own way out.

Why did nature Godlike lose the cow ears? I don't know. I don't remember. Damn it. Hmm. Ah. I gotta get this. I gotta get this head wound cleared up. This is bad. Was Perception ever intended to affect your accuracy? Canc


Can't remember. Yeah, go out, get a doctor, come back, and kill a Motor Runner. It's a plan. [Music]

Alright, let's see if I can get to the New Vegas Medical Clinic. Can't remember exactly where the New Vegas Medical Clinic is, though. It doesn't surprise me how much I remember this. Um, a little bit, but I retain a lot of it. Oh my...

Whoa, boom, play it easy. You love the name of the Rose, have you read Foucault's Pendulum, zero call? Yeah, ice cold. Yeah, I know. It's on the right. Yeah, that sounds correct. [Music] Yep, it's right here.

In the hardcore mode, you end up dying from concussions, no. Foucault's Pendulum is, I think, Focus Pendulum might be more famous than Name of the Rose. Welcome to the New Vegas Medical Clinic. I'm a fully qualified physician. If your injuries aren't all right, 50 caps all the healing you can possibly get. Um, all right, I'm gonna stop streaming at five o'clock wherever we wind up. It's looking like we might hit the 22,500, which would be great.

I can sing a little song to you. You're back. I think the implants are all super expensive. One other thing I forgot. That would be the Nemian subdermal armor. It's a bit pricey, 8,000 caps, but the implant causes your skin cells to be bolstered with iron, but it will make you a little harder to injure. [Foreign]

Alright, looking good. Hi, Young Snow. My Sunday's going pretty well. We got another half an hour left in this, raising money to do California wildfire relief. Who got the last patch? Pilot, Pilot John Grant. I have not read Q. Oh yeah, each primer guy is a top donor. Thanks, Prepaid Game. Oops, whoops, that's not what I wanted. Oh, that's right, there's some real goofy, oh, wait, is it this way? It's not a direct route. There we go, another hunting rifle, nice, delicious.

All right, thanks for dropping by, Radioactive Coffee. Have a good night. Thanks, Mr. Fantastic. Sorry if I'm missing donations. I'm missing a lot of them, unfortunately. If one of the winners doesn't get back to me, what step would I take? I don't know, we'd try to find... I mean, we have their names, try to contact them through Twitch. If we can't get to them, we'll find something else to do with the patch, I guess.

RIP, Anthony. This is gonna be a mistake, but I'm gonna do it anyway. [Foreign] Good kill cam. Oh, silence 22 SMG. Whoops, damn, I'm gonna snap this. Hold on. Did it change the position? Thank you, I don't like rolling dice, forcing the lock. Oh... [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter]

Ah, well. By the way, these dogs were originally named Donny and Marie. Jason Bergman was afraid that we would get in trouble. Wait, was there something... Uh, a chainsaw, heavy chainsaw, we're gonna take it, though. This is... This is Jay Sawyer mod. How are you, Boone? I don't think the helmet is for a quest.

How did you deal with save-scumming gambling in the casinos? Every time you load a save game, for the first like 45 seconds or so after the game is loaded, it says that the dealer is, like, shuffling the decks as an anti-cheating matter, yeah. One minute, so you can save scum, but it's... It's very time inefficient.

Okay, gonna be hard covering you when I can't... Okay, I won't take a chainsaw. New Vegas helped you discover your passion for counting cards, nice. Thank you. Wow, I sure went through a lot of my 10mm in here, didn't I? How do I get to Anders? I can't remember how to get to Anders. [Foreign] Crowded, I don't know what the disc on the back of the SMG is supposed to be. I didn't design that.

Is it this way? Yeah, I remember there's like a thing you go down and then around. Yeah, that's right, I have to go through a transition first. Yeah, I think it's this way, yeah. Whoops... [Laughter] By the way, BT dubs, oh, okay. [Music] Thanks for the heads up, man. [Laughter] Okay... Whoops... Fine by me... [Foreign] Just immediately blowing up, it's cool.

