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Fallout Wiki

Randall was a resident of the Sandy Coves Convalescent Home in 2077.


A former hunter, Randall was among those who retired at the Sandy Coves Convalescent Home. As he aged at the facility, he experienced dementia, and he (like others dwelling there) occasionally lost his safe key, prompting his caregivers to program the Mister Handy robots to remember where he habitually hid it - in Randall's case, under a mounted deer head.[1][2]

His room is littered with hunting trophies. Inexplicably, all of his hunting trophies are of post-War creatures, including mounted mirelurk claws, mounted radstag heads, and a mounted mole rat head. On the walls, he has a single painting of a large buck and a painting of a lush farm.

On the morning of October 23, 2077, he was in bed when the radiation from the nuclear detonations swept through the facility, killing the occupants where they were.[citation needed]


Randall's skeleton appears only in Fallout 4.

