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Fallout Wiki

Renee Hargraves was a plant manager at Poseidon Energy Plant WV-06 and a family member of Associated Miner's Union steward Jacob Hargraves.


During a protest at the plant, Brent Olson called in the National Guard to break things up.[1] Renee was mortified, and despite her attempts at fighting back and firing him, Brent accused her of sympatizing with the union, informed her of his usurping her position due to declaring a "state of emergency," and instructed fellow employee Kyle to "see that Ms. Hargraves is kept safe in her office until we've dealt with the protestors."[1]

Renee could only watch as the protest outside turned violent.[2] Jacob wrote a message to her from the protest camp outside, explaining the effects of the gas, the violence he was witnessing, and that he hoped she was safe inside the plant.[3]


Renee Hargraves is mentioned only in Fallout 76.