Oh yeah, maybe Anders is gone. Yeah, I think you're right, he's gone. Yeah, three frag grenades will kill everybody. Well, Anders is gone. Alright, folks, I had to do this so close to the end. I'm gonna take a bathroom break real quickly, just a minute.


Foreign, foreign. [Music]

My H2Os, gotta get some sleep. Actually, wasn't there, I thought I saw there was a bed in here. Maybe in here. Now I know there are beds in here, I just can't remember where. Slipping to bed, slipped into something more comfortable. Sleep on a gross, gross filthy bed. Just give me a bed. I remember where their beds are, I remember their beds down here. Time to get some shut-eye. Oops, now I need to drink again, jeez. E wait, did I accidentally kill that guy? Oh no, the nukes. There we go. I could have sworn that I changed all that stuff, I thought I had.

What do I think of the Stalker series? It's cool, Stalker is cool. Alright, we got about 12 minutes left for donations and if we get to 22,500 I'll sing a song for you, if not maybe I'll still sing a song for you. Oh, that's right, I forgot there's Duke. Alright, that's right, there's mines and stuff in here too. Can't remember where the grenades are, I think they're like in the closet or something. It's... Boom, what's going on with you, dude? I can't remember where that grenade book is. Well, there are two options for what I can sing since I'll only be singing one of these. I'll sing either "Wanderers Nachtlied," which is a German song, I think it's Schubert, or I'll sing "Silent Noon," which is an adaptation of a Dante Gabriel Rossetti poem to music by Ralph Vaughan Williams. Yeah, it is explosive times, explosive cheese, I can't talk anymore. Wow, I don't have very many grenades left.

Oh my God, don't Boone. You [ __ ] [ __ ]. Yeah, all mine, literally, he said all mine. That's what I do best. Shakes, I need something to take the edge off. Can't run from me, what the [ __ ] dude? Holy [ __ ], I have to tell him to literally just stand there. Oh my God, actually, I think I can set him to defense, right? No, he's already on defensive. So now you're not going to move, okay. I'll sit tight, foreign. What the hell, that was a good one. [Laughter] See that guy flew. Yeah, I used all their mines against them, classic. Whoa, what? How did he get in there? [Music] How did he get in there? How did that dude get there, that's crazy. What was that, that was really bizarre.

Yeah, because Duke is way down there. [Laughter] Yeah, they're bad boys, oh my God. I need to get some more chems, when I find you I'm gonna eat. Can't run from me, when I find you I'm gonna eat yourself. Oh, there he is. Man, what is going on, what is happening? It's got to be like that grenade bouquet, it's going off or something, it's got to be the grenade bouquet. [Music] That's got to be the grenade bouquet, where is it? Yeah, no [ __ ] dude, right folks, we got four minutes to get to 22,500.

Hello, where are those grenades? No, but I blew up that extinguisher, I blew up that extinguisher in the last thing. Where are the grenades? Yeah, they got to be up here, it's a grenade bouquet, because I know it is because it's killing everybody. When I find you, your spleen, oh no. Hate this. Well, great.

Hey, I gotta find that bouquet. I really just don't know where it is, it's somewhere in here. I don't think it's somebody with a grenade rifle, so this thing. I know there's a grenade bouquet, no, I know there's a grenade bouquet. It's the terminal, where... Right at the top of the stairs. Oh yeah, you're right, thank you. I don't know, I kept looking up, I don't know how I missed it every single time. Oh, alright, we did it, folks, one more minute. Let me clear this, let me clear this nightmare laughs, slide I mean, no. [Laughter] All that killing's making me thirsty. I mean, blowing up all three of those mines, this is explosives, mostly. [Music]

Alright, Duke, yo, the Duke. Keep looking. Nope, that was the last giveaway, sorry. [Laughter] [Music] I'm hidden [ __ ]. Duke of New York, a number one. [Laughter] Okay, well, I guess we can wrap it up now. That's the power, bloody mess, I guess.


