Fallout Wiki
Fallout Wiki

This is a dialogue file for Scholars of the Children of the Cathedral.


{100}{}{You see Scholar Theslin of the Children of the Cathedral.}
{101}{}{You see Scholar Slater of the Children of the Cathedral.}
{102}{}{You see Scholar Aunanut of the Children of the Cathedral.}
{103}{}{You see Scholar Eikenkoff of the Children of the Cathedral.}
{104}{}{You see Scholar Spikavar of the Children of the Cathedral.}
{105}{}{You see Scholar Varalone of the Children of the Cathedral.}
{106}{}{You see Scholar Quinonos of the Children of the Cathedral.}
{107}{}{You see Scholar Ziegliff of the Children of the Cathedral.}
{108}{}{You see Scholar Jones of the Children of the Cathedral.}
{109}{}{You see Scholar Smithe of the Children of the Cathedral.}
{110}{Scholar_001}{Somewhere around here are the plans of the Followers.}
{111}{Scholar_002}{I am certain that the Followers had a list of all their allies.}
{112}{Scholar_003}{Those fools should have known better than to mess with our god!}
{113}{Scholar_004}{Be gone, lest you end up as those foolish Followers.}
{114}{Scholar_005}{None shall hinder the cleansing of the wastelands.}
{115}{Scholar_006}{We offered them peace. They sought war.}
{116}{Scholar_007}{Where did that foolish ghoul come from?}
{117}{Scholar_008}{Somewhere there has to be a list of all the Followers.}
{118}{Scholar_009}{Unfortunately, we can only search this place during the day.}
{119}{Scholar_010}{We must be wary of the Nightkin, for they search during the darkened hours.}
{120}{Scholar_011}{May you live in interesting times!}
