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Fallout Wiki

We offered them peace. They sought war.

Quinonos was a Children of the Cathedral Scholar implemented in one of the early versions of the Boneyard. They would appear at the Boneyard Library after it was conquered by the combined forces of the Children and Unity,[1] pilfering through the materials to find Follower plans, lists of allies,.[2] and membership rosters.[3]

They would have been devout belieers in the Unity and its god,[4] considering the Followers foolish for trying to fight the Children and their mission.[5] With the Followers wiped out, the last vestiges of resistance would be gone.[6] [7] [8]

The Scholars would trade places with the nightkin: The Children would search the library during the day,[9] while the Nightkin would take over at night.[10][11]


Quinonos was cut from Fallout at an early stage.


  1. Quinonos: "{110}{Scholar_001}{Somewhere around here are the plans of the Followers.}"
  2. Quinonos: "{111}{Scholar_002}{I am certain that the Followers had a list of all their allies.}"
  3. Quinonos: "{117}{Scholar_008}{Somewhere there has to be a list of all the Followers.}"
  4. Quinonos: "{112}{Scholar_003}{Those fools should have known better than to mess with our god!}"
  5. Quinonos: "{113}{Scholar_004}{Be gone, lest you end up as those foolish Followers.}"
  6. Quinonos: "{114}{Scholar_005}{None shall hinder the cleansing of the wastelands.}"
  7. Quinonos: "{115}{Scholar_006}{We offered them peace. They sought war.}"
  8. Quinonos: "{116}{Scholar_007}{Where did that foolish ghoul come from?}"
  9. Quinonos: "{118}{Scholar_009}{Unfortunately, we can only search this place during the day.}"
  10. Quinonos: "{119}{Scholar_010}{We must be wary of the Nightkin, for they search during the darkened hours.}"
  11. Quinonos: "{120}{Scholar_011}{May you live in interesting times!} "