Alright, folks, so you unlocked a song, you unlocked one more song. So there are two songs, I don't have a formal vote up or anything, so I can either sing one of two. I can sing "Wanderers Nachtlied," it's fine, or I can sing "Silent Noon." These are the choices. I already sang "Home on the Wastes" earlier, I think people clipped it. I can sing half of each, pick one and sound off in the chat. My voice is kind of going, I don't know if I can sing both of them. I don't know how to make a poll. Oh, I can do a poll, alright, I'll do a poll, hold on, hold on, hold on, hold on. How do I do a poll? I don't know how to do a poll. I did "/poll" and it said I don't know nothing about it. Let's see, Silent Noon, Vanders not clean, it's Silent Noon, Silent Noon, Silent Noon, Vanders not clean, Silent Noon, it's looking more like Silent Noon, folks. I'll do Silent Noon. Oh wait, strawpoll.com, alright, I'll keep playing a little bit longer. What song and I'll keep playing a little bit. Founders and athletes fine or Silent Noon, boom, here we go, folks, vote, vote. I'll give you until I'll give you five minutes.

You sure got blown up. Oh, that was a good service rifle, that was a good condition service rifle, give me that. I killed other people up here. Alright, all these dudes are dead. The link is here, thanks man Mothra. Any other goodies up here, a little lunchbox, not as many lunch boxes in this game. Oh, that's right, I told ED-E and those guys to stay, oh my God. Oh, okay, is there a way to see all the clips made during a stream? I think if you go to the movies part of my twitch Channel you can filter, you can filter in the last like 24 hours and that's pretty good. It sounds like it could be real, there's a lot of French verbs, a lot of French verbs wind up in a lot of French. Boom, where's Boone? Oh, okay, is this the end of Blair Witch Project? What's going on here? Uh yeah, let's go, I've got your back, fine by me, got a couple more minutes left on this vote.

Zerkla, new Julian Baker song, I've not heard it, what is the name of the new Julian Baker song and in the thumbnail for the song on YouTube is she going because every thumbnail of Jillian Baker on YouTube she has her mouth open in a kind of a weird way. Eek, not enough room, pogging, faith healer, cool, thanks. Already, you guys gonna follow me, okay now they're gone. Doesn't the algorithm incentivize thumbnails with open mouth pictures? I don't know, I haven't noticed it as much with other singers, I don't know, maybe it's a confirmation bias, I started to notice it and.

Laser RCW, alright let's check that beautiful vote. Vonders not clean, alright here we go folks, this is the final song, like I said this is all I can offer, I don't know other other ways to entertain you other than playing, thank you, let me drink some Rattler to get my voice ready, let me open the lyrics just in case I uh mm-hmm, it's not a very long song, it's a quiet song too and again I apologize my voice is not very good right now it's kind of screwed up so apologies in advance, yes the RCW and the laser RCW stands for Rapid Capacitor Weapon, let's see all right here we go folks, you thought people pay money so you don't sing, I mean you could leave the stream right now if you don't like it, all right.

[Music] You know [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music] Foreign [Music] [Music]

Alright, there we go, that's it. Couldn't hit that high note, it's a little too high for me at this time of day talking for seven hours. Right, everybody, so we raised 22,000. 5.56 millimeter dollars, incredible. Thank you, everybody, for coming, thank you for all the donations and all the questions. Anyone who participated in the patch giveaways, we're going to try to contact you within the next week and then as soon as we get the Courier tabs in then we will send them out to you by mail. Hopefully, there won't be any hiccups with it, if there are we'll try to contact you probably through the twitch Channel or through the twitch username. But otherwise, I think it's a requirement to have all your emails available, so very cool, once again thank you for donating to the California Community Foundation Wildfire Relief Fund, a lot of people are really badly affected by this year's wildfires, they're becoming a bigger and bigger problem, so hopefully, this will help alleviate some of the suffering that people have had to deal with. Thanks again for dropping by and until next time, take it easy, folks.